Should the black community adopt arranged marriages (patriarchy)?


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
It's crazy. Dudes calling you out your name because you've seen first hand how much better arranged marriages are at keeping family units intact and are looking to use your resources and connections to pull off the same thing.

And the crazy part is, I know for a fact that the person who quoted me hasn't reached the status to be in circles with people who are in arranged marriages.

Because arranged marriages are very much a thing only people of a higher status can pull off. You gotta actually have real accomplishments to your name to be regularly around folks with arranged marriages.
Read the bible serious. We are the people of that book. Same issues as now. Same characteristics. These women are too rebellious and they raise menaces to society or softies. They don’t want correction because they believe were somewhat integrated in white society. It’s amazing to see how bad off we are in 2022.


May 31, 2022
They’re destroying it. You can’t have 60+% kids out of wedlock (and I’m being generous). You can’t initiate 80% divorce from the lil bit who do get married. The men play a part to, but black women aren’t innocent. There was a chick in another thread suggesting fathers give their daughter condoms and plan b and let her get down under his roof. That’s straight heathen sh*t. They not holding nothing together anymore than the men.
What you're saying is racist propaganda.

The average Black woman under the age of 30 is statistically childless. Young Black women are also generally more successful and educated than young Black men. I know tons of sisters with no kids who got good degrees and careers who are either holding themselves out for a successful Black man to marry or they're in relationships with Black men who make less than them.

You're focusing on ratchet thots and hoodrats and equating that with 80% of Black women, not realizing that that's the same mistake racists make when calling Black men "thugs" and "killers."

If Black women deserve blame, we do too. Do you know how many Black kids lost the chance to have a father in their lives because another Black man killed them or their fathers got involved in the "fast life"? Do you know how much certain types of Black men killing, robbing, and selling drugs to other Black men has made the lives for law abiding Black people a living nightmare? And do you know the types of women who partake in thottery didn't have a father figure in their lives?

There's no need to single BW out at all. In fact, the modern Black community is literally being held by BW from politics to the churches to the non-profits to the educational attainment to the activism, etc. Black men are doing better than people think too but pointing fingers is misguided.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
What you're saying is racist propaganda.

The average Black woman under the age of 30 is statistically childless. Young Black women are also generally more successful and educated than young Black men. I know tons of sisters with no kids who got good degrees and careers who are either holding themselves out for a successful Black man to marry or they're in relationships with Black men who make less than them.

You're focusing on ratchet thots and hoodrats and equating that with 80% of Black women, not realizing that that's the same mistake racists make when calling Black men "thugs" and "killers."

If Black women deserve blame, we do too. Do you know how many Black kids lost the chance to have a father in their lives because another Black man killed them or their fathers got involved in the "fast life"? Do you know how much certain types of Black men killing, robbing, and selling drugs to other Black men has made the lives for law abiding Black people a living nightmare? And do you know the types of women who partake in thottery didn't have a father figure in their lives?

There's no need to single BW out at all. In fact, the modern Black community is literally being held by BW from politics to the churches to the non-profits to the educational attainment to the activism, etc. Black men are doing better than people think too but pointing fingers is misguided.
You’re being naive. The ones who went to college have more times than not got hoed out along the way and are looking for marriage in their not so golden years. What’s stopping them from finding someone in college?

Then lets get to the fact that many of them are controlling and think a man is suppose to respect their education. I get on men all the time here, especially “pawgers”. This time I’m focusing on women. Men are contributing, but men are more in their role than the women. Our women are out of control.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Who raised you? Was it mother only?
I was raised in a home with both of my parents and they're still married today. You believe 5G towers represent spiritual warfare.

Not sure where the insult is coming from because for one my LinkedIn vs your LinkedIn I guarantee there's not a soul on the planet that'll think I'm the dumb one in this equation. So let's not even go there.

Secondly, I work with all kinds of people in arranged marriages and the system seems to work much better than the one we have here, so I'm gonna try to emulate what I see works best. You do you with yours and we'll see how that bullshyt works out for you, I guess :manny:

No one with good sense believes arranged marriages or that kind of oppressive culture is good for a healthy relationship or society. Your LinkedIn will definitely look better than mine, though. I'm just a regular old tradesman.


Aug 23, 2019
I was raised in a home with both of my parents and they're still married today. You believe 5G towers represent spiritual warfare.

No one with good sense believes arranged marriages or that kind of oppressive culture is good for a healthy relationship or society. Your LinkedIn will definitely look better than mine, though. I'm just a regular old tradesman.
So you're speaking from a position of total ignorance and have next to no exposure or understanding of the cultures you're speaking on. Does that sound about right to you?

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
So you're speaking from a position of total ignorance and have next to no exposure or understanding of the cultures you're speaking on. Does that sound about right to you?
I read enough from women who manage to escape so-called arranged marriages to understand that it isn't something that should be forced on anyone. It's fukking backwards. :manny:

When I have kids I'ma definitely try to arrange their marriages for them. They can say no, but then they'll be missing out on my inheritance money or any kind of financial support. And if you file for divorce, you're definitely cut off from my family. I really really like the idea of excommunicating people who file for divorce.:manny:
You believe this is healthy.
Last edited:


Aug 23, 2019
I read enough from women who manage to escape so-called arranged marriages to understand that it isn't something that shouldn't be forced on anyone. It's fukking backwards. :manny:

You believe this is healthy.
So we've established in this small back and forth that you're the type to speak from a place of total ignorance as if you know something.

Enjoy the rest of your day :unimpressed:


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Read the bible serious. We are the people of that book. Same issues as now. Same characteristics. These women are too rebellious and they raise menaces to society or softies. They don’t want correction because they believe were somewhat integrated in white society. It’s amazing to see how bad off we are in 2022.
The men must not be worth anything either if supposed "natural leaders" are letting that happen :yeshrug: