Should the black community adopt arranged marriages (patriarchy)?


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
A lot of you religious nuts gotta be schizophrenic or something :russ: talking about "the most High" and demons and shyt
That may be you and ppl who think alike if you don’t change. Heathen society won’t always be so nice to you.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
21 page on primitive bullshyt. Another blassic Coli thread about everything except things that could be done to help the community. Instead of...going to fukking college, matching the successes of black women, going after tradesman jobs, getting that post office job (fed $) we're...discussing whether we should be able to force adults to marry other adults against their will. To benefit men.



Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks

The Global Gender Gap Index examines the gap between men and women in four fundamental categories (subindexes) and 14 different indicators that compose them. The subindexes are Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival and Political Empowerment. The highest possible score is 1 (equality) and the lowest possible score is 0 (inequality). There are three basic concepts underlying the Global Gender Gap Index, forming the basis of how indicators were chosen, how the data is treated and the scale used. First, the Index focuses on measuring gaps rather than levels. Second, it captures gaps in outcome variables rather than gaps in input variables. Third, it ranks countries according to gender equality rather than women's empowerment.

Iraq = 154

Iran = 150

Yemen = 155

Afghanistan = 156

Nigeria = 139

India = 140

Mali = 149

Pakistan = 153

United States = 30

Zimbabwe = 47

Zambia = 56


Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
21 page on primitive bullshyt. Another blassic Coli thread about everything except things that could be done to help the community. Instead of...going to fukking college, matching the successes of black women, going after tradesman jobs, getting that post office job (fed $) we're...discussing whether we should be able to force adults to marry other adults against their will. To benefit men.

Dudes love these weird power fantasy threads. A few weeks ago, they were proposing a form of Black nationalism/fascism.


Feb 12, 2015
U sound triggered :russ:. Lets keep up with this . It’s working out swell. If any breh or brehette calls it out, their”rejects”:russ:. Brehs actually tired of rejecting alotta yall unworthy behinds. I do it at every job. I actually agree with how it was in the Bible, but for the sake of debating, it’s amazing to see how rebellious many of our women are and the mindsets its produced in alot of these brehs who stand for nothing.

This isn’t a cogent response. I’m not triggered. In spite of my reservations about marriage, I’m married my damn self.:mjlol: And was raised in a family of 50+ year marriages. We have zero divorces and not ONE baby born outta wedlock for three generations.

And if you had to ask the men in my family to pick a man for their daughters, they’d tell you EXACTLY what I said, only worse b/c they would roast these jokers.

Ya’ll need to stop being goofy when it comes to anything with a vagina and stop entertaining incel fantasies.

Marriage takes the same quality traits needed to maintain friendships, be successful in a career, ect.

And most of the very types of men (and women) entertaining this dumb shyt, don’t even have THOSE traits. They don’t even have real friends. Or careers. No prospects. Many aren’t even graduating high school.

STOP. You can’t put the horse before the cart. They need counseling. Mental health and social skills training. Life coaching. Financial literacy. Confidence and self-esteem building and to get the fukk offline to reset their psyches.

Ya’ll don’t want real solutions. You just wanna bytch about p*ssy. p*ssy ain’t got nothing to do with why somebody can’t sustain a successful relationship in any shape, form or fashion.

But ya’ll wanna jump to marriage?! MARRIAGE?! When every other word out your mouth is “bytch” this? Hoe that? When the only personality trait you have is hating women? When dudes are bragging about not caring about a woman’s orgasm? Telling people they stupid for being homeowners? Talking salty about women with degrees while having no careers of their own. Worrying about bonnets and women being fat, while leading the mortality rate in every health metric.

Why on EARTH would any woman worth a damn EVER wanna put up with anybody like these internet incels creaming themselves over archaic social institutes? And why are they deluding themselves into thinking parents would want their children with these socially maladjusted narcissistic walking personality disorders.

But you wanna throw these broken men and women together without addressing core emotional psychological needs they have first. And your ego makes you accuse me of being triggered for stating the obvious.



All Star
Apr 4, 2017
This isn’t a cogent response. I’m not triggered. In spite of my reservations about marriage, I’m married my damn self.:mjlol: And was raised in a family of 50+ year marriages. We have zero divorces and not ONE baby born outta wedlock for three generations.

And if you had to ask the men in my family to pick a man for their daughters, they’d tell you EXACTLY what I said, only worse b/c they would roast these jokers.

Ya’ll need to stop being goofy when it comes to anything with a vagina and stop entertaining incel fantasies.

Marriage takes the same quality traits needed to maintain friendships, be successful in a career, ect.

And most of the very types of men (and women) entertaining this dumb shyt, don’t even have THOSE traits. They don’t even have real friends. Or careers. No prospects. Many aren’t even graduating high school.

STOP. You can’t put the horse before the cart. They need counseling. Mental health and social skills training. Life coaching. Financial literacy. Confidence and self-esteem building and to get the fukk offline to reset their psyches.

Ya’ll don’t want real solutions. You just wanna bytch about p*ssy. p*ssy ain’t got nothing to do with why somebody can’t sustain a successful relationship in any shape, form or fashion.

But ya’ll wanna jump to marriage?! MARRIAGE?! When every other word out your mouth is “bytch” this? Hoe that? When the only personality trait you have is hating women? When dudes are bragging about not caring about a woman’s orgasm? Telling people they stupid for being homeowners? Talking salty about women with degrees while having no careers of their own. Worrying about bonnets and women being fat, while leading the mortality rate in every health metric.

Why on EARTH would any woman worth a damn EVER wanna put up with anybody like these internet incels creaming themselves over archaic social institutes? And why are they deluding themselves into thinking parents would want their children with these socially maladjusted narcissistic walking personality disorders.

But you wanna throw these broken men and women together without addressing core emotional psychological needs they have first. And your ego makes you accuse me of being triggered for stating the obvious.

U still sound triggered. I never use the B word. I knew u were married, but your solutions suck. Also I said for the sake of debating (I believe in biblical way) and I attract the women I want almost 97% of the time. I just find our community (if u could call it that) ridiculous. You say incel, but a huge chunk of black women celebrated the death of an old man for speaking against them. You just sound triggered, typing whole novels lol. Black women just out of order. Again, many don’t want yall because yall rebellious and don’t keep yall legs close.


Feb 12, 2015
U still sound triggered. I never use the B word. I knew u were married, but your solutions suck. Also I said for the sake of debate (I believe in biblical way) because our community (if u could call it that) are ridiculous. You say incel, but a huge chunk of black women celebrated the death of an old man for speaking against them. You just sound triggered, typing whole novels lol. Black women just out of order.
And a huge chunk of men are raping, stalking, calling women every insult in the book, while also crying when women clap back. :mjlol:
My solutions suck?!:mjlol: But magically throwing women to mentally broken dudes with social skill deficits, and glaring personal issues is the answer?
Yeah sure Jan.

Accusing anybody cutting through bullshyt of being triggered is a classic tactic some men try to use to avoid any constructive criticism. Men ain’t getting married b/c contrary to the nonsense and neck yapping they make about women, they aren’t marriage material themselves.

They need to hold a mirror to themselves and see what is going on that makes them repel women. I said this years ago. Even lil old vulnerable women chucking dueces rather than staying saddled to any man with silly expectations. Women are only 1/2 of the problem whether you like it or not.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
And a huge chunk of men are raping, stalking, calling women every insult in the book, while also crying when women clap back. :mjlol:
My solutions suck?!:mjlol: But magically throwing women to mentally broken dudes with social skill deficits, and glaring personal issues is the answer?
Yeah sure Jan.

Accusing anybody cutting through bullshyt of being triggered is a classic tactic some men try to use to avoid any constructive criticism. Men ain’t getting married b/c contrary to the nonsense and neck yapping they make about women, they aren’t marriage material themselves.

They need to hold a mirror to themselves and see what is going on that makes them repel women. I said this years ago. Even lil old vulnerable women chucking dueces rather than staying saddled to any man with silly expectations. Women are only 1/2 of the problem whether you like it or not.
You’re just triggered tho. I already told u I believe in biblical way. That said debate is already over. Who would try that with old dusty men and women? Most black women couldn’t do it anyway, because almost non are virgins. I’m speaking for the future. Most men know too many women are hoeish now, so it’s gonna be even worse for the black community. I always call out black men, so I dnt really care because I‘m unbiased. You‘re just yapping. Are u trippin because of R v W overturned?


May 31, 2022
Like I said, no man who proposes this should EVER complain about "Alpha Fuxx/Beta Buxx."

Imagine you and your spouse's/future spouse's families decide to adopt this and force you both into marriage.

Keep in mind that "arranged marriages" don't prevent people from having fun in their youth nor do they have any impact on attraction. I knew mad Indians/Hindus who had sex with a variety of people before marrying their own for instance.

Hypothetically, let's say your bride messed around with a bunch of dudes back in her high school/college days before marrying you and she wasn't remotely attracted to you. And it'll become very clear that she's ONLY marrying you because of her family and your money. That's it. She doesn't like your looks. Doesn't like your personality. Doesn't like your height. Doesn't like your penis. She only likes your money, stability, and the idea of having a responsible husband to take care of her and her kids.

Then, let's also factor in the fact that, in America, divorce is still legal even if you have an arranged marriage. So, this woman you married who doesn't even like you and isn't attracted to you can easily turn things completely around just for filing divorce papers or becoming estranged.

If you're fine with this possibility just for the sake of stability, then have at it. It might even work to a degree since apparently successful Black men and educated Black women sometimes have a hard time finding each other. But just remember that you could easily become a so-called "Beta Buxx" in this situation and you have to live with the fact that the dudes that screwed your wife in the past did it with no strings attached while she had to be forced by her family to marry you.