You couldn't have had them beat Team Hell No before they broke up? Or have had them beat the Rhodes Scholars? Both teams who are not the champions, but have been fixtures in the title scene for the past 10 months.
But if they beat Team Hell No, wouldn't that just be them jobbing out the champions again?
And let's be honest--Team Rhodes Scholars are not THAT credible. After they failed to get the tag titles in January, they broke up briefly, awkwardly reformed, and have floundering around with the rest of them.
You have credible teams right here, but you have them beat jobbers for the shot instead (nothing wrong with beating jobbers to build some credibility, but not for a title shot)? That's dumb and short sighted, especially considering the fact that they've been wanting to push the Usos for a while.
Hey, I admit this is not the best way the could have handled this. They had the perfect opportunity to build up the division when Team Hell No first won it and they had that large tag tournament for the number one contendership.
For whatever reason they decided not to go further with that, but at this point, I feel like this is not a bad direction for them to go in.
Ignoring the very prominent possibility that this could be just a flash in the pan and that they'll be right back to jobbing out within 3 months (which would make them beating the Shield incredibly stupid)...
That's a possibility, but we all know how WWE works. The Shield may not even be around in three months (three just being an arbitrary number). So I don't see how that's really a big deal. Now if they lose the title shot, then IMMEDIATELY go back to jobbing, I'd agree wholeheartedly.
How in the fukk is the bolded stupid? Isn't this how big matches against prominent threats have been built for years (Case in point: the nWo and Sting; Hogan and Warrior)? You build an equal threat, then build a strong division around that feud and its fallout, that seems like the EASIEST and most logical way to solve this conundrum to me. Hot shotting is what is counterproductive and what solves nothing, which is what they're doing with the Usos right now.
When I said that, I was thinking along the lines of either them forming a team of two singles competitors to take them on, which is the very thing the tag division is largely criticized for, or they introduce some new team, presumably from NXT. To me, the latter is ridiculous. The only team to take out a team of guys from NXT... is another group of guys from NXT? While that would make sense because they'd presumably be more familiar with their styles, but that would really make the rest of the roster look really weak if they couldn't take out one of the most dominant groups, only for some newbies to do it with ease, especially at this stage of The Shield's story.