Ok take it easy. This has nothing to do with domestic policy lets not forget that when it comes to Presidents
Is it “privilege” or is it just money, the ancestors were lynched, raped, and purposely sabotaged by the government and they had to fight for us to get to we’re we at now, I wouldn’t call that “privilege”
He’s a complete fool then
As Americans we have privileges that people in other countries do not have. Look no further than the BLM protests in America and compare that to the protests in Russia where it's now a crime to voice displeasure with the invasion.
Just the freedom of speech alone places Americans on a whole nother level that people of other nations envy and wish they could get to.
NATO and the EU have solidified in a way never seen before.
Russia is cut off from international travel, banking, social media, raw materials, tech, etc.
stock market still shut down after a month except state bonds, 5 generals killed...breh.
it's not a matter of propaganda.
Russia is dying before your very eyes.
Are you a robot?
There’s never been a even playing field in the history of the world. Even if the West were to fall it’s because someone else wants that spot.
Absence makes a void to be filled. Not something different.
That quote alone shows you are profoundly uninformed.
But you believe the Russian reports.
This isn't a fact though. We're heading toward a multi-polar world. I don't think Russia and China have an interest in enslaving the rest of the world through debt, they want to work with other nations. China invited America to join the belt and road initiative. They're communists, not sadistic anarchist psychopaths like the trans-Atlamtic cabal.
Uninformed about what exactly? The suffering of the average American citizen living in an anarchist hell hole with no guarantee of basic needs? Uninformed about American financial imperialism that only benefits wall street and the City of London? What piece am I missing?
The Yankees have touched down