i don't beleive this. How many workers do you need to run a flower shop? There is tons of private road side flower ships in canada that are huge and sell tons of stuff, even offer services like plowing, and it's usually some woman, husband and child running the entire operation. A nail salon or barbershop usually have people almost rent a spot in the store, at least for barbers and also things like tattoo artists, you aren't really on a salary you kind of lease out a spot to cut hair or whatever and pay a portion to your boss. Corner stores shouldn't need a huge staff, it's usually 1/2 people in there and lots of the time it's a family operation and they aren't hiring random people who drop resumes. yes, if the minimum wage raised, the type of dude who runs a small business who wants to sit and not work while he hires people to do the work, he won't survive because he wont be able to afford paying people, the only way he will survive if is he busts his ass and does the work himself or gets his kids or something, like lots and lots of small business owners do. I know a few successful small business owners, all of them kind of sit around and hire workers and pull out money, not that they don't deserve it or that it's even bad, or that they don't work, but they have set it up so they hire workers to do most of the work, which would obviously be the end goal if you are starting your own business right? You want to be your own boss and not answer ot anybody, the thing is people need more money, so the small business owners are going to have to figure it out, they can't have the final say just because they own a small business, there are more workers than people who own a small business.I personally support a 10 dollar minimum wage.
$15 NATIONALLY is way too high.
Cause dudes just wanna get in on the anti-corporation circle jerk without understanding that MOST small businesses would collapse on that.
We're talking corner stores, nail salons, flower shops, barbershops, etc.
Also, cali is not mississippi.
Dudes gotta understand this in context.
I' support alternatives as well:
- universal income
- industry specific minimum wage
- age specific minimum wage
- earned income tax credit reform
I know it's not that simple but the argument can't stop at "well small business owners can't afford it, so all these working people, a much bigger number than small business owners, should be the ones to suffer"
That is crazy, and in the end it's simply not a just thing to do.