Amare's Right Hook
Southeast World Champion
Don't be so negative
I'm going to need sources sir, otherwise your opinion is just a baseless assumption.Don't be so negative
Islam wasn't really forced in most cases.... if you read the history on it, who see the kingdoms that converted w no war, no death and volunteered to convert for culture and trade reasons.hey hey, guys stop it. we all hate cacs and sand cacs equally; they both forced their dumbass religions (islam,christianity) and culture on us.
what is egyption yoga about... what is black Athena about? I have the rest, I just haven't read really get into this discussion we need to have a common understanding of how colonialism functioned during this time, because it's different than the colonialism of today.
no one book on the topic is 100% accurate, but if you can read several different texts by different authors that all address this same subject, you can begin to accurately triangulate the truth.
some good reads on the subject:
you're correct in everything ur saying... and everyone---- from African researchers, to wikipedia, to most encyclopedias, to the history channel all agree with you.
You really can debate this with someone who doesn't have an objective opinion. @theworldismine13 hates Islam to the point of obsession and can't see that Islam wasn't even the point back then, SMH .. and he loves Western imperialism... so you see where the talking points come from.
No one downplays those Africans who sold slaves or the Muslims who did it - but most objective people can put it into historical context.
Not only did arab slavery send people mainly to Asia .... but those really aren't the people who ended up in America. I don't have a better way to put it than to say :those slaves weren't really our people.
As far as blacks in America are concerned - the reason all of our civil rights leaders, pro black people, and revolutionaries mention the Translantic slave trade more often is because that's what affected us and those SAME institutions are still around today. Many of the large corps today exist because of translantic CAC slavery and the Justice system is just an extension of that... and that slave system also is what helped America become a world power.
Nobody downplays arab slavery.. but you are misguided by thinking less of those blacks involved just because they are islamic.... Those trade routes and the wars n shyt predated Islam, retard.the main problem for what you are saying is that there is no historical evidence to support it and ironically the only "evidence" you have is that in the arab/islamic slave trade there were a lot more house negros involved
and again, lets say i do hate islam, is there something wrong with me hating islam? do i owe islam something?
Nobody downplays arab slavery.. but you are misguided by thinking less of those blacks involved just because they are islamic.... Those trade routes and the wars n shyt predated Islam, retard.
There is nothing to support what I'm saying besides... facts.
Also, you can be hateful if you want to be.
go read a book on ancient trade. Also, study something about why Islam wasn't the driver behind any of this slave trade. Muslim were being chased around arabia by the time all this slave shyt was poppin off. The people who opened up these routes - worshiped the earth and idols.well first thanks for giving me permission to have freedom of expression and hate islam all i want, i wanted to make sure i wasnt breaking any rule, that is why i asked
the problem is that you just made a post downplaying it and so did quickforhoes
i dont know what trade routes and wars you are talking about, but i will say this, slavery was wrong even when it was done within africa and it was doubly wrong and c00nish when it involved transporting african to other continents, that was my point, and using that standard the black people of east africa were the first c00ns, there isnt anyway around that, history supports that
go read a book on ancient trade. Also, study something about why Islam wasn't the driver behind any of this slave trade. Muslim were being chased around arabia by the time all this slave shyt was poppin off. The people who opened up these routes - worshiped the earth and idols.
And you know there are posters from East Africa that will have to disagree w you - about east Africans beign the first c00ns. Senegal and Gambia and surrounding areas did this 'c00n' shyt before Sudan. Somalians c00ned out after South Africa . One of the main routes came from the war Swahili tribes and their slaves.
Also, not that it matters but there was a war that caused hundreds of thousand of Sudanese to become enslaved.... they were pows.
And FYI - most of the african arabs weren't arabs like we think of it.. they looked sub Saharan at the time (of the most trade)....
You can diss islam all u want... I gave u that permission. don't mention Sudan again nikka.
Instead of posting pictures of books that were played out in 1999 why don't you address the issue in your own words?
Egyptian yoga?![]()
So what you're saying is you believe Arabs were stuffing black slaves into ships even though the demand for slaves wasn't as high as in the Americas, things like that weren't going on in the Arab trade not to mention in some cases Africans were allowed to keep aspects of their culture like music and stories. The European version barred slaves from reading, writing, or any kind of learning aside from the ones in the house and were treated no differently than cattle yes or no? African slaves in the Arab world lived better than those in the New World/West Indies in that they were integrated into society and lived off of the masters wealth as oppose to under his whip and boot. I'm not at all saying it was benevolent, but compared to cacs it was tame. Both were fukked up regardless either way.
How could a book be played out?
I actually take back what I said about Diop's book...he's done some valid research.
Yosef Ben Jochanan is an idiot and Mary Lekfowitz already gave Martin Bernal that work
The other books are complete horseshyt. Yoga is a sanskrit word. If the Egyptians had it what was their word for it?![]()