Ok there's some slippery shyt going on in this thread. This is another one of those situations where anything negative said about black men is accepted without any due diligence and the discussion because just another black men ain't shyt pow wowSee-A few of y’all see it tho. This is the only reason why the women are in here giving our 2 cents.
The out of wedlock birth rate can never be fixed if we have a decent percentage of Black men who think this way.
Older men with this mentality were once younger men with this mentality. I keep saying it: Young Black men are not socialized by Black culture to want marriage and children born in one household. This is the mentality a lot of Black girls encounter. We talk about marriage and compare Black college girls to White college girls, but those White colleges girls are all being proposed to by White college guys. Where’s the large grouping of young Black men who are buying engagement rings and proposing before they are 30 themselves?
Look at this thread. Read through this shyt. Lol
Cam is not an anomaly in this community.
And again- he put the mentality on display for the WORLD.
For starters people are often too willing to make Cam Newton/Nick Cannon's the face of the black man so let's start there. The hyper sexual irresponsibility of black men has been overblown and is not representative of reality. The truth is the MAJORITY of black men in America are childless. We're talking hard numbers. And that majority is not incels either. Nikkas fukkin but nikkas have been strapping up at a very high rate over the past two decades
The baby mama factory black man is pushed in the media as the default black man when the truth is he's a minority, but that minority, but that minority is a large chunk of why the majority of black women have a child or children

This is a lot like racism topics where black folks are fighting tooth and nail to make white people nicer. These topics are huge black men gaslights because it's making all black men the scapegoat for the actions of a few who were fukkin willing participants. What are we really talking about here?
So your point about "fixing the out of wedlock birthrate" are mute because no one's even willing to discuss the relevant factors. The majority of black men are single and childless, and a good amount of that majority are making high five to six figures, and those men don't want to be married. Why is that? But no one ever answers this question honestly
You talk about black college girls comparing themselves to white college girls but that topic always gets ugly because when "What are those white girls doing to get proposed to?" comes up it's crickets or pronouncements about what "I won't do"
Black folks, black MEN and WOMEN, too often complain about not getting the prizes in a game they're not willing to play, and that's why this thread and most of these discussions are bullshyt

Even for all the praising of this women in op, she's doing all this fancy shrink speak and finger wagging to an unmarried man when she's unmarried herself. If nikkas can call Kevin Samuels a hypocrite for doing the same thing why not her?
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