Share a fact that legitimately blew your mind when you found it.

Drake's Tan

All Star
Aug 1, 2015
Samuel L. Jackson is ranked as the highest all-time box office star with over $4.572 billion total box office gross, an average of $70.3 million per film.

His filmography has its own Wikipedia page.

Dat work ethic.:wow:

In 1969, Samuel L Jackson held Martin Luther King Sr (and several other people) hostage at Morehouse College.
Aug 22, 2015
Oh, shyt....I just remembered something...

I just saw that other thread about being in a plane that's going down in a crash, and knowing you're about to die....

And that reminded me of a funny scene from the sitcom The Nanny, where Max and Fran thought they were about to die in a plane crash, so they kissed each other...

And THAT reminded me of another thing that blew my mind when I first found out: that the star actress from The Nanny, Fran Drescher, was once raped at gunpoint by 2 men who broke into her home........ :to:

She was so traumatized by the incident that when she later got her sitcom, she didn't want to act in front of an audience of they had to hire an entire studio audience of 'professional laughers' that were initially screened, and had to be used for every episode of the show.....:wow:

Somewhere For Me

All Star
Feb 17, 2015
Not so much so-called facts but, late night wondering I have at times...

-Prior to the founding of the U.S.A., was there really any concept of race? Even Europeans at one point identified heavily with various ethnic tribal designations that caused divisions among them.

-With all the mass immigration world wide, globalization, and the huge surge in interracial, I do wonder what the world human population will look and sound like in the coming centuries? I'm quite sure there will be languages, cultures, and nations that we can't even imagine now.

-Since it has been projected that the 'white race' will be a minority by 2050 and that whites have the most recessive genes, do y'all think they will cease to exist one day?

-What if I had of accepted that one choice over the other one? What would my life be like now?

-There is no way, I mean no way, we are the only life forms in the solar system. Either or, alone or not, it's scary when you think about it...

-How will all this technology affect humans further in time? They say that the internet is completely rewiring the brain and now that we have a generation that doesn't know a world without internet, how rewired will these future generations be and what will be the result?

-Speaking of which, there is no doubt in my mind that we will hit the technological singularity in our lifetime and perhaps the first colonization of outer space.

-Also, how will these IG thots, porn stars getting 100 bodies within their first month of filming, and sperm donating, weed smoking, forty drinking men fair out in the next twenty years? I can't even imagine the surge of never before seen medical issues these types will have in the years to come. On top of that, since all their stuff is the internet forever, how will that affect them as well into old age?

I could go on and on...


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Not so much so-called facts but, late night wondering I have at times...

-Prior to the founding of the U.S.A., was there really any concept of race? Even Europeans at one point identified heavily with various ethnic tribal designations that caused divisions among them.

Breh...have you ever opened a history book?