You're basically arguing that citizenship means nothing.
Which is stupid and does hurt african AMERICANS
First off, you're rolling with a very immature view of rights. You believe that if someone else gets their rights, if someone else gets educated, if someone else gets a job, if someone else gets good health care, that that somehow means there's less for you. As if there's a pie of one size and whenever anyone's share gets bigger, the only possibility is for yours to shrink.
That view has never shown to be true in reality. When other people get educated and the whole education level of society improves, more jobs get created, society starts running better, and things tend to improve for everyone. When other people get their rights respected, the chance that your rights will get respected goes up, not down. When more entrepreneurs and hard-working people enter a society (as immigrants often are) the economy tends to build faster because their work creates more jobs, and wages actually tend to go up.
Look at the countries that limit rights, that limit immigration, that limit economic access to the "privileged". They tend to be stagnant as hell. Those "privileged" do feel good about themselves because they get to be better than the lesser-off, but their lives often suck compared to the norm in countries where everyone is getting their rights.
On a second point, if you're an African-AMERICAN who has lived here your entire life, educated in the American school system, speak the language from birth, know people in your community, have all the legal documents.....and you can't compete with some new immigrant who has like a 5th-grade education from a 3rd-world country and don't even speak English as a first language and has to get fake documents to even apply for a already lost. I mean, come on now brother, nothing wrong with working as a janitor or a tree-trimmer for a living, but you sure as hell should be better at selling yourself in a job interview than the guy who never even been to a dentist in his life...come on now.
Finally, imagine these five people.
1. Some Appalachian dude from Tennessee, been on social security for a minor disability and don't work, has two kids who live with their mom.
2. Somali refugee who came here 6 years ago and just got his citizenship, employed off-and-on, taking care of his family.
3. Sudanese refugee who couldn't get their status approve due to diplomatic issues and came here illegally 6 years ago, works where they can, single.
4. Chinese dude whose parents came here illegally, but he was legal because he's an anchor baby, has a legal job but doing some stuff under the table too, single.
5. Mexican guy who came here when he was 11, worked hard and now is a manager at his buisness, pays all his SS taxes and such but will never see the benefits because his number is fake, has a family and kids who are citizens.
Now, you're saying I'm supposed to be favoring the Appalachian, Somali, and Chinese guy because they have the right piece of paper, but screw the Sudanese and the Mexican guy.
I'm sorry, but of all the factors going on, there's a lot of shyt I care about a hell of a lot more than that piece of paper.