Scientist on Reddit claims to have dissected Aliens - Even Reddit Nerds think he's either telling the truth or the GOAT bullshytter


Jan 1, 2018
Answer me honestly, before you read my reply to this thread how much did you know about this trio and their links?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Answer me honestly, before you read my reply to this thread how much did you know about this trio and their links?

Absolutely nothing. Their links are completely meaningless and uninteresting, why would I care about them?

I've read a great deal about Hubbard and his religious grifting in the past, and I've read a great deal about Crowley's various goofball theories and wackiness. I knew nothing about Parsons because he's not an important person.

Can you explain why you thought Parsons was relevant at all? He's a kid who played around with rockets, then lost his career when he got involved with Crowley. Crowley didn't inspire him to play with rockets, they hadn't even met yet. Crowley didn't inspire him to start the precursor to JPL, they hadn't even met yet. Crowley had virtually no influence on Parsons's career other than getting him kicked out of JPL just three years after they met. And Parsons never had anything to do with space, he left (and died) long before we got to space.

So why is Parsons relevant at all? This is just random free association.


Jan 1, 2018
How the heck can you read a great deal about AC and LR but know nothing of Parsons? :hula: The puters ain't putin on that one. Even if you only had a basic cursory read of their Wikis:

"Crowley was now living largely off contributions supplied by the O.T.O.'s Agape Lodge in California, led by rocket scientist John Whiteside "Jack" Parsons.[195] Crowley was intrigued by the rise of Nazism in Germany, and influenced by his friend Martha Küntzel believed that Adolf Hitler might convert to Thelema; when the Nazis abolished the German O.T.O. and imprisoned Germer, who fled to the US, Crowley then lambasted Hitler as a black magician."

"In August 1945, Hubbard moved into the Pasadena mansion of John "Jack" Whiteside Parsons. A leading rocket propulsion researcher at the California Institute of Technology and a founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Parsons led a double life as an avid occultist and Thelemite, follower of the English ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley and leader of a lodge of Crowley's magical order, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)."

You'd see Parsons features prominently in both. There was more I could have said on this topic as its something that interests but I have no wish to argue with you (because it certainly isn't a discussion you want) so lets pretend you win the internet today and we can all go on our merry way.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Lem or Greys are comparable to the West African fertility god


These are just attempts to draw small-featured people with oversized heads - and oversized heads has been a human motif for fictional characters throughout history, again for the obvious reason that the most bizarre feature of a human infant is its oversized head. Notice that in some ways those two look more like each other than they look like "grays", and neither of them were supposed to represent aliens. One of the most distinct features of "Grays" is their huge eyes with no eyebrows. Why does this drawing and statue have small eyes with eyebrows? Because they weren't copied from 1960s sci fi and don't have anything to do with supposed "aliens", they're just playing with a common human motif.

Note: here is "Lam" next to Crowley himself:


Crowley never said what "Lam" was, and never talked about him again after that one drawing. Some of Crowley's later writers thought that Lam was simply a self-portrait of Crowley on the "astral plain", his imagining of himself in some perfected state with an outsized brain and advanced consciousness. Crowley was a total fukking wacko.

On the other hand, here is the Outer Limits and Twilight Zone aliens next to Betty and Barney Hill's recreation:


That original real "gray" looks WAY more like the Outer Limits character that appeared just 12 days before Barney Hill suddenly "remembered" the appearance under hypnosis.

So for three years they were claiming the aliens looked pretty much like people and said nothing strange about their eyes or noses, then the Outer Limits shows an alien episode, and 12 days later the story changes? We're supposed to take that seriously?

Berry and Barney Hill's drawings didn't look exactly like the modern Grays, but there were plenty of other fictional Gray characters floating around at the time.

Twilight Zone, 1962. Here we get one of the first depictions of the eyes being all black with no pupils, a common later motif.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1977. Clearly inspired by the Betty/Barney Hill story but not a great copy of it....notice that after 1977, the "grays" began to look MUCH more like Steven Spielberg's vision than the previous reports.



Notice that's several years before the Roswell aliens were ever described and more than a decade before "Communion" appeared. Pop culture always showed each particular depiction it BEFORE it was reported in the "true stories", not afterwards.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
How the heck can you read a great deal about AC and LR but know nothing of Parsons? :hula: The puters ain't putin on that one.

Crowley's wiki mentions at least 100 different associates and Parsons isn't memorable at all among them. He's a fringe character in the bio. My only interest when I read Crowley was in his theories, not the random people who supported him at times.

You still have never explained why Parsons is relevant at all. You falsely claimed he worked for NASA, when he didn't. You falsely claimed he built spaceships, when he didn't. You suggested that Parsons following Crowley was some sort of important "coincidence", even though Crowley never talked about aliens and Crowley never influenced Parson's career as a rocket designer (other than causing him to lose it), so what's the relevance?

And Alaistar Crowley was just a megalomanic drug and sex addict who appropriated African religions to try to make himself into a cult prophet. Trust a crackhead who created the field of "anal sex magic" to know the secrets of the universe, brehs.

Claiming to be a prince and princess, they rented an apartment in which Crowley set up a temple room and began invoking ancient Egyptian deities, while studying Islamic mysticism and Arabic. According to Crowley's later account, Rose regularly became delirious and informed him "they are waiting for you." On 18 March, she explained that "they" were the god Horus, and on 20 March proclaimed that "the Equinox of the Gods has come".

According to Crowley's later statements, on 8 April he heard a disembodied voice claiming to be that of Aiwass, the messenger of Horus, or Hoor-Paar-Kraat. Crowley said that he wrote down everything the voice told him over the course of the next three days, and titled it Liber AL vel Legis or The Book of the Law. The book proclaimed that humanity was entering a new Aeon, and that Crowley would serve as its prophet. It stated that a supreme moral law was to be introduced in this Aeon, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," and that people should learn to live in tune with their Will.

In November 1909, Crowley and Neuburg travelled to Algeria, touring the desert from El Arba to Aumale, Bou Saâda, and then Dā'leh Addin, with Crowley reciting the Quran on a daily basis.  During the trip he invoked the thirty aethyrs of Enochian magic, with Neuburg recording the results, later published in The Equinox as The Vision and the Voice. Following a mountaintop sex magic ritual, Crowley also performed an evocation to the demon Choronzon involving blood sacrifice, and considered the results to be a watershed in his magical career.

Fascinated by the O.T.O's emphasis on sex magic, Crowley devised a magical working based on anal sex and incorporated it into the syllabus for those O.T.O. members who had been initiated into the eleventh degree.

Together Crowley and Neuburg performed the six-week "Paris Working", a period of intense ritual involving strong drug use in which they invoked the gods Mercury and Jupiter. As part of the ritual, the couple performed acts of sex magic together, at times being joined by journalist Walter Duranty. Inspired by the results of the Working, Crowley wrote Liber Agapé, a treatise on sex magic. Following the Paris Working, Neuburg began to distance himself from Crowley, resulting in an argument in which Crowley cursed him.

Arriving in New York City, he moved into a hotel and began earning money writing for the American edition of Vanity Fair and undertaking freelance work for the famed astrologer Evangeline Adams. In the city, he continued experimenting with sex magic, through the use of masturbation, female prostitutes, and male clients of a Turkish bathhouse; all of these encounters were documented in his diaries.

In 1918, Crowley went on a magical retreat in the wilderness of Esopus Island on the Hudson River. Here, he began a translation of the Tao Te Ching, painted Thelemic slogans on the riverside cliffs, and—he later claimed—experienced past life memories of being Ge Xuan, Pope Alexander VI, Alessandro Cagliostro, and Eliphas Levi.

Moving to the commune with Hirsig, Shumway, and their children Hansi, Howard, and Poupée, Crowley described the scenario as "perfectly happy ... my idea of heaven." They wore robes, and performed rituals to the sun god Ra at set times during the day, also occasionally performing the Gnostic Mass; the rest of the day they were left to follow their own interests He offered a libertine education for the children, allowing them to play all day and witness acts of sex magic. He occasionally travelled to Palermo to visit rent boys and buy supplies, including drugs; his heroin addiction came to dominate his life, and cocaine began to erode his nasal cavity. There was no cleaning rota, and wild dogs and cats wandered throughout the building, which soon became unsanitary.

Subsequently, a young Thelemite named Raoul Loveday moved to the Abbey with his wife Betty May; while Loveday was devoted to Crowley, May detested him and life at the commune. She later said that Loveday was made to drink the blood of a sacrificed cat, and that they were required to cut themselves with razors every time they used the pronoun "I".

Crowley and Hirsig went to Tunis, where, dogged by continuing poor health, he unsuccessfully tried again to give up heroin, and began writing what he termed his "autohagiography", The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. They were joined in Tunis by the Thelemite Norman Mudd, who became Crowley's public relations consultant. Employing a local boy, Mohammad ben Brahim, as his servant, Crowley went with him on a retreat to Nefta, where they performed sex magic together.

Crowley was intrigued by the rise of Nazism in Germany, and influenced by his friend Martha Küntzel believed that Adolf Hitler might convert to Thelema; when the Nazis abolished the German O.T.O. and imprisoned Germer, who fled to the US, Crowley then lambasted Hitler as a black magician.

Pasi described Crowley's fascination to the extreme ideologies of Nazism and Marxism–Leninism, which aimed to violently overturn society: "What Crowley liked about Nazism and communism, or at least what made him curious about them, was the anti-Christian position and the revolutionary and socially subversive implications of these two movements. In their subversive powers, he saw the possibility of an annihilation of old religious traditions, and the creation of a void that Thelema, subsequently, would be able to fill." Crowley described democracy as an "imbecile and nauseating cult of weakness", and commented that The Book of the Law proclaimed that "there is the master and there is the slave; the noble and the serf; the 'lone wolf' and the herd". In this attitude, he was influenced by the work of Friedrich Nietzsche and by Social Darwinism.

Sexuality played an important role in Crowley's ideas about magick and his practice of it, and has been described as being central to Thelema. He outlined three forms of sex magick—the autoerotic, homosexual, and heterosexual—and argued that such acts could be used to focus the magician's will onto a specific goal such as financial gain or personal creative success.

Biographer Lawrence Sutin stated that "blatant bigotry is a persistent minor element in Crowley's writings". Sutin thought Crowley "a spoiled scion of a wealthy Victorian family who embodied many of the worst John Bull racial and social prejudices of his upper-class contemporaries", noting that he "embodied the contradiction that writhed within many Western intellectuals of the time: deeply held racist viewpoints courtesy of society, coupled with a fascination with people of colour".

Imagine thinking that sex-addicted, drug-addicted, abusive racist had any special insight into the universe or is someone to take seriously on anything whatsoever. :mjlol:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
It is my understanding that the Gray image didn't reach widespread appeal until "The Communion" by Whitley Streiber in 1987


"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" came out in 1977, ten years before "Communion" did.


Why does the Communion alien look EXACTLY like the fukking Close Encounters alien?

The development in the appearance of the Grays always came in pop culture first, then "reality" second. Betty and Barney Hill's version was after the Outer Limits. Whitley Streiber's version was after Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Life imitates art....people are believing shyt suggested to them by movies. The "real" version always comes second. Strange, isn't it.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Or the greys look like that. They have people in remote parts of the world mentioning seeing greys. Not all of them would have had access to the 1960s tv show.
There was this fascinating story out of the Ariel School in Zimbabwe. Some beings supposedly came down from the sky and made themselves known to dozens of school children. The children described them in a similar way as people describe greys, but the children (apparently) did not know enough about the world to call them aliens, or even what aliens were in the first place. They described them as small, strange men with big eyes. I timestamped a picture one of the kids drew, but you can watch the video for context if you are interested

We've covered this before in other threads - sadly, this version of the Ariel story is a myth created by the UFOologists themselves. Here are their lies

Lie #1: Ariel School was "remote" and primitive

This was total bullshyt by western UFOologists playing on ignorance about Africa. In reality, Ariel School was an elite English-speaking private school just outside the capital and the year of the "incident" was 1994. You seriously think rich white kids in African capitals didn't have access to alien stories in 1994? How could you call that "remote"?

Ruwa is a suburb of Harare, a modern metropolis of 1.6 million people (1.2 million in 1994), and Zimbabwe's capital. Since its founding as a British colony with distinctly European architecture, to its modern display of glass skyscrapers and office buildings, Harare has always been the nation's economic center. A 15-minute drive down the R5 highway and you soon get into agricultural regions, and right about at this transition is where you'll find the Ariel School. Their neatly uniformed students have active programs in many sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities. They have a competition swimming pool, tennis courts, and a golf course. The demographics have changed; in 1994 the school was mostly white Zimbabweans of British and South African origin, today it's mostly black Zimbabweans. English is the language spoken in schools, so all the students — then as well as now — are perfectly fluent. Ariel was the most expensive private school around, and the students were generally from wealthy families in Harare who wanted to send their children someplace nicer than the crowded urban schools. Ariel's students had just as much exposure to the world's movies and television as people in every other modern city around the world — certainly including the wave of UFO mania that had been saturating Zimbabwe's news media ever since the fireball two nights before.

Lie #2: The Ariel School kids didn't know about alien stories

On September 14, 1994, a giant fireball crossed Zimbabwe's skies. It was the re-entry of the Zenit-2 rocket from the Cosmos 2290 satellite launch. However, few news stations reported on the actual cause of the fireball, and across Zimbabwe (and other nearby countries), thousands of people reported that they had seen a UFO. These UFO reports filled the newspapers and television news all week, and everyone in the country was talking about aliens. One of the Ariel School classrooms reported that they had had a class discussion about aliens that very week.

The Ariel School "incident" was just two days after the Zenit-2 rocket reentry event. Right when literally everyone was talking about aliens.

Lie #3: The Ariel School kids said they saw a spaceship fly in

When you read the initial descriptions by the children, only 1 or 2 of them saying anything about a spaceship flying in. Nearly ALL the stories from the first reports say that some kids suddenly noticed a shiny metal object sitting in the long grass (which was about 250 yards away). The stories about it flying in were almost all added afterwards, after the Western UFOologists had come in to plant suggestions and start getting the kids to exaggerate their stories.

Lie #4: The Ariel School kids claimed they had seen "Grays"

There were over 200 kids out in the yard on that day. Only 32 of those kids are recorded to have made a statement about seeing a "UFO". Of those 32 kids, only 5-6 initially said they had seen anything like a "gray", and those were probably just copying the aliens they had been seeing on television stories all week.

The majority of kids who made statements said the "alien" they saw were long-haired Black man. And these men were almost certainly were wearing sunglasses, which at 750 feet away would have looked like large eyes.

"We saw a black man running around."

"I didn’t see the spaceship but I saw the little black guy, he looked - he was all black, and it looked like he had long hair."

"The hair was a bit like Michael Jackson, and they had on a black suit."

"It almost looked like a real person except it was fairly plump... At first I thought it was just some boy from the compound playing around, but... it looked more like our hair, it wasn’t curly. That thing almost looked like a hippie."

"And I saw a black man, he was just in black, and he had big eyes... I thought it was an alien, and then I thought maybe it was the gardener or someone."

"I saw the little black men. They had longish hair and it was all black. And they had big black eyes, that’s all I saw.

"We saw two people. One had long black hair, the other one was bald, and they both had large eyes."

"He looked like, definitely not a human... He had a big head and big black eyes and was dressed in a black bodysuit, tight fitting... [Arms and legs] like a human’s but he definitely didn’t look like one, his head was much too big."

"We saw some people - a white one, a red one, a black one. The black one was sitting on the spaceship."

And here are some drawings those kids made of the sighting:


THAT is your proof that "gray" aliens are reported from remote locales that wouldn't know about them? A 1994 story from rich kids from a major African capital, most of whom said they saw a LONG HAIRED BLACK MAN standing next to a shiny metal object a long ways away, not a "gray" at all?

Now, it's true that later on, more and more of those kids reported that they had seen "grays", or seen flying spaceships, and so on. That's because in the two months after the incident, several major UFO enthusiasts from the West came and spent weeks with the kids. They suggested all sorts of things to them, interviewed them in groups, and got excited every time a child said anything that sounded like a stereotypical alien story. Young children naturally want to please adults, especially important adults, and so more and more of the kids began picking up on the exciting elements of their classmates' stories and repeating them as if they were their own. That's the power of suggestion.

When you see the UFOologist reports of Ariel School, when you hear their interviews made long after the fact, you're looking at the result of those suggestions. But those simply aren't the accurate testimony. By far the more accurate testimony are the first statements and pictures the kids made. And while many of those are tainted too (the pictures were drawn under the specific instructions of the first UFOologist to arrive at the scene, who had already big-upped the alien idea and then let the kids work together and copy off of each other), you can still see from those early reports that the kids saw regular black people, not aliens.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
We've gone from some anonymous poster on Reddit to Aleister Crawley and still not one shred of evidence of aliens visiting Earth.

Also, I went to see 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' as a kid, first-run, 10 years before Whitley Streiber's book. Also went to see 'ET:The Extra-Terrestrial' and remember laughing when it died, in 1982.

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Apr 30, 2012
If he did he would never tell....... fear of what might happen is too real........ the process would have already started down the path to his doom by calling him crazy and discrediting his person and sanity with the claims he is making

Eventually people do they are just slandered and not believe I had a look at it as an additional duty broke. It seems like every few years they still change the world. This is what I had a look at it as a additional duty broke. It seems like every few years they still change the world. This is what we can train you know things. No I’m out.


May 21, 2012
We've covered this before in other threads - sadly, this version of the Ariel story is a myth created by the UFOologists themselves. Here are their lies

Lie #1: Ariel School was "remote" and primitive

This was total bullshyt by western UFOologists playing on ignorance about Africa. In reality, Ariel School was an elite English-speaking private school just outside the capital and the year of the "incident" was 1994. You seriously think rich white kids in African capitals didn't have access to alien stories in 1994? How could you call that "remote"?

Lie #2: The Ariel School kids didn't know about alien stories

On September 14, 1994, a giant fireball crossed Zimbabwe's skies. It was the re-entry of the Zenit-2 rocket from the Cosmos 2290 satellite launch. However, few news stations reported on the actual cause of the fireball, and across Zimbabwe (and other nearby countries), thousands of people reported that they had seen a UFO. These UFO reports filled the newspapers and television news all week, and everyone in the country was talking about aliens. One of the Ariel School classrooms reported that they had had a class discussion about aliens that very week.

The Ariel School "incident" was just two days after the Zenit-2 rocket reentry event. Right when literally everyone was talking about aliens.

Lie #3: The Ariel School kids said they saw a spaceship fly in

When you read the initial descriptions by the children, only 1 or 2 of them saying anything about a spaceship flying in. Nearly ALL the stories from the first reports say that some kids suddenly noticed a shiny metal object sitting in the long grass (which was about 250 yards away). The stories about it flying in were almost all added afterwards, after the Western UFOologists had come in to plant suggestions and start getting the kids to exaggerate their stories.

Lie #4: The Ariel School kids claimed they had seen "Grays"

There were over 200 kids out in the yard on that day. Only 32 of those kids are recorded to have made a statement about seeing a "UFO". Of those 32 kids, only 5-6 initially said they had seen anything like a "gray", and those were probably just copying the aliens they had been seeing on television stories all week.

The majority of kids who made statements said the "alien" they saw were long-haired Black man. And these men were almost certainly were wearing sunglasses, which at 750 feet away would have looked like large eyes.

And here are some drawings those kids made of the sighting:


THAT is your proof that "gray" aliens are reported from remote locales that wouldn't know about them? A 1994 story from rich kids from a major African capital, most of whom said they saw a LONG HAIRED BLACK MAN standing next to a shiny metal object a long ways away, not a "gray" at all?

Now, it's true that later on, more and more of those kids reported that they had seen "grays", or seen flying spaceships, and so on. That's because in the two months after the incident, several major UFO enthusiasts from the West came and spent weeks with the kids. They suggested all sorts of things to them, interviewed them in groups, and got excited every time a child said anything that sounded like a stereotypical alien story. Young children naturally want to please adults, especially important adults, and so more and more of the kids began picking up on the exciting elements of their classmates' stories and repeating them as if they were their own. That's the power of suggestion.

When you see the UFOologist reports of Ariel School, when you hear their interviews made long after the fact, you're looking at the result of those suggestions. But those simply aren't the accurate testimony. By far the more accurate testimony are the first statements and pictures the kids made. And while many of those are tainted too (the pictures were drawn under the specific instructions of the first UFOologist to arrive at the scene, who had already big-upped the alien idea and then let the kids work together and copy off of each other), you can still see from those early reports that the kids saw regular black people, not aliens.
The problem with your argument, is you are assuming just as many things as you claim I am. You make definitive statements about the children that you have no proof of; just your belief. I wasn't there to interview the children, yes, but neither were you. I happen to like John Mack, the Ufo guy you said tainted the children. He's controversial for sure, but he went where he thought the evidence pointed him, even though it hurt his reputation. I respect that. Academia can be very rigid in its belief systems.

Lexington Steele

All Star
May 25, 2012
I don't understand what the NASA occult conspiracy theory is trying to say. The GPS in my phone is actually black magic?:patrice:

Unemployed GM

All Star
Mar 3, 2015
A lot of people are talking about the biochemistry part, I was more intrigued with their religion. It's more or less aligned with mine, maybe even a little more complex :ehh:

I am very curious about this. when the soul field continues to evolve based off sentient beings experience, what is the end result of its complexity? seems its their primary goal, which would explain their need to explore the entire universe, but what is the end goal, they probably don't know yet, but I wonder what their hypothesis is. another universe?
How you know the alien religion when you don’t know his language?


May 21, 2012
How you know the alien religion when you don’t know his language?
Supposedly it all happens telepathically. If it did actually happen, who is to say the alien wasn’t lying? Also, maybe it was indoctrinated that way by the aliens creating the greys. There are too many unknowns. If/when alien intervention with us is awknowledged, it’s going to be really hard to assess the the veracity of alien claims. It’s all going to be a big mess. I think that is part of the reason the government hasn’t acknowledged aliens officially yet.