If youre basing this supposed "explosion" on CBO estimates then I wouldnt take it too serious. I mean their estimates as far as Obamacare were completely off.
Not basing this on estimates, though you're wrong about "completely off" and neglecting the reason.
I'm basing this on basic economics. If you tell an industry they are losing millions of customers then that means they scale back production, work to shore up profits, and usually that burden is passed to the consumer. That means higher costs for you and less options.
Conversely, Obama was against the mandate initially but was convinced otherwise because if you're going to say that you can't discriminate against people for being born with asthma, having natal issues that would make babies surpass their lifetime caps before even being able to buy their own insurance, or god forbid you get pregnant or went to the doctor for that one thing when you were a kid, then you need to have healthy people join the insurance pool at a higher number. That is he basic theory of health insurance. All the people who are healthy subsidize the sick and with the hope, when they get sick they also enjoy the same benefits. Remove the healthy people from the pool, then you have a pool of sick people and costs go up and it doesn't work.
Once again, give me your thinking instead of talking points for why what I said isn't the case. Please put some thought into your answer instead of repeating Fox News pundit talking points. Come on dude.