Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (Official Thread)


Speak like a child
Apr 30, 2012
Bay Area/Chicago
hitler came to power because the economy and quality of life in his country was so fukked in his country due to punishments after WW1 that the german people looked to anyone as a savior :yeshrug:

this has led to dictators and authoritarian figures coming to power throughout history.
What does the effects of the Versailles Treaty and the economic conditions that helped Hitler take power from a democratic government compare to putting sanctions on a current dictator that is invading a country now? These are two very different things you are trying to compare and it does not make any sense, at all.

As i said before, the appeasement policy enacted by the Allies prior to WW2 allowed Hitler to rebuild Germany's military and take land without firing a shot. What is happening right now in regards to Russia and Putin is the complete opposite. If what we are doing now was done before 1939 there would not of been a war, or any war that could of happened would of been at the Allies advantage.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
And while we're at it, I find all this talk about Putin being crazy or having syphillis or Parkinsons kinda funny. It's the same line that's always trot out whenever a country's leader counters American interests. Castro? Crazy. Gaddafi? Insane. Saddam? Lunatic. The Kims? Nutty. Khomeini? Psycho. Lumumba? Deranged. Chavez? Maniac. Seems like sanity is directly correlated to the willingness to be subordinate to American interests.

There are many rational reasons why Putin, the definitionally precarious leader of a kleptocratic oligarchy with internal power struggles ruling over a country with water/climate concerns and a potentially waning strangehold on their economically prized European gas domination and a buffer state neighbour increasingly leaning towards joining a military alliance with a hegemonic enemy, would make this move. It was a gamble, the odds of which paying off are looking increasingly diminished due to the heroism of Ukrainians, but it wasn't particularly irrational. By all metrics the Gulf War (so say nothing of the Iraq War) was a far more irrational venture than Putin's invasion. But for some reason American leadership never gets the tag of irrationality. That's only reserved for foreigners, usually darker ones. Edward Said rolling over in his grave.

Putin's nationalistic aspirations of Russian growth and relevance are diametrically opposed by American interests, hence CIA supporting Pro-Western forces during Euromaidan, which Putin viewed as a massive antagonism. Those same Pro-Western Ukrainians going so hard in the paint is what's making this whole thing go t*ts up for Putin. All respect to them. Russian imperialists should fukk off. But the idea that NATO is a completely benign and democratic defensive organization and not an extension of the American Military Industrial Complex running an international protection racket in exchange for social and economic dominance over member nations is naive as hell. It's rational for Putin to feel threatened by the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO. *cue some smoothbrained idiot drooling about how this is a defense of Russian imperialism*

An American education is really an exercise is solipsism, as seen by the hysterics in here of posters ridiculously trying to appeal to the timing and sensitivity of Ukrainians fighting for their country as reasons why posters on a message board completely removed from the conflict cannot engage in nuanced discourse. Idiocy.

You use such beautiful language about aspirations and antagonism. But it hides the ugly practicality of what choices Putin makes.

Russian growth is being funded by the selling of gas/ oil to NATO countries. His relevance is directly tied to the well-being of NATO countries. Nothing about invading Ukraine is about Russian growth. It’s about Putin’s relevance as a singular figure in the region. You rightly point out CIA supporting Pro-Western forces but slide right pass Russia pushing pro-Russia politicians with his intelligence apparatuses as well. The separatist in Georgia and Moldova which just so happen to make them ineligible for NATO. Belarus is only supporting Russia because of his interference in their elections to maintain his friend in power.

All these countries use their intelligence apparatus for the same selfish goals in these smaller countries.

NATO is just an organization. It’s not benign or antagonistic. How the countries running it are going to ebb and flow as people’s experiences change. The countries who started NATO grew up from the populace who fought/saw Russia in the Crimea Wars ( 1850s)- the polish wars (1920) but also fought in WW2 but fell out over the dividing of Germany.

Before NATO went in stop the murder of the ethnic Albanians. Putin could have told Milosevic to stand down and preserve human life in the Balkans. Instead he made the choice to see NATO as interfering in the Balkans. Showing a similar disregard for life in the face of nationalism we see now.

AyBrehHam Linkin

First Black Brehsident
Feb 14, 2015
What does the effects of the Versailles Treaty and the economic conditions that helped Hitler take power from a democratic government compare to putting sanctions on a current dictator that is invading a country now? These are two very different things you are trying to compare and it does not make any sense, at all.

As i said before, the appeasement policy enacted by the Allies prior to WW2 allowed Hitler to rebuild Germany's military and take land without firing a shot. What is happening right now in regards to Russia and Putin is the complete opposite. If what we are doing now was done before 1939 there would not of been a war, or any war that could of happened would of been at the Allies advantage.

..that original tweet didn't say anything about sanctions lol. It talked about punishments i all agreed with, im just saying Russia shouldn't be absolutely fukked in a way where it causes another dictator to arise after this is resolved.


May 2, 2012
For some reason I expected the russian military to be way more tactical than this. They over there with ancient equipment and getting worked. Good thing Vlad got nukes, cuz they would be food.
Maybe they really didn’t even expect to go into Ukraine either