Just have me on record as 100 percent in support of Russia
Are we still saying the Republicans are going to take the Midterms or nah![]()
The more I dig into, it seems like China is using Russia as it's "Useful Idiot", which is a Russian Phrase funny enough. They stole a lot of their military tech - especially with aircraft. Then may hit them with the deuces when they fukk up.
Zalisnsy is set to address the US Congress tomorrow, so US/European policy may be set to change rapidly, he's proven to be very persuasive. It'll be hard for Biden's administration to hear an impassioned plea, and then say "Yeah.....No.". I'm in the camp that a No Fly Zone would be a disaster. Once that's up its only a matter of who shoots first.
i doubt russia will have much to do with midtermsAre we still saying the Republicans are going to take the Midterms or nah![]()
@FAH1223I'm predicting a dogfight. Depending on how this Ukraine situation goes, democrats are back in the game and could potentially win.
Exactly. Which is the fine line the West is threading right now. It will be an easy escalation: NATO launches a missile from Poland against a Russian Plane doing a sortie in Ukraine but only to have it get hit when it's flying back in Russian Airspace. Putin has to respond then, he has no choice.I don't want anything to do with a no fly zone. If WW 3 pops off I'd rather they shoot the first shot. On the other hand, I'd rather give them anti aircraft systems and let them defend themselves
Exactly. Which is the fine line the West is threading right now. It will be an easy escalation, NATO launches a missile against a Russian Plane doing a sortie in Ukraine but only to have it get hit when it's flying back in Russian Airspace. Putin has to respond then, he has no choice.
Anyway, I don't know if you can call it a World War if China sits it out. It would just be Russia vs. NATO which is a losing battle for Russia across the board. China's plan isn't to compete with the US Military Globally until 2050, they are more concerned now with exerting their force in their regional area (South China Sea), before taking the next step. I believe they want a formidable "Blue Water Navy" by 2035 (those who no better can fact check this). It doesn't seem logical for them to jump in damn near 3 decades before they think they are ready.
yeah as usual its been revealed throughout this thread. id actually respect it more if they just said that instead of trying to pretend to be intellectuals with very see through agendas
I've been saying it. These people don't hate imperialism, autocrats, or authoritarianism, they just hate the west and want to see America brought down a peg or two. I wish more of them would just be honest and admit it.