Here's the full video. She was trying to evade from the police. She got scared because they drawn guns on her. Her panicked situation was based on their panicky actions. The MEDIA only been showing the part where she was at the barricade and made it appear she was trying to converge on it and THEN the police came upon her. Not the actual fact that she was already being chased and she was trying to swerve to evade them.
As you can see, from the video, the car is perfectly fine. It proves she didn't run through no White House gate, there would of been some kind of damage, at least a dent or something. The truth as of WHY she was being on pursuit we MAY NEVER KNOW because the police will never release that information, especially if it happens to be THEM at fault. For all we know this woman done nothing wrong, and one of the officers at a checkpoint got over-excited or she may of had a warrant or expired tags and feared she was going to be brought in. WE DO NOT KNOW, but one thing for sure, you cannot automatically claim her CRAZY. Not from watching the full video. All we can say is she was being chased from what ever reason, and end in the end they shot and killed her, due to their own anxiety.
I do not know about y'all but the main people I always question when it comes to legitimacy is the MEDIA and the POLICE, because way too often than not, they are never telling the full story. You have to do your own research just to get a SMALL factor of what may really had happened.
preach my dude, preach
that's you. you don't know how her medical condition and/or how the side effects of her meds would cause her to behave..She had plenty of opportunity to surrender, Her being scared or panicky is not a valid excuse. Everything else is just speculation at this point.
a female is still a female regardless of how tough or mouthy they wanna get. subduing a female is easy. well, easy for real niccas. i can't talk for bytch niccas..