If you express that you don't understand isn't it a 'complex plot point' like Interstellar to you?lmao at these marvel stans rushing to explain these "complex plot points", like this was interstellar or something. Face it, vision could have put a stop to that airport fight... kill that ass hole in the start of the movie without any civilian casualties but he decided to make pancakes. Black widow should have died in that van explosion, wtf is she doing fighting super humans and aliens anyway? At least batman had a suit...
She is a spy she should stay behind the scenes like SamueL, but no, she's fighting aliens with her little colt 45 or whatever that is.
And how the fukk does black panther keep up with bikes and cars and shyt? Isn't he like a regular guy? except for that suit?
Uh the Avengers don't flat out assassinate people.
She used one of the soldiers to shield her from the explosion. The same thing Harley Quinn is doing being in the Suicide Squad and at least she is dressed for combat unlike . . . But please let's not bring up rival studios.

BP has eaten the heart-shaped herb that gives him ehnhanced senses, super strength, speed, agility, etc.
Again, you're welcome. lol