SERIOUS thread why are female posters allowed to push ANTI BLACK MALE rhetoric

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
I’ve always thought this but didn’t articulate it in such a beautiful manner . Thank you

We live in a society where you can shyt on black men get promoted and get a book deal , movies and be worth a billion dollars and nobody will ever call you out . But brehs are waking up :salute: . And I honestly think this thread shows that most of us not going for the bullshyt anymore 90% of brehs agree and I don’t know if that would have been the case just a couple years ago.

But it’s also critical because if we can’t look at each other and get it removed from a forum that’s for black men :mjlol: then it’ll never be removed from society:snoop:
Damn u right
Get em outta here
Apr 30, 2012
Let's take a review, seeing as though @Reflected doesn't wanna reflect on his own bullshyt:
lets be reality: most of the disrespect toward black people on here is coming from black men. If one of you clown ass coli nigguhs called me a c00n for saying im a democrat yall wouldnt have a problem with that but nigguhs wanna call out black women for being disrespectful.
Cats will continue to ignore this.

This board is comprised almost entirely of males; females are a distant minority on here.

Yet we're supposed to believe a few select female posters of an already small demographic are the ones responsible for pushing the anti-BM rhetoric on this board, when every other thread you have brothas [racially] shaming one another for their political affiliations, what music they like, what women they like, what sports they like, what food they like and everything else under the sun. Yet supposedly a handful of female posters are the ones raising hell on here, responsible for all the racial unrest. These cats don't even realize they're only telling on themselves by projecting their hate for women that they believe females are the cause of all this.

Or are we supposed to believe if all females were suddenly banned from this board, nobody would be going around calling each other c00n and testing each other's [Black] manhood to gain some meaningless currency [daps and recognition from strangers]?

The most hilarious part of it all is: these supposed few women have got all these hyper-masculine, alpha, keyboard militant ass nxggas crying on an anonymous msgboard. I saw one post in here that said this thread should be used as an governing tool that folks can copy and paste suspect posts and everyone can come to an agreement to have them reported (i.e. Karen behavior).

The comedy writes self.

Clearly this as a whole can be interpreted by not quoting or directing at anyone in particular, but emphasizing the state in which this board seems to be in; addressing the hypocrisy and the lack of accountability, using women as a scapegoat and convenient way of an out to not address their own shyt.

Anyone that is paying attention to what happens in TLR would agree with this.

Enter @Reflected quoting my shyt:
Quote me suggesting a few select female posters are responsible for pushing ALL (cause that's what you are suggesting) the anti-BM rhetoric on this board in a manner that suggests only women do it.

Quote me doing this or supporting it. It's funny because you are speaking to someone that has on multiple occasions called for the banning of any members supporting any right wing rhetoric, that's one of these most aggressive pushes for censorship that you will find on this site. A majority of left leaning people here would take issue with my take on deplatofmring, it's incredibly aggressive, maybe the tankies would love it.

Quote me having hate towards women. I have engaged with female philosophical literature, I have constantly highlighted the issues women go through in modern society, have highlighted the reasons for why women should be favored in the court system regarding marriage, I have supported women being properly represented in all forms of media. I can go on and on, my thoughts on women are significantly more nuanced and flushed out than you could ever dream of having beyond outright majoring in philosophy with a concentration on feminist philosophy.

As bad as it sounds, I can argue in defense of women better than most women could, in fact, search me on philosophy and you will see me championing rhetoric that supports the inclusion of women into philosophy for this very reason, which is simply because we don't have enough female philosophers.

Quote me saying this.

Quote me supporting hyper-masculinity, "alpha", and being a keyboard militant.
Here @Reflected is, asking me to quote where he said or even alluded to these statements, as if I ever clamed he said these things in the first place.

Is this the sign of someone looking to have an honest discussion, or simply turning it into a meaningless argument using strawman to throw out on the battlefield, if only to fuel his one and only purpose of seeking attention?



Nov 17, 2017
U gotta keep it mind, this is something I've been preaching, a large percentage of the coil are non-straight black males pretending to be straight black males.

There's a lot of cacs (male & female), lsa trolls, and homey-sexuals presenting themselves as straight black men on this website. So expect a push back anytime straight black men defend themselves on here.
I never thought of that. There’s many times that dudes would stick up for wenches when I didn’t even say anything really bad about them and just called them names because they talked down on bm.

You could be right because it makes no sense to me for bm to be angry when you’re defending them.

It just makes no sense.
Apr 30, 2012
It's only like 4 or 5 female posters here tho ain't it?

Do they really be popping shyt like that?

I don't go In the salon so I wouldn't know :yeshrug:

I'm all for sequestering them hoes to the Salon if they get outta line tho
They don't.

We've just got all these men on here who're stuck in limbo of their persecution complex, and only choose to bounce out of it once it's time to play alpha again. Once it's time to play the victim again, they'll ignore calling each other c00n and racially shaming one another, and go back to blaming all the women on this board for the proprietors of this behavior.

It's convenient for them to keep the blame on the women, because they know if the women weren't here, they'd have to start pointing fingers at themselves.

Hazel Brown

All Star
Dec 15, 2019
Let's take a review, seeing as though @Reflected doesn't wanna reflect on his own bullshyt:

Clearly this as a whole can be interpreted by not quoting or directing at anyone in particular, but emphasizing the state in which this board seems to be in; addressing the hypocrisy and the lack of accountability, using women as a scapegoat and convenient way of an out to not address their own shyt.

Anyone that is paying attention to what happens in TLR would agree with this.

Enter @Reflected quoting my shyt:

Here @Reflected is, asking me to quote where he said or even alluded to these statements, as if I ever clamed he said these things in the first place.

Is this the sign of someone looking to have an honest discussion, or simply turning it into a meaningless argument using strawman to throw out on the battlefield, if only to fuel his one and only purpose of seeking attention?

Just tell @Reflected it was a miscommunication and you didn’t mean him. He’s a nice guy, he’ll get it. ☺️


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
Just tell @Reflected it was a miscommunication and you didn’t mean him. He’s a nice guy, he’ll get it. ☺️
It was most likely that. I won't deny having issues in the anger department, he did indirectly quote me at the end of that long post though, so from my perspective it looked like he was trying to attribute all of those traits with me in order to slander me and weaken my position. He also did go on to call me inconsistent and dishonest, those are like the worst charges, imo. I can drop that because I know how people get when they feel personally attacked, it's how I get.

I try to be cordial, but sometimes I see the worst in people, other people, and I suppose I attribute that to others who I think mimic those people. Me and @Gil Scott-Heroin likely don't disagree on much, if anything, I do have an issue with his approach, it could be more rigorous imo, but yeah, I guess I'm pretty toxic with this stuff even though I tell myself not to be.

I'm not going to apologize because it's pretty meaningless if I continue to do it. Probably best I stop engaging like this all together. I will eventually fix this approach, just not sure when.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I'm sorry but ain't no female adding a barcode to her username and carrying all that anger on a site with a male-female ratio of 50:1.
This dumb c00n fuk was one of the main c00ns defending @Biscuitsnbanger = @NotaPAWG.

The cuck and his cac kkkween mad bc the basic white bytch was ran the fuk off

@Shadow Queen blamed black people for “turning her into a racist” Like she wasn’t using the n- word and all types of violations since she joined the site. All of the c00ns and cacs gooned up in this thread to retaliate but had no problem making white supremacists feel dumb comfortable -

This thread should be a case study of how the self exposed continue to expose themselves in this thread. Who got next??? I’ll wait

:mjtf: :mjlol:

Y'all basically will shyt like this into existence lol
Dude shut the f up- you’ve been sniffing just like the other c00n simp cac collective
If I'm not mistaken Biscuits does not date black dudes Malc knows what he's doing :mjlol:
@Shadow Queen running around the site talking about “Yall made her racist, look at how you .. it’s all your fault she’s racist “

Fukkin cuck- you act like one, you get dumped on - highly doubt that’s you’re even black - digiface contrarian bytch
Last edited:
Jun 15, 2022
I mentioned this in that other thread, but the responses from black men here are completely different than what you would see in a black female forum. It usually always is any time a gender-war topic happens. Guys on this site white knight for bw hard no matter who it is and whether they deserve it or not and they'll attack and turn on other guys on their behalf too. I'd even say they're usually respectful even when girl-users post something they disagree with. You don't see that energy returned on /r/blackladies or lipstickalley where they're basically indistinguishable from a 4cac user in their hate for black men.


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
I’m on page 13 of 29, and I’ve yet to find any receipts or proof of Black Pearl posting some anti-Black Male nonsense.

Where’s it at?

Now that other broad @Ashley Banks , I’ve witnessed her vitriol towards us with my own eyes.


Jul 3, 2018
What do you mean “stop”? If she’s posted things like that in the past, we’d all like to read it ourselves. If she has, we would like to know what she posted.

You can’t just shout “That nikka is a pedophile!” with no type of evidence of the accusation.

This...been wondering why this thread got so big..its just a lot of back and forth but where are the receipts lol