every modern samurai movie or show seems to have a european subplot
Or for Asian peopleBecause they aren’t being produced by Asian people
every modern samurai movie or show seems to have a european subplot
Or for Asian peopleBecause they aren’t being produced by Asian people
Is this a white savior show? If so I’m good, idgaf what the reviews say.
So after watching the first 2 episodes and seeing the previews for the later episode's, it does look like we're getting backdoored into a white savior plot.So @Starman said it's based on James Cavell's fictional book, so I'm not 100% sure. However I can say that the historical events do not lend to a happy ending for the Europeans.
If you want a spoiler: Japan–Portugal relations - Wikipedia
In school, you learn about Japan briefly through Commander Perry. However, you never learn that one of the places America dropped the A bomb was ground zero for Europeans infesting Japan centuries before.
So after watching the first 2 episodes and seeing the previews for the later episode's, it does look like we're getting backdoored into a white savior plot.
My suspicion was first peeked with the storm scene. There's simply no reason the Japanese would allow a European pilot to navigate a Japanese ship in Japanese waters. The chill viewer isn't going to care, but I fully understand how that scene feeds into the belief that only Europeans knew how to navigate the seas. It's why you're not taught that European explorers had native, African, and Islamic navigators on their ships.
Why wouldn't the Japanese know how to predict that a storm was coming? Why would the Japanese need to be told how to handle steering in a storm? Why wouldn't the Japanese have their own pilot?
Small details like that are overlooked as plot devices but this is how you smuggle ideas of European superiority.
Why couldn't they dub the Japanese? Just like on narcos, I dunno want to read half of the dialog.
This show is dope. I wonder why they speak Japanese but they didn’t let them speak Portuguese too.
Why couldn't they dub the Japanese? Just like on narcos, I dunno want to read half of the dialog.
I want it to be all the way. They don’t need to speak English at all unless it’s their native language.
can't please everyone