Minimum wage laws in general are usually set with no real knowledge of the economic realities and alternatives for either employers or employees. Third parties are simply enabled to indulge themselves by imagining what is "fair" — and pay no price for being wrong about the actual economic consequences.
That is why countries with minimum wage laws usually have much higher rates of unemployment than those few places where there have been no minimum wage laws, such as Switzerland or Singapore — or the United States, before the first federal minimum wage law was passed in 1931.
Find me a politician that caters to logic over emotion and I'll show you a loser.
by this logic, lowering the minimum wage would actually improve the economyNot really the same at all, I was/am asking does raising the min-wage hurt the economy?(which was suggested) If it doesn't, then the number doesn't matter...
I think what you are trying to say is $12/hr wont hurt but $30/hr will?![]()
If so, you are admitting it does hurt the economy, but you think we can raise it a little without too much pain...
My ideology has nothing to do with it... yet.![]()
by this logic, lowering the minimum wage would actually improve the economy$1/hr minimum wage
we'll be eating great
I think minimum was should have kept pace with inflation, so around 20/hr
I also think earnings should be capped. No need for ANYONE on this earth to be worth more than a couple of million.
Why do we let Ayn Rand worshipping, Ronald Reagan quoting losers who always use platitudes on failed socialist states from 50 years ago, distort our logic? Socialism is not evil if it contained within Capitalism.
Nope, the fact that people won't call out the "we aren't allowed to determine a person's worth" is why there is a 1% in the first place. What is the difference between 20 million and a billion? Come up with a logical reason why we should have a system that allows and maybe I'll consider.
It's ironic because most Billionaires are rich because they did exactly what you implied did not happen. They "took from others to get more for themselves." Objectivism is a false ideology.
Also Frederich Hayek > Milton Friedman
I think you might be trolling brehExactly.
It is beyond arrogant to think you or anyone else can, and should determine how much another person is or should be worth.
More over, it isn't a zero sum game.
There isn't some fixed pie that requires taking from others to get more from yourself. <--- This thinking is the root of over 80% of all economic misunderstandings.![]()
Buddy really said "Walmart provides a desirable service to the poor"
The reason Corporatism and Cronyism exist is because we are not allowed to determine a person's worth or criticize their actions, and yet, these Milton Friedman worshippers would claim that it's the "market" determining shyt. Later, they will contradict themselves and go on about "individual freedoms" blahblahblah
Can you explain how they don't?![]()
The case against sweatshops is an emotional one without logic. Not really worth debating.Google Walmart and sweatshop
The poor service the poor at the expense of Walmart. There is no other way around that. Ayn Rand fetishization is beyond hilarious.