When the last time they actually tested one to see if it works? LmaooLol, ALL 6000 BREH?
We've seen a lot of unprecedented actions over the past week.
China helping they boy Putin out.
Yeah. TikTok is claiming that Russia's new "misinformation" law makes them potentially liable for anything anyone uploads. But considering the Beijing-Moscow relationship, you would think that Putin could have given them direct assurances if he wanted to. And he could just tell them directly that they need to shut down if he wanted to. Which either means that communication between them has broken down, or they're doing Putin's dirty work for him.
This is frankly, brilliant.
Get Venezuela to provide America oil. That way, Venezuela gets to feel like they're apart of the team AND have less incentive to cross the USA in their backyard.
Its not that America can't be energy independent, its that its not smart to be because becoming insular is this right wing idea that you get to ignore everything else in the world.
Bring Venezuela into the fold, let them feel like they're partners, and break them away from Russia...that way you get more leverage over them to prevent them from stepping out of line
fukking genius.
@Neo The Resurrected ONE @88m3 @dtownreppin214 @ADevilYouKhow @Adeptus Astartes