Scientists calculate that the Earth may be the only planet in the entire galaxy capable of supporting advanced life

Jul 26, 2015
It’s all speculation. It’s also foolish to equate UFOs and politics. I chose to believe his story just like the OP choses to believe in the judeo-Christian God.

The fact that you think that we believe aliens from other galaxies are visiting us shows you’re trolling out of ignorance

Ufos and politics? Unless you're referring to a post from an earlier page that I overlooked, what are you talking about?

I made a general comment about how people who believe aliens from other galaxies have visited Earth and how it often shows a lack of self-awareness in how they view others who disagree, and you responded to my post by telling me I shouldn't speak on the topic. I didn't quote anybody in this thread and I was referencing the thread title suggesting that advanced life from our own galaxy is likely nonexistent outside of Earth. So if you don't believe in extragalactic travelers what was even the point of this back and forth? And who is this "we" you keep referencing?

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
The odds are against it. The incredible unfathomable amount of time is against it. Now the chance we'd meet has problems that I'll accept. I believe they've visited but are too turned off by how barbaric we are as a human race. Like really sit back and think about it. :francis:

Imagine all the civilizations that have come and gone without knowing we ever existed and vice versa.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
@Professor Emeritus

Do you have a debunk for the Arecibo reply or other crop circles that can’t be explained by the rope and plank method?


Breh, if you think advanced aliens have decided to communicate with humans through random patterns in random fields, 99% of the time in the exact same small region where particular pranksters just happen to live, then I don't know what to say to you.

I have some questions though:

1. Why are these crop circles virtually always in places that are super easy for pranksters to reach? Almost always near roads that allow for an easy getaway, almost always within a short distance from places where the circle pranking community is known to live, sometimes even in the same fields multiple years. Wouldn't aliens that could travel by air be a lot more indiscriminate in where they did their circles?

2. Why are these crop circles virtually always in places where people are known to prank? Virtually all of them are in wealthy English speaking countries, with over 90% in a small region of England where the pranks started, and the minority remainder mostly in USA, Canada, Australia, occasionally Israel. There are a few in Europe, especially in a small area in the Netherlands where the sole culprit (likely for all of them) has been caught in the act before. But they're almost never in South America, Africa, Asia....why is that?

3. Why did crop circles suddenly emerge as a common phenomenon in the 1970s? Reports of crop circles before that are extremely rare, and limited to very rudimentary circles that could be explained by all sorts of other things. Then in the 1970s, they suddenly started appearing like crazy, almost all within a small area in England. Then in the 1990s, they suddenly started becoming much more complex (coincidentally, just about the same time that people with computers could start using algorithms to draft their designs). If these crop circles were made by ET, then why wasn't there a single complex crop circle before 1980? Weren't the aliens already far more advanced than they'd need to be for such a simple task? Why does the complexity in the crop circles perfectly follow the advance of human tech?

4. With tens of thousands of these crop circles made, why isn't there a single video of it happening? People have security cameras, game cameras, ring cameras set up all one actually "sees" the UFOs doing it. But humans have been caught doing them.

Crop circle pranksters have admitted to it since the beginning, they've been caught in the act plenty of times, and there was multiple cases where believers claimed that a crop circles was "definitely" an ET one only to have the real human culprits emerge. The fact that there's a heavy subculture of crop circle pranking in a few regions in England, only occasionally copied in other similar countries, is well known. You have to be more serious with your ET visitation evidence.

In terms of the "Arecibo reply" specifically, it was clown shyt, such an obviously human-created message. They were so lazy that they did the reply right in Hampshire, UK (just happens to be where most of the crop circle pranksters live), and made almost the same message outside of obvious human-added changes. They stuck in silicon instead of carbon (a favorite theory of ET researchers is that ET life might be silicon-based), they replaced the human with a very typical "Gray" alien figure, and they altered the DNA slightly. Those are all obvious changes that a not-very-creative human would come up with.

The mic drop is that the Arecibo message was aimed at a galaxy 20,000 light years away, but the crop circle was made just 27 years after the message was sent. There's nothing there within 27 light years in that direction, it's empty space. So who replied? There wasn't even a solar system in any area that could have recieved the message by that time.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:

Breh, if you think advanced aliens have decided to communicate with humans through random patterns in random fields, 99% of the time in the exact same small region where particular pranksters just happen to live, then I don't know what to say to you.

I have some questions though:

1. Why are these crop circles virtually always in places that are super easy for pranksters to reach? Almost always near roads that allow for an easy getaway, almost always within a short distance from places where the circle pranking community is known to live, sometimes even in the same fields multiple years. Wouldn't aliens that could travel by air be a lot more indiscriminate in where they did their circles?

2. Why are these crop circles virtually always in places where people are known to prank? Virtually all of them are in wealthy English speaking countries, with over 90% in a small region of England where the pranks started, and the minority remainder mostly in USA, Canada, Australia, occasionally Israel. There are a few in Europe, especially in a small area in the Netherlands where the sole culprit (likely for all of them) has been caught in the act before. But they're almost never in South America, Africa, Asia....why is that?

3. Why did crop circles suddenly emerge as a common phenomenon in the 1970s? Reports of crop circles before that are extremely rare, and limited to very rudimentary circles that could be explained by all sorts of other things. Then in the 1970s, they suddenly started appearing like crazy, almost all within a small area in England. Then in the 1990s, they suddenly started becoming much more complex (coincidentally, just about the same time that people with computers could start using algorithms to draft their designs). If these crop circles were made by ET, then why wasn't there a single complex crop circle before 1980? Weren't the aliens already far more advanced than they'd need to be for such a simple task? Why does the complexity in the crop circles perfectly follow the advance of human tech?

4. With tens of thousands of these crop circles made, why isn't there a single video of it happening? People have security cameras, game cameras, ring cameras set up all one actually "sees" the UFOs doing it. But humans have been caught doing them.

Crop circle pranksters have admitted to it since the beginning, they've been caught in the act plenty of times, and there was multiple cases where believers claimed that a crop circles was "definitely" an ET one only to have the real human culprits emerge. The fact that there's a heavy subculture of crop circle pranking in a few regions in England, only occasionally copied in other similar countries, is well known. You have to be more serious with your ET visitation evidence.

In terms of the "Arecibo reply" specifically, it was clown shyt, such an obviously human-created message. They were so lazy that they did the reply right in Hampshire, UK (just happens to be where most of the crop circle pranksters live), and made almost the same message outside of obvious human-added changes. They stuck in silicon instead of carbon (a favorite theory of ET researchers is that ET life might be silicon-based), they replaced the human with a very typical "Gray" alien figure, and they altered the DNA slightly. Those are all obvious changes that a not-very-creative human would come up with.

The mic drop is that the Arecibo message was aimed at a galaxy 20,000 light years away, but the crop circle was made just 27 years after the message was sent. There's nothing there within 27 light years in that direction, it's empty space. So who replied? There wasn't even a solar system in any area that could have recieved the message by that time.
I’m not saying I believe in it but I find it interesting that there isn’t an out right debunk for some of these crop circles like the Arecibo reply. The crop circles that can’t be explained by plank and rope do not have agreed upon explanations of how they got here correct?

It’s quite possible that humans are being monitored a lot closer than we realize and it’s also possible the aliens that responded have faster than light ways to intercept messages.

Why do Humans graffiti buildings? It’s quite arrogant for us to completely dismiss these things like we can fully articulate what an alien culture could see as a valid way of communication.

Maybe in their culture crop circles are a ceremonial display of respect to a primitive culture? I don’t know

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I’m not saying I believe in it but I find it interesting that there isn’t an out right debunk for some of these crop circles like the Arecibo reply. The crop circles that can’t be explained by plank and rope do not have agreed upon explanations of how they got here correct?

I've never seen anything that can't be explained by some variation on plank and rope or wheeled garden rollers going along paths marked by guide strings. It's all just laying down crops in the pattern you need. With the advent of computer drafting with algorithms and accurate GPS positioning, you can lay out anything you want with sufficient practice.

Remember when Nvidia hired some crop circle artists to make a viral ad for their Tegra K1 chip?

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New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
I've never seen anything that can't be explained by some variation on plank and rope or wheeled garden rollers going along paths marked by guide strings. It's all just laying down crops in the pattern you need. With the advent of computer drafting with algorithms and accurate GPS positioning, you can lay out anything you want with sufficient practice.

A lot of the unexplained crop circles were done before gps positioning and algorithms were widely available. A lot of the crops genetic material were altered. For example the crops where the designs were overlayed grew faster than the crops unaffected

Please debunk this video. I genuinely want an explanation if it’s possible.
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