Going to Wrestlemania = 1 night
Watching at home = 2 nights
Like someone said earlier, Wrestlemania is like a big festival where there are events happening all the time, except during the actual event. When I went for 34 in New Orleans, I did HOF, NXT,Mania, Raw, and Smackdown. In addition, I went to a live Bruce Pritchard podcast, Wrestlecon, Kevin Nash party, HOH show, Kajui Big Batel, and some other events. The only one I wanted to go but couldn’t was the ROH show and that was because it was at the same time as Takeover. So much dope stuff to do as a wrestling fan that whole weekend. Two nights would definitely cause a lot of shows to run very early or very late due to Mania.
however at home, two nights let’s the performers actual have decent length matches instead of a constant barrage of 3 minute matches or a slew of multi person matches. definitely makes viewing the show better for me.