Chances make champions
I hear you.Him supporting a $10 minimum wage and opposing a $15 one is neither here nor there. I took him to task because of how he framedand tried to support his claim.
He said he supports a $10 minimum wage, but anything above $10 shows an inability to be taken seriously. He essentially said $10 is good, but $10.01 is laughable. So I asked him what data he could point to that would support not the premise that minmum wage hikes have a negative effect on prices and employment, but specifically why $10 is the cutoff and anything above $10 is so absurd it's not worth addressing. He came up empty because that wasn't a good argument to begin with...it was just an arbitrary judgment call on his part. And that's fine, but when you use condescending language like "it shows an inability to be taken seriously" you need more than that.
And I like Napoleon, but I see him doing that often. For someone who is so quick to shyt on religious folks for not being able to support their claims with empirical evidence, he's been making some rather specious claims on economics and government recently. I'm trying to keep him honest.
With that said, let me restate what I feel because it was lost in the conversation.
Personally I'm forming my opinion on my daily work with businesses from < 1MM-20MM...their balance sheets...their P&L...and how incremental change in staffing (like...hiring one person) effects them...the wave of salary increase that would follow a $15 minimum...in just seattle...would cause businesses to readress how they make money...and they will most likely do this by terminations or price increases because thats the most controllable thing for a business owner.
The end result is higher prices...business paying themselves less...and terminations...I fail to see how this helps the city...let alone the nation.