We might need a thread dedicated to the right wing / right wing adjacent copium from Russian Ls during this war. I'm seeing bullet-time dodging from the fox news crowd and a lot of downplaying the magnitude of the Ls taken so far by Russia from the Joe Rogan crowd. Folks in the TLR thread still clinging to the 'nazi' narrative desperately too.
Since the start of the war, this has progressed like:
- A strange stream of extreme Russian casualties since Day 1 is just half the story, Ukraine has similar or more losses The West is hiding from you
- Kiev was surrounded and starving four weeks ago when people were shopping and commuting to work on livestreams.
- Ukraine officially had no remaining army five weeks ago because some guns had been handed out to citizens.
- The boat that plainly exploded on video and is now a wreck visible from space was a gentle sinking expertly conducted to put out a fire
- The cities Russia can't take with full on assaults are not taken by choice, based on 60 year old textbooks Russia's strategy is to surround a city and wait therefore was no assault
- Russia halting the usage of most precision munitions has to be a choice because they can't be out of them for unspecified reasons.
- Russia has ten of thousand tanks and airplanes on paper so if they aren't using them they aren't serious yet and they can always use them. It's just math apparently.
- Russia losing thousands of vehicles and tens of thousands of soldiers on the most broadcast war in human history actually didn't happen. It was all a clever feint maneuver that contradicts literally everything we've seen and everything Russia has done
- As there has not been a singular "BATTLE OF KYIV" like World War 2 involving 2000 tanks then Russia can not have sustained heavy losses as there were no major engagements in which to sustain them
- Russian losses are within Russian Doctrine. If you don't believe this you Don't Understand War. Conflicts have Losses. Russia was always going to have losses. You Fool. Assuming Russia had 100% fully staffed and armed battlegroups Oryx is showing 25% losses but we can find several mistakes with Oryx's numbers and they are Pro-Ukrainian so they can now be ignored.
- After suffering what is apparently now no losses Russia abandoning it's nationwide assault was just according to Keikaku. A masterful redeployment for it's true target as it removes it's weighted invasion and begins powering up.
These mfers have been wrong about literally everything and we're supposed to go easy on these clowns?
Since the start of the war, this has progressed like:
- A strange stream of extreme Russian casualties since Day 1 is just half the story, Ukraine has similar or more losses The West is hiding from you
- Kiev was surrounded and starving four weeks ago when people were shopping and commuting to work on livestreams.
- Ukraine officially had no remaining army five weeks ago because some guns had been handed out to citizens.
- The boat that plainly exploded on video and is now a wreck visible from space was a gentle sinking expertly conducted to put out a fire
- The cities Russia can't take with full on assaults are not taken by choice, based on 60 year old textbooks Russia's strategy is to surround a city and wait therefore was no assault
- Russia halting the usage of most precision munitions has to be a choice because they can't be out of them for unspecified reasons.
- Russia has ten of thousand tanks and airplanes on paper so if they aren't using them they aren't serious yet and they can always use them. It's just math apparently.
- Russia losing thousands of vehicles and tens of thousands of soldiers on the most broadcast war in human history actually didn't happen. It was all a clever feint maneuver that contradicts literally everything we've seen and everything Russia has done
- As there has not been a singular "BATTLE OF KYIV" like World War 2 involving 2000 tanks then Russia can not have sustained heavy losses as there were no major engagements in which to sustain them
- Russian losses are within Russian Doctrine. If you don't believe this you Don't Understand War. Conflicts have Losses. Russia was always going to have losses. You Fool. Assuming Russia had 100% fully staffed and armed battlegroups Oryx is showing 25% losses but we can find several mistakes with Oryx's numbers and they are Pro-Ukrainian so they can now be ignored.
- After suffering what is apparently now no losses Russia abandoning it's nationwide assault was just according to Keikaku. A masterful redeployment for it's true target as it removes it's weighted invasion and begins powering up.
These mfers have been wrong about literally everything and we're supposed to go easy on these clowns?