Scottie Pippen, Luc Longley, Horace Grant to go on "No Bull Tour" A response to the last dance.

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
This is probably true

That’s why I posted the pics of various stages of Pippen being cool with and even having that same reverence for MJ.

Pip clearly has some financial issues. The bad contract plus a bad wife who got half and who’s going after (and I believe got) some of his pension. And this is not to clown it’s just being real for people who actually were there, have followed him, etc. I’ve never truly believed, that HE believed, any of the shyt he’s saying. It does come across as a financial play.

Scottie at his heart is a nice dude man. He’s never been believable trying to be mean. Whether with Jordan, Barkley, even in last dance his treatment of Jerry Krause came off as him just trying to copy Mike. Oakley roughed him up, Pip cried to the team when Cartwright called in out for sitting out, etc.

Nahhh I think that hate for Krause was REAL lol. Scottie elated in dogging him out and also in torching Kukoc.

But yea I get the thing regarding MJ and him more than likely just blowing smoke because of finances but I think the bitterness is real because the Last Dance portrays him as sort of a surly quitter when he didn’t get his way but Scottie is also choosing not to see that the Doc also showed WHY he was being a surly quitter and of i’m not mistaken most of the public reaction was aimed at Krause, there was very little backlash that went Scottie’s way. I mean hell fans are still booing the MEMORY of Krause in 2024 almost a decade after his death. If Scottie showed up courtside at a Bulls game he’d get hella love. Scottie’s peers speak extremely highly of him. MJ spoke extremely highly of him.

I think that a lot of negative feelings got amplified because of the timing of the documentary. It was Covid and all people could do was shut themselves in and discuss whatever wave could momentarily break the country out of its collective funk. The Last Dance was definitely a wave in pop culture, but in any normal year it would have been replaced in the news cycle a week or two after it aired.

I'm not going to dignify Scottie's nonsense by commenting on it, since only the most virulent Joran haters will put any stock in it, and those of us who were actually there and know the story understand how much he lies about certain things but I wonder what the catalyst for this is. Like I wonder if he had an agent who told him hey, look at Trump. Most people in the world hate his guts but he has millions of dummies he can capitalize off of. So let's say 600 million people globally have positive feelings about Jordan. And let's say you get 5 million Jordan haters to listen to your story, buy your book, etc. Sure that's a tiny percentage compared to those who admire Jordan, but it's still $$$. Like the Kardashians. Most think they're talentless trash but when you're dealing with pools of hundreds of millions of people, you only need a couple million suckers to give you money, and associating yourself with the most highly regarded athlete in history, especially as a former teammate, gives you a certain standing that you can use to capitalize off of the tiny, but loud, pool of hardcore Jordan haters. Mix that with Scottie's real bitterness and you can see how something like this comes about.

This 100%


May 7, 2012
Nahhh I think that hate for Krause was REAL lol. Scottie elated in dogging him out and also in torching Kukoc.

But yea I get the thing regarding MJ and him more than likely just blowing smoke because of finances but I think the bitterness is real because the Last Dance portrays him as sort of a surly quitter when he didn’t get his way but Scottie is also choosing not to see that the Doc also showed WHY he was being a surly quitter and of i’m not mistaken most of the public reaction was aimed at Krause, there was very little backlash that went Scottie’s way. I mean hell fans are still booing the MEMORY of Krause in 2024 almost a decade after his death. If Scottie showed up courtside at a Bulls game he’d get hella love. Scottie’s peers speak extremely highly of him. MJ spoke extremely highly of him.

I think that a lot of negative feelings got amplified because of the timing of the documentary. It was Covid and all people could do was shut themselves in and discuss whatever wave could momentarily break the country out of its collective funk. The Last Dance was definitely a wave in pop culture, but in any normal year it would have been replaced in the news cycle a week or two after it aired.

This 100%

I see what you're saying, but I disagree. The documentary gave a reason as to why Pippen would've felt unappreciated by the front office, but then almost immediately featured Jordan essentially saying it was his own fault for signing a shytty contract in the first place, and he shouldn't have been mad.

When you consider that Jordan's own production company (which doesn't seem to have been involved with any projects before or since) worked on this, it's not hard to see how this could've set off any underlying issues they had.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
It's true but MJ is 1-9 without Pip in the playoffs so I can see why he feels a type of way. :yeshrug:

MJ should show more appreciation towards him
The first ep. of the doc has Jordan liteally saying he wouldn't have rings without Scottie and praising him like crazy.

The doc has the 94 playoffs which can't help but make Pippen look bad because of what happened against the Knicks.

I guess the worst part for Scottie was the 97-98 run with his contract dispute. But throughout the doc you have MJ giving him way more props that shots :manny:

Horace Grant is made to look like shyt though, I can see why he mad.

Longley just trying to cash in on any chance of relevancy he can get :mjlol:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I see what you're saying, but I disagree. The documentary gave a reason as to why Pippen would've felt unappreciated by the front office, but then almost immediately featured Jordan essentially saying it was his own fault for signing a shytty contract in the first place, and he shouldn't have been mad.

When you consider that Jordan's own production company (which doesn't seem to have been involved with any projects before or since) worked on this, it's not hard to see how this could've set off any underlying issues they had.

But I mean…was it NOT Scottie’s fault for signing a shytty contract? Was not Scottie there to give his side of why he signed it? All things given I felt the portrayal of Scottie was pretty fair and again, there was very little in the way of public backlash against Scottie so its not like his name was smeared in the mud. Krause (rightfully) ate pretty all of the vitriol. He was made to look like the villain for not taking care of Scottie. He was made to look like the villain for minimizing Scottie’s importance. He was made to look like the a$$hole who tore up the team because of his own ego.

All Michael said was shyt i’m pretty sure he would have said to Scottie’s face. 1). YOU signed the shytty contract so you can’t be mad the team didn’t renegotiate and 2). YOU threw a tantrum and stayed on the bench during a crucial playoff moment because you were in your feelings. Something that Scottie sat right there and said he’d do over again.

I’m just failing to see where Jordan, even if he did produce the doc, was all that wrong or shall I say, out of character when it comes to his TWO comments out of a ten hour doc that criticize Scottie. If Scottie never made a stink about it nobody would really be raking through those comments or those moments today. Scottie, in a lot of ways, gets a lot of passes for being the underrated Robin to Jordan’s Batman but he’s displayed a lot of childlike behavior that I think he needs to be held accountable for.

If what Horace Grant is saying is true and he never leaked any info to Sam Smith then Horace has more of a claim to be upset at the doc than anybody because it makes him look like a whole snitch


Apr 30, 2012
The documentary gave a reason as to why Pippen would've felt unappreciated by the front office, but then almost immediately featured Jordan essentially saying it was his own fault for signing a shytty contract in the first place, and he shouldn't have been mad.
Was he wrong?

If you sign a deal management advises you not to sign because it will be way below market within a few years and they would not be open to renegotiating when that happens and you sign it anyway, why wouldn't teammates be mad if you essentially sit almost half the season because you're not happy with your deal years later?

2 one 3

Nov 11, 2017
These old dudes are really going out sad…

Considering they are still trying to use MJ 20 years later to make a buck…

They should really appreciate the opportunity because their careers could be TOTALLY DIFFERENT…

Imagine Mike and Barkley getting 6 rings and Scottie with none… :mjlol:


May 23, 2012