Because I don't want the government subsiding the gap (use that $$ for public goods), I want more money in the pocket of consumers and I want a stronger lower and middle class (the people who actually spend)
there are alternatives to reduce government subsidy
- universal income
- earned income tax credit reform
- increased corporate taxes and efforts to repatriate corporate money
- industry specific minimum wage
- age specific minimum wage.
Raising the floor has already been shown to always affect people at the bottom in the long run. Employment gets more expensive. Goods become more expensive. etc.
Unless you're going to push for telling business how to resolve internally how to spend their money, you won't really change anything.
I support a minimum wage a point, but theres a reason even liberal/left economic publications were skeptical but eager to view the experiment in Seattle of $15 settling in.
Companies WILL pass those costs on to consumers cause they have no obligation to be moral and cut into their profits to pay workers more out of the goodness of their hearts unless they absolutely have to.
Putting more money in their pockets? Sure. Why not...but this is MINIMUM wage we're talking about. Not living comfortable. You're being REALLY naive thinking living on minimum ANYTHING will do much for you in the modern world. Cause people always point back to a time when there was simply LESS shyt that was required to "live normally" 50 years ago.