Shannon Sharpe, Gilbert Arenas, and Ochocinco discuss why Amanda Seales is unmarried at 42. ''She looks down on men who aren't as educated as her.''


All Star
Nov 22, 2016
I think it's obvious to everyone why she's not married and doesn't have a man, she's annoying as fukk :why:. This is also the same chick that got called out for falsely accusing Myron Rolle of sexual assault with no evidence which most people forget, broad is a nutcase.

But despite all that, these dudes getting together to discuss it on a public podcast is real chatty patty

On top of that, I'm not saying it's ok for her to look down on people that aren't educated, but being intellectually compatible is pretty important. I'm one of the first ones that will tell you that there are plenty of "educated" women out here that are complete birdbrains. With that said, as annoying as she is, Amanda Seales is quite articulate, accomplished, and for what it's worth always comes off as pretty intelligent. A chick like that is probably not gonna get along with a guy that's dumb as a box of rocks. It's not education, it's intellectual compatibility. And if that's what she's looking for there's nothing wrong with it :yeshrug:


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
My man- no disrespect, but no one —ESPECIALLY SOCIETY AT LARGE— gives a fukk about the opinions of “3 dudes who have 20 kids between them but have never been married”.

You see how reckless and irresponsible that sounds?

THAT IS THE POINT I think some brehs miss.

An unmarried woman who has not birthed children out of wedlock looks responsible when standing next to 3 men who knocked up multiple women out of wedlock.

So you respect married women, but go out of your way to create single mothers and have b*stard children —including daughters— walking this earth who have to tell the world their fathers knocked up their mothers out of wedlock? Why would YOU create something (babymommas) you don’t respect, and birth DAUGHTERS in that type of situation? So they all have rich daddies but babymommas for mothers? How that look?

And I’m not saying this to denigrate the women— but a lot of dudes have it twisted. YES, you’re men so to a great extent you will not be judged as harshly in the eyes of society when you step outside the lines, HOWEVER, when you do step outside the lines women AND men who have actual respect and power in this world view you the same way YOU view “babymommas”.

All the white men who sign their checks are looking at them like they are buffoons right now. Because even if they are divorced, they respected their future kids enough to marry the woman, birth the kids in wedlock and then divorce if they couldn’t make it work.

Dawg, these White, Asian, Hispanic people looking at this clip on Twitter saying “Ok, older black woman who did not become the stereotype and have kids out of wedlock. Unmarried, no kids.” vs “A group of even older black men who ALL fulfilled the stereotype and had kids out of wedlock with multiple women”.


I’m not defending them for looking down on single mothers at all. I’m just saying a lot of the men who create the single mothers look down on them. I agree it’s a warped way of thinking but that’s how many of them think.


Mar 11, 2022
I think it's obvious to everyone why she's not married and doesn't have a man, she's annoying as fukk :why:. This is also the same chick that got called out for falsely accusing Myron Rolle of sexual assault with no evidence which most people forget, broad is a nutcase.

But despite all that, these dudes getting together to discuss it on a public podcast is real chatty patty

On top of that, I'm not saying it's ok for her to look down on people that aren't educated, but being intellectually compatible is pretty important. I'm one of the first ones that will tell you that there are plenty of "educated" women out here that are complete birdbrains. With that said, as annoying as she is, Amanda Seales is quite articulate, accomplished, and for what it's worth always comes off as pretty intelligent. A chick like that is probably not gonna get along with a guy that's dumb as a box of rocks. It's not education, it's intellectual compatibility. And if that's what she's looking for there's nothing wrong with it :yeshrug:
and you are intelligent and articulate enough to express a well thought out, nuanced opinion.

If you got on camera and said this, no one could really argue.

Imagine hearing a panel of men express YOUR thoughts VS “she’s too educated”.



All Star
Jun 16, 2015
The “respect” of men like this means the less than nothing. Especially if they didn’t even respect women who brought kids in this world for them enough to marry them and remain in stable households.

It means something when some women think by having their kids they’ll be able to get commitment. I don’t agree with dudes who create single mothers looking down on them but that backward thinking is more common than a lot of people realize.


Mar 11, 2022
I’m not defending them for looking down on single mothers at all. I’m just saying a lot of the men who create the single mothers look down on them. I agree it’s a warped way of thinking but that’s how many of them think.
But you said women should pay attention to the fact that even though they created single mothers they respect wives more.

I’m saying women don’t give a damn what they think period because they are walking stereotypes :heh:


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
But you said women should pay attention to the fact that even though they created single mothers they respect wives more.

I’m saying women don’t give a damn what they think period because they are walking stereotypes :heh:

Sorry I should’ve clarified. I meant women who think they’ll be able to get commitment from those types by having their children should take note of what dudes like them say and how they think.


Mar 11, 2022
My man- no disrespect, but no one —ESPECIALLY SOCIETY AT LARGE— gives a fukk about the opinions of “3 dudes who have 20 kids between them but have never been married”.

You see how reckless and irresponsible that sounds?

THAT IS THE POINT I think some brehs miss.

An unmarried woman who has not birthed children out of wedlock looks responsible when standing next to 3 men who knocked up multiple women out of wedlock.

So you respect married women, but go out of your way to create single mothers and have b*stard children —including daughters— walking this earth who have to tell the world their fathers knocked up their mothers out of wedlock? Why would YOU create something (babymommas) you don’t respect, and birth DAUGHTERS in that type of situation? So they all have rich daddies but babymommas for mothers? How that look?

And I’m not saying this to denigrate the women— but a lot of dudes have it twisted. YES, you’re men so to a great extent you will not be judged as harshly in the eyes of society when you step outside the lines, HOWEVER, when you do step outside the lines women AND men who have actual respect and power in this world view you the same way YOU view “babymommas”.

All the white men who sign their checks are looking at them like they are buffoons right now. Because even if they are divorced, they respected their future kids enough to marry the woman, birth the kids in wedlock and then divorce if they couldn’t make it work.

Dawg, these White, Asian, Hispanic people looking at this clip on Twitter saying “Ok, older black woman who did not become the stereotype and have kids out of wedlock. Unmarried, no kids.” vs “A group of even older black men who ALL fulfilled the stereotype and had kids out of wedlock with multiple women”.


Black men…is anyone actually talking to these young players?

Seems like generational patterns…

Looking like the younger version of the men talking about Amanda :sas2:

V Skyye

All Star
Mar 26, 2017
But you said women should pay attention to the fact that even though they created single mothers they respect wives more.

I’m saying women don’t give a damn what they think period because they are walking stereotypes :heh:
Shannon Sharpe got three daughters the same age and he’s gay. The only thing he need to explain to us is how he introduced his kids to “Uncle Hollywood”.

The other two treat their women and kids worst than garbage. There men have too much audacity. And I don’t even like Amanda Seales.


getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
Shannon should leave this alone. It’s clear he’s now talking cause his feelings were hurt by the antics Amanda pulled after the interview. She and others are calling or insinuating he isn’t smart. It hurts, but he shouldn’t have entertained her from the start. Again, I don’t think Shannon is dumb; especially since most are using his upbringing and way he speaks to come to that conclusion, but he wasn’t smart to entertain her.

It’s clear why she’s single. She’s not a good person. Shannon really has no room to talk, though. Neither does Gilbert. Both are no better than her. One is basically saying one is dumb, the other is saying one is too educated. It’s all silly, as neither really know each other.
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May 23, 2012
Hold up...I think a lot of you misconstrued what they were saying. Because its the same exact thing educated, career-oriented black women say all the time. Some of you make it sound like they said "she's too educated so she has less value". No. What they are saying and its what women in this position have been saying is that with her high level of education, her demands of an equally yoked man are probably the reason she is single. It's just facts - the more qualities you look for in a mate, the smaller your potential dating pool is gonna be, and the less likely it is you will get married.

If it is true though that the three of them have several kids and no marriages then maybe ANOTHER answer as to why she is still single may be because she keeps running into men like the three of you? Men who are willing to put a baby in her but not marry her? :youngsabo: