I don't agree with Usos & Christian going over them just yet. I could see it happening if they were already in a heated feud, but going over cold like that kinda hurts the Shield while trying to build the Usos & Christian back up, IMO. It just seems weird that they went over virtually every combo of Orton/Cena/Show/Sheamus/DB/Ryback/Kane nonstop for months and then they lose clean to a couple of low mid-carders. But, maybe it comes off better on TV than it does on paper. Maybe it'll be some epic 20 minute six-man tag with the crowd going crazy.
That said, Liggins Harrow is right. The Shield have basically stumbled down to being a mid-card act themselves anyway. There's no real story or mystery behind them like we were lead to believe when they first arrived. All we get is the beyond tired "we do this for justice" stuff. It's obvious there's no real plan for them. I agree they are all good at what they do, but they are a stale act. If there's not going to be some twist to their existence, I think they should be split up by the end of summer.