Were you dropped off in the UK as a child after running from your majority Black Country in Jamaica to in a minority Black Country or were you the unintentional by product of your mother’s head game and considered an undesirable? Bc you definitely don’t comment like you had male influences as a child.
You're saying this shyt to me, but in different conversations, you will turn around and talk about carribean posters you are cool with. I'm sure that not all of them still live in the carribean. Are they cowards too.
When pressed, you resort to bigotry which is why the insults you are relying on are no different to the insults thrown my way why racist white people.
The fact of the matter is my ancestors played their role in the development of the United Kingdom, much the same way your ancestors played a role in the development of America. I have a right to be here. Being here is not running away from my legacy because what is here was made with my people's blood, sweat and tears.
You wish to continue pushing against that point, you're nothing more than a c00n.
As it is, both of my parents are still married. I'm thankful that I grew up with both of my parents. It has made me a measured man which is more than I can say for you.
You are a bitter and deluded bigot. It is clear that you have no love in your life. Why else would you drink yourself into a stupor and ask Thecoli for advice on where to hire a male prostitute.