Man, you're talking to the wrong person about badly trained police and police abuse. I think I made it very clear where I stand on those issues.
The situation was handled well in my opinion, aside from the amount of rounds used to bring her down. The video clearly shows them pointing there weapon to get her to stop and exit the vehicle.
So here is how the event looks in real time
1) Someone is using their vehicle to try to forcefully make their way into the White House
2) Cornering and drawing weapons on this person did not make the person comply
3) Reckless endangerment of police when she left the scene (on video)
4) Driving around speeding and driving reckless
There's plenty of justification there.
The system failed this woman WAY before this incident happened. It appears her mental issues were well documented and known in her community.
Comment from her facebook page...
Further detail. There was a training exercise going on in DC, the domestic homeland security army was running drills, drills that would simulate a domestic threat such as people storming the white house. They had barricades and random check points in the area, which i am sure wsa very congested and traffic laden. It appears she possibly was scared and did not want to stop at the check point, it could have been she had a traffic warrant she may have had a panic attack. She then flee's and they chase her, and the streets are no longer familar as there are drill barricades all over. She hit's the white house gate and then try's to back out and get out of there. And then they fire 15 shots at her and kill her. Then they make story out to be that shots were fired at the capitol in a shootout with a deranged driver attempting to storm the white house and cause vehicular assassination. The media coverage and portryal of this is absolutely disgraceful.
As I stated before the way the police handled this was disgraceful and it is laughable to get this praise for doing an excellent job.
By the way TUH, I am surprised you of all people did not notice one glaring thing..........
There are signs all over there, why do we not have footage of her crashing into the White House?