S. Carolina officer charged w/ murder of a black man after video footage released


May 4, 2012
why even run when your flabby n sick

:mindblown: this why the fukk would anybody try to run away from a police officer especially when they have a helicopter in place within minutes , still doesn't excuse the murder of a man :camby:


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Walter Scott’s death – and Trayvon’s, Michael’s, Tamir’s and Eric’s, all of whom became so familiar to us in death that we refer to them by first name only – is the end of the promise of America. It’s the decay of whatever moral infrastructure we have left as a nation; it’s confirmation of the ugly truth that a nation, conceived in slavery and once dedicated to the proposition that not all men are created equal, will allow that divide to long endure.

So many white people, satisfied that they are on the right side of justice in the face of law enforcement, this week watched video footage of an unarmed black man getting shot in the back while fleeing from a white police officer and thought merely, “Well, that’s terrible”. “That’s terrible” is not enough. It has never been enough, but as the number of black men murdered by police escalates to numbers beyond reprehensible, beyond coincidental, watching another supposed citizen of this free country shot down with no regard for his humanity ought to elicit more than audible regret.

Yes, it is terrible. Of course it’s terrible. But that is the least of what it is.
The officer, Michael Slager, who shot and killed Scott has been charged with murder, but that is not enough either, because we all know after this last year that if Slager had not been caught on camera, there would be no murder charge – and in truth, he may never be convicted, despite the video footage. As sure as we are black, the last year portends that there will be yet another prone black body soon enough over which we can express the “appropriate” amount of outrage.

But for those of us left alive, it’s no less damning to see white people evince a palpable sense of discomfort at the actions of the killers, to righteously condemn “those” white people – the police, racists – as to watch others defend them. This is not about “good” white people and “bad” white people: this is systemic, and it is ingrained and it cannot be rooted out by declaring that it’s due to the actions of one bad apple, or even one tree of them. We need to feel like the cries from white America go deeper than sympathy, however heartfelt it might seem; we need to feel – and Lord knows, we’ve been working on how many different ways to say this – like black lives matter.

Every time, though, the onus seems to fall on us to explain to you how to make our lives matter in a way that humanizes us, not just you – in a way that recognizes our empathy and compassion as we bleed and die, instead of fortifying your indulgent anxiety. We declare on social media that #BlackLivesMatter, and are met with “#alllivesmatter”, and we understand that we don’t matter as a part of a larger group of humanity. Although each black person matters as a person, it has become far too easy right now to picture us being hunted like we’re something less than that.

It must not keep happening. No matter how much we encourage our black boys, men, girls and women to love themselves, to walk in strength and power and to believe in the equality we’ve long been promised, somehow, somewhere, a trigger still gets pulled and another black life gets extinguished. Despite the beloved credo that we “are all human”, our shared humanity always plays second string to who has supremacy in the hierarchies that humans create.
My nine year-old, Kofi, told me recently about a conversation he had with a white friend, who said: “I get really nervous talking about race because I don’t want to say anything racist.” To which my son responded: “It’s not that hard if you’re not racist.”

It’s not hard to avoid saying racist things; it’s even less difficult to understand that while my son’s friend worries about saying something racist, my son worries about being shot because someone is racist. You will never be accused of “pulling the race card”, never wonder whether you didn’t get the job because you are black, never ponder why that person seems to be following you around a department store, never seize with terror when you notice a cop car driving behind you when you know you’re obeying the letter of the law. You will never live in a country that defined people who looked like you as less than a full person.
Think about that the next time we all watch with horror as a black man loses his life at the hands of a white law enforcement officer. It’s not a coincidence. It’s by design.

Kofi is a bright kid

Black America the world is watching you

Big Boda

My Family Are Not Immigrants.
Aug 18, 2014
400 Year Survivors Of American Slavery.
Ok so we seeing new brutality and killings by police videos every week or so now.
I'm seeing cats on here saying more black people should join the force like thats gonna change the system :mindblown::what:

They probably been watching every black applicant 100x closer since Christopher Dorner went ham. If you not dancing to their tune they gonna make your life hell.

Look at the black dude cop in the video above. Was he stopping it? exactly.

edit: let me copy paste this to the Walter Scott thread.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
cnn is a very dangerous network. now that emotions have died down a bit they are bringing on these "experts" (cop sympathizers) to play devil's advocate as to why he might get off. potential jurors listening like :lupe:

Same playbook every time, I wish family and the witness would never talk to them.


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
This is a clear and perfect example of why its US vs. THEM. Fuk all that trying to assimalate into white society or accepting them into our shyt. Whites will ALWAYS support white no matter what. Matter fact, they will go EXTRA hard if its an injustice against a black man. Instead of showing the same solidarity we outchea worshipping "pawgs" and bytching about not getn enough recognition at their Academy Awards and Grammys. We have a current generation of black youth who are gonna be mentally the most whitewashed group yet. The extermination of of our race lies in the youth. We need a resurgence of Black Pride, Black Love and Black History. Not only does the rest of the world hates us, we hate ourselves also. As a people, we'll never be able to be evil like the white man but dammit we need to show some type of fight and backbone and stop being so damn forgiving. The same way whites want black heads on a stake with no mercy is how it needs to be vice versa. This "god is allowing me to forgive" and "extend a hand of love" has gotten us NOWHERE. Bottomline, integration isnt working and it never will for our people. White people are SHOWING us now more than ever how they truly feel about us. We are getting an eyewitness account of how evil these people are. The SAE chant vid was a perfect example. We are not human to them. They use us for entertainment and to make money off of. Thats it. Other than that you are simply a "n1kker". Im at the point where im HIGHLY uncomfortable around white people and dislike interacting with them. Its a burden living like this BUT i guess thats the price of being "racially aware". But also at the same time ive gained a greater love for my own people. I LOVE being around people who have the same skin color as me. Im out here doing long distance truck driving currently, so i pass thru and go to a lot of places where there's little to no blacks. I get nervous yall. I feel out of place. I feel "different". I long to see another black face. I look in passing car after car after car after car hoping to see black skin. Its scary out here. Cops can pull over 18wheelers for no reason for a random inspection. Its scary knowing the hatred these cops have for black people. But this is the society we live in. Yet despite this, alot of us are still "racially unaware" and would actually PREFER to be around whites. That mindstate is going to be the cause of our own extermination. Our history is the key. Teach them what we've been through and by the hands of who. Dont hide the evils of the white man from them. Show them the inhumanity of slavery and how whites thought and still do think of blacks as less than human. I know this sounds like teaching hate but its also teaching and instilling black love and pride. Our youth HAS to know the truth. Hiding and burying the past and the evils of white people is getn us nowhere.

The wetdog, bologna smelling subhuman filth done already started backing up the cop
