Since 1970, the rate of out-of-wedlock births has more than tripled for white women....


Jun 4, 2012
This is not true. There are more childless 20-30 something year old black women than ever before. IF you look at the education and socio-economic levels of these women you will see a pattern: They tend to be middle/upper class. They tend to be some of the most educated women.
Just not true... and for the majority of those who don't have children -- they simply are following a national trend of women waiting longer.
I was on a blog where several black women, all of whom said they were 20 something career professional, said they did NOT want children. They didn't say they don't want children right now. They said they don't want children period.
black women blogs aren't a reliable source - For OBVIOUS reasons. I was in real life... and many of the women 17-28 who say they never want children will have children. The only new trend is that women are waiting longer.
One of the main reasons why the declining black birthrate is alarming to black nationalist is because the women in the best position to raise and care for children are opting out of childbirth. That IS the area of contention. If these women were doing their part to add to the birthrate people would not bytch and complain as much about the abortion rate.
There really isn't anything wrong with the black birth rate.... there are many factors that are meant to lower it..... but the rate is fine - in the sense of hispanic and black births outnumbering whites. most ethic groups are experiencing lower birth rates and the white death rates are starting to outpace the white birth rates... so I'm not sure what issue a black nationalist would have. More than likely a black nationalist would have an issue with a black women who hates black men and believes every myth she hears about black men.
I'm not arguing poor and single women don't have children. I'm pointing out the reality that most abortions are coming from these women.
Yea, but that is irrelevant when they are still having children along with these abortions.
If you think it's a lie, I direct you to your nearest inner city. shyt, I direct you to the comments black men have made right here on this board. Have you ever seen a group of men so happy to have their children aborted???
You have a very limited understanding of history and social economic and criminal justice systems - and how that effects family structures and births in urban communities. . And you're a fool (or maybe you haven't been around too many white people) if you think that white men have a different opinion on this subject than black men, lol. The comments made on this board are so far outside of reality that I don't know what to say to you if you take them as 'the average opinion of black men"
^^^This is a straw argument filled with emotional nonsense. The majority of women don't have children. The majority of children born in this world aren't born out of wedlock (where the hell you get this bullshyt). Even the 2/3 stat you quoted (misquoted is my guess) is bullshyt. 2/3 of children being born to women under 30 doesn't mean that they are 1). Are coming from middle class black women (often they are not) 2). They are coming from "most" black women...again just because 72% of black children are born out of wedlock doesn't mean 72% of black women have children.
First off, it's not a strawman. And I didn't misquote the stats. Most babies across the board will be born out of wedlock by 2016. You have some myth about middle class women... . I had 2 abortions with women whose family are basically rich... and they both decided the abortions for educational reasons.. We like to pretend that 1. black men are the worse and white men are saviors. 2. black middle class women are some special bread of black women. 3. Seem to not understand that well educated and financially stable men (regardless of color) are more likely to talk women out of abortions and more likely to encourage women to not even consider abortions. If black people are social economically at the bottom on average - then that's the factor in abortions.... Not some weird opinions about hard on hoes or opinions that nikkas just aint shyt. 4. When all factors are the same black men are not less likely to support or take care of children.

Also, you really don't have a reason for all this hate on black men. Most black men love and respect black women.
Apr 11, 2013
Just not true... and for the majority of those who don't have children -- they simply are following a national trend of women waiting longer.

*Face palm* if this were true the birthrate wouldn't be on the decline now would it???

Tell me something....which came first: The chicken or the egg???

If you want to delude yourself and deny the shyt that Tim Wise accurately wrote in this post...go right ahead.

The decline in birthrate is not because women are waiting longer... they have opted out period (hence the word DECLINE).

black women blogs aren't a reliable source - For OBVIOUS reasons. I was in real life... and many of the women 17-28 who say they never want children will have children. The only new trend is that women are waiting longer.

I live in the real world too, as a black woman, who is a pharmacist, with plenty of professional middle/upper class friends I can safely say the black birthrate amongst this group (again, as TIM WISE pointed this out in the article) has DECLINE.

There really isn't anything wrong with the black birth rate.... there are many factors that are meant to lower it..... but the rate is fine - in the sense of hispanic and black births outnumbering whites. most ethicgroups are experiencing lower birth rates and the white death rates are starting to outpace the white birth rates...

This is subjective. I don't have a problem with the decline because I see it as people making the best decisions for themselves and not living their lives by society's standards.

so I'm not sure what issue a black nationalist would have. More than likely a black nationalist would have an issue with a black women who hates black men and believes every myth she hears about black men.

I doubt it seeing as how most black nationalist tend to TALK black and sleep white themselves.

Yea, but that is irrelevant when they are still having children along with these abortions

It is NOT irrelevant when we are discussing ABORTIONS in the black community. It's only fair to examine the women who are likely to get them.

You have a very limited understanding of history and social economic and criminal justice systems - and how that effects family structures and births in urban communities. . And you're a fool (or maybe you haven't been around too many white people) if you think that white men have a different opinion on this subject than black men, lol. The comments made on this board are so far outside of reality that I don't know what to say to you if you take them as 'the average opinion of black men"

Same bullshyt different day. Nevermind the reality that ninjas on this site have gleefully posted comments about their girlfriends/cut buddies aborting their kids. I know at least 5 women who have had abortions. The men these women were dealing with didn't give two shyts about their children being aborted. They were happy to see them aborted. Anybody with two eyes can see white men value their sperm! They know that sperm is powerful and important for the white race. So, yes, I'm sorry to say, they do view abortion differently from black men. shyt I don't know why it's so hard for you to see if so many black men don't value black life on the streets they sure as hell don't value it in the womb.

First off, it's not a strawman. And I didn't misquote the stats. Most babies across the board will be born out of wedlock by 2016.

Most black children are ALREADY born out of wedlock...but that's not what you said in YOUR statements. I suggest you re-read them.

You have some myth about middle class women... . I had 2 abortions with women whose family are basically rich... and they both decided the abortions for educational reasons..

I don't think so. I didn't say middle class women don't get abortions. I said POOR women are more likely to get them. That is TRUE regardless of race.

We like to pretend that 1. black men are the worse and white men are saviors. 2. black middle class women are some special bread of black women. 3. Seem to not understand that well educated and financially stable men (regardless of color) are more likely to talk women out of abortions and more likely to encourage women to not even consider abortions.

If black people are social economically at the bottom on average - then that's the factor in abortions.... Not some weird opinions about hard on hoes or opinions that nikkas just aint shyt. 4. When all factors are the same black men are not less likely to support or take care of children.[/quote

More're making arguments that I NEVER made here. Again, more black middle/upper class women are opting out of childbirth. No where in my statements did I say ALL (or even most) of these women are doing so.

As for your 3rd point: Which again, points back to my statement that most black women who have abortions 1). Are poor 2). Are single and 3). LACK SUFFICIENT MALE SUPPORT. I don't know why you take exception to my statement when you and I are saying the same damn thing.
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2012
*Face palm* if this were true the birthrate wouldn't be on the decline now would it???

Tell me something....which came first: The chicken or the egg???

If you want to delude yourself and deny the shyt that Tim Wise accurately wrote in this post...go right ahead.

The decline in birthrate is not because women are waiting longer... they have opted out period (hence the word DECLINE).

I live in the real world too, as a black woman, who is a pharmacist, with plenty of professional middle/upper class friends I can safely say the black birthrate amongst this group (again, as TIM WISE pointed this out in the article) has DECLINE.

This is subjective. I don't have a problem with the decline because I see it as people making the best decisions for themselves and not living their lives by society's standards.

I doubt it seeing as how most black nationalist tend to TALK black and sleep white themselves.

It is NOT irrelevant when we are discussing ABORTIONS in the black community. It's only fair to examine the women who are likely to get them.

Same bullshyt different day. Nevermind the reality that ninjas on this site have gleefully posted comments about their girlfriends/cut buddies aborting their kids. I know at least 5 women who have had abortions. The men these women were dealing with didn't give two shyts about their children being aborted. They were happy to see them aborted. Anybody with two eyes can see white men value their sperm! They know that sperm is powerful and important for the white race. So, yes, I'm sorry to say, they do view abortion differently from black men. shyt I don't know why it's so hard for you to see if so many black men don't value black life on the streets they sure as hell don't value it in the womb.

Most black children are ALREADY born out of wedlock...but that's not what you said in YOUR statements. I suggest you re-read them.

I don't think so. I didn't say middle class women don't get abortions. I said POOR women are more likely to get them. That is TRUE regardless of race.

More're making arguments that I NEVER made here. Again, more black middle/upper class women are opting out of childbirth. No where in my statements did I say ALL (or even most) of these women are doing so.

As for your 3rd point: Which again, points back to my statement that most black women who have abortions 1). Are poor 2). Are single and 3). LACK SUFFICIENT MALE SUPPORT. I don't know why you take exception to my statement when you and I are saying the same damn thing.
lol @ black nationalist talking black and sleeping white.... first off most women black nationalist.... sleep black. Most of the men sleep black too,,,, but yea some smash white, asian and hispanic chicks. That's just because they are like most men and simply like attractive women and p*ssy. Most marry and life partner black women. Most black men in general wife up black women. The majority of black women date black men... and only a few people despise the opposite sex of their own ethic group.

Also, hopefully you and your friends who think like you continue to "decline" having babies. It's good to have that choice, also it's good to not have parents- that raise children with black stereotypes and raise children to unfairly diss and despise black men.


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
Damn, white women stole black women's lips, asses, and twerking. But now THIS? :snoop:

Black women can't have nothing!


Btw, @NYC_Rebel, be careful with whom you make bed fellows. MSW is truly demonic
Apr 11, 2013
Also, hopefully you and your friends who think like you continue to "decline" having babies. It's good to have that choice, also it's good to not have parents- that raise children with black stereotypes and raise children to unfairly diss and despise black men.

And the irrational bullshyt continues. Get at me when you can argue your points without inserting your emotions and ASSumptions about me. Holler!

Oh, and first is on the way! Just found out last week.


Jun 4, 2012
And the irrational bullshyt continues. Get at me when you can argue your points without inserting your emotions and ASSumptions about me. Holler!

Oh, and first is on the way! Just found out last week.
lol, there isn't any emotions involved.... have you read your post? You come out of nowhere going hard at black men in general. My post are based on that available info. I guess I assumed you were 'opting out' since you were presenting that argument about middle class black women.... but I wasn't assuming anything else. I'm not going to even ask if you're married, or the race of the father.... because I don't think I want to know.
Apr 11, 2013
lol, there isn't any emotions involved.... have you read your post? You come out of nowhere going hard at black men in general. My post are based on that available info. I guess I assumed you were 'opting out' since you were presenting that argument about middle class black women.... but I wasn't assuming anything else. I'm not going to even ask if you're married, or the race of the father.... because I don't think I want to know.

I'm calm until someone comes at me or says some bullshyt about black women in general.Usually if I'm in a spat with someone here it is because they came at ME incorrect. And I'm married..been married for a while. As for my would have to be blind not to notice him.


Jun 4, 2012
I'm calm until someone comes at me or says some bullshyt about black women in general.Usually if I'm in a spat with someone here it is because they came at ME incorrect. And I'm married..been married for a while. As for my would have to be blind not to notice him.
lol, You mean you would have to be blind not to notice him because he's so attractive... or would you be blind not to notice him because he's lacking in melanin?