More delusions of grandeur
but these "small states" are wrong for wanting the protection of NATO, they are just provoking russia. poor innocent russia has never thought about taking away the sovereignty of a small nation before NATO.
More delusions of grandeur
Thanks for not being able to point out what my post had to do with inflationThanks for proving my point.
The industry may still intact but the farmers havent been able to work as normalTrue. But the humanitarian aid is pouring in. I heard Ukraine's farming industry is still intact. Civilians will be fine if they evac to the Western part of Ukraine
With Ukraine farmers on frontlines, U.N. food chief warns of 'devastation'
By Michelle Nichols
UNITED NATIONS, March 29 (Reuters) - The U.N. food chief warned on Tuesday that the war in Ukraine was threatening to devastate the World Food Programme's efforts to feed some 125 million people globally because Ukraine had gone "from the breadbasket of the world to breadlines."
"It's not just decimating dynamically Ukraine and the region, but it will have global context impact beyond anything we've seen since World War Two," WFP Executive Director David Beasley told the 15-member United Nations Security Council.
Beasley said 50% of the grain bought by the WFP, the food-assistance branch of the United Nations, comes from Ukraine, "so you can only assume the devastation that this is going to have on our operations alone."
"The farmers are on the frontlines," he said.
Beasley added that the crisis was compounded by a lack of fertilizer products coming from Belarus and Russia.
"If you don't put fertilizer on the crops, your yield will be at least 50% diminished. So we're looking at what could be a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe in the months ahead," he told the council.
Before Russia's Feb. 24 invasion of neighbouring Ukraine, Beasley said the WFP was already struggling with high fuel and food prices and shipping costs that was forcing it to cut rations for millions of people in places like Yemen.
Beasley warned if the conflict in Ukraine was not ended, "the world will pay a mighty price and the last thing we want to be doing as the World Food Programme is taking food from hungry children to give to starving children."
Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia rejected accusations that Moscow's actions in Ukraine had caused the "serious turbulence" in the global food market, instead blaming Western sanctions on Russia.
Russia calls its invasion a "special military operation" that aims to destroy Ukraine's military infrastructure. The 193-member U.N. General Assembly has overwhelmingly deplored Russia's "aggression" and demanded it withdraw its troops. read more
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman told the council sanctions were not fueling the global food crisis.
"The responsibility for waging war on Ukraine – and for the war's effects on global food security – falls solely on President Putin," Sherman said.
This really is a chance for NATO to do proof of concept exercisesUkraine with that new shyt while Russia rolling in with shyt looking like it came off the set of Mad Max![]()
Good balanced THREAD on where things are at this stage of the war:
Russia is going to focus on Donbas and Kharkiv, they're pulling their forces from other fronts around Ukraine to reinforce those priority fronts as well as bringing in more bodies from Russia. Mariupol is key logistically for the resupply of those forces. But the author of the above thread cautions anyone on thinking that a successful capture of Donbas and/or Kharkiv are the goals to declare a victory and save face, he believes Russia will keep going.
That last point is important because there is no one left no matter where their bias falls, who believes Putin has any plans of stopping. He's pot committed and we're looking at a long siege which NATO will ultimately be getting involved either later this year or next.
Its not so much just security he's worried about, its the natural resources and production that could greatly benefit the Russian economy in territories he believes in reality belong to Russia. He has several reasons to do what he's doing and they all tie into his philosophy/view on global standing and geopolitical influence. He believes in hegemony being the great indicator of global standing, so swallowing eastern Europe (300+ million people) in his mind makes Russia a defacto top 3 global player.I just don't understand this shyt. Nobody wants or will invade Russia. Putin is a weirdo. This guy thinks its the 1800s or older.