Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (Official Thread)


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This is why conservatives LOVE russia:


Comment Society
“When V.V. Putin, I have never had to hide in basements.
All pedagogical universities cancel the teaching of social sciences and world culture. Future teachers of Russians do not need all this

This article was published in issue 31 of March 25, 2022. Friday
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09:30, March 23, 2022Alexey Tarasov,Reviewer


The Ministry of Education decided to improve the quality of education in Russia, the prestige of the teaching profession, for which the country's pedagogical universities are being unified like an army system: they are introducing uniform standards for the training of teachers, saving them from humanitarian "excesses". Minister Sergei Kravtsov spoke about plans for such a “modernization” — in pursuance of the president’s order — last summer, mentioning the working title of the program — “Teacher of the Future Generation of Russia.” Now, the more its outlines become clearer, the more vague this future seems: it was decided to significantly lower the bar for a reasonable person in the coming Russia. The world is getting more complicated, but we have a “special way”. Perhaps, according to the Strugatskys: "A fool has become the norm, a little more - and it will become an ideal."

And there are objective reasons for this, and there will be explanations. For life in a besieged fortress, for extracting oil, for pumping it to China, humanitarian disciplines are not only unnecessary - they are harmful: thoughts interfere. And then, degradation is not for everyone and not always bad - primitive designs are stronger.

But whatever explanations may be found, we must imagine what awaits us.


Nina Lobanova. Photo from personal archive

The consequences of the reform are commented on by Nina Lobanova , Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Religious Studies of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva:

“Their social illiteracy seems to be even lower than their literary one. They do not know the history of literature, they read little of the classics, they study reality from newspapers. These words of A.M. Gorky wrote in 1928 about aspiring writers. Very little time will pass, and the same can be said about our school teachers - and it would be great if they even read the newspapers. And this is almost a hundred years after that gigantic educational breakthrough that the whole world, including the USSR, made.

What gives grounds for such an optimistic forecast? Another innovation of the Ministry of Education: one of the most impressive is the abolition of the teaching of sociology, cultural studies and political science in all pedagogical universities in the country.

Pedagogical universities are moving to new curricula based on the “Core of Higher Pedagogical Education”. Instead of separate disciplines there will be modules. Within the framework of the social and humanitarian module, the teaching of philosophy, history, economics and law is preserved. And the teaching of sociology, cultural studies, the MHC (world artistic culture) and political science is excluded. Fully.

Paradox! The social and humanitarian module lacks key social and human sciences!

Some may think that these changes in the curriculum are of a private nature and in no way affect the overall quality of teacher training.

However, it is not. To be convinced of this, it suffices to recall where the applicants for teacher training colleges are recruited from.

Pedagogical universities are not among the best universities in the country (with the exception of the Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Herzen State Pedagogical University). This means that admission to pedagogical specialties takes place according to the leftover principle: pedagogical universities, as a rule, are chosen by those who could not enter federal, flagship or national research universities. Accordingly, students of pedagogical universities differ from those who study at highly selective universities by their initially lower level of knowledge and literacy.

Future teachers often discover Andrey Rublev's "Trinity" and Venus de Milo only at MHC seminars. Memories of the first (in their life!) visit to a theater or a museum for many are associated not with their parents, but with a cultural studies teacher who organized a visit to the “Night at the Museum” for them.

With the restructuring of the curriculum, they are deprived of this opportunity. In fact, the introduction of the concept of "The Core of Higher Pedagogical Education" can be seen as an attempt to draw a cultural "Pale of Settlement" for teachers (to designate their cultural "ceiling"). The result of this will be a growing gap in the quality and volume of the cultural capital of students of pedagogical universities and students who have received a classical education (which, in turn, cannot but affect the quality of the subject training of future teachers).


Photo: Sergey Savostyanov / TASS

The point, however, is not only in knowledge (that is, in information, in information) - the point is in abilities, a special kind of mental skills and abilities that allow the development of the disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle.

Who, for example, can find ten differences between modern Russia and the Soviet state without studying political science and sociology?

How to develop the sociological imagination without the help of these disciplines?

I want to warn you of possible misunderstandings: today the sociological imagination is not a luxury, but an "essential item". To illustrate this idea, I will cite an excerpt from a recent student work: “When V.V. Putin, I have never had to hide in basements, I have had a peaceful sky above my head all my life.” I’m not even talking about how the joy of leaving the dungeons looks like in the realities of the modern world. The fact that at the same time when these lines were written, the fact that ... ["special operation"] is taking place does not fall into the field of view of the author of this work.

The lack of sociological imagination is an unfortunate but natural result of the functioning of our entire education system (from high school to graduate school). But now this child at least has a chance to expand the horizons of his perception. Acquaintance with sociology, cultural studies and political science gives him the opportunity to see the world as it is, to imagine how diverse and multifaceted it can be.

With the transition to curricula based on the concept of the “Core of Higher Pedagogical Education”, only one of all perspectives will remain, in which the world will be presented as it should be from the point of view of public policy.

Article 43. p. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation says: "Everyone has the right to education." It should be added: "For quality."

Pedagogical universities have significant problems with the latter. Given this, the conclusion suggests itself that the training of teachers should be compensatory. Curricula should be structured in such a way as to improve the general cultural and linguistic level of students (which implies not the exclusion of basic socio-humanitarian disciplines from the curriculum, but the allocation of additional hours for their teaching, as well as the inclusion in the mandatory part of the curriculum of such a science as cultural / social anthropology is absolutely necessary for orientation in the modern, complex, global, multicultural world).


Photo: Donat Sorokin / TASS

Instead, the concept of the “Core of Higher Pedagogical Education” and the approach developed on its basis, depriving students of pedagogical universities of the opportunity to master at least the cultural minimum that students of other universities have the right to count on, will only increase the cultural deprivation of future teachers.

If the decision to exclude sociology, cultural studies, political science from teaching in pedagogical universities is not canceled,

the teachers who come to the school will not differ much from their students in terms of their social and cultural competence.

Colleagues, teachers of other pedagogical universities are silent today or their voices are not heard; it seems that there is no one who could give an adequate analysis of this "Nucleus of Higher Pedagogical Education". Only the voices of official officials are heard, in a very streamlined way, arguing about the need for this step and not saying a word about what real changes and educational losses this step will entail. We are told that it is useless to protest: the decision has been made at the level of the ministry. Apparently, they believe that there is no need for future teachers to be socially literate and culturally enlightened: they will have enough of the knowledge that they are given to prepare for the Unified State Examination in social science.

If this decision is not reversed, the words of Yaroslav Kuzminov that “we are graduating social morons” can rightfully be attributed not only to school graduates, but also to those who are being trained by Russian pedagogical universities. And it certainly will not be the fault of the graduates.
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Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
NATO is the Nazis. America is the Nazis. Ukraine is just a tool used by the Nazis (it also helps that they have the 2nd highest affinity for Nazis in Europe after Germany).

Putin was very clear in his declaration. This has been about NATO since day 1. The US has been training reactionaries in Ukraine since 2014 at least, with the specific goal of poking the bear.
Ukraine has the right to sovereignty, does it not? Like all the pro Russians, you seem to beleive that Ukraine should just let Russia take what it wants. "How dare Ukraine defend itself!" :heh:

This invasion is JUSTIFYING the need for NATO. More nations are petitioning, and the alliance has never been stronger.

Edit: shyt, if anyone poked the proverbial bear, it was Russia!
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Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
one thing that i keep thinking about is how Russian soldiers are getting frostbite.
if i'm running the Russian army, winter gear is A1 priority. has history taught them nothing?
did Putin think his troops are immune to General Winter?
this shyt is unbelievable on every fukking level.
surely we are in a simulation run amuck.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
:ohhh: Was this a result of negotiations?

Ukraine said they want more :noah:
they are demanding all land returned including Crimea and land east of it as a buffer.
Russia has 24 hours to respond or Ukraine will cross Russian borders and make a bee line for Moscow.
