But it's not like America or Europe has interest in invading Russia. Russia has nukes nobody invading them he just so brainwashed in the USSR belief and being a child of it that he can't see nothing else. Putin has had over 20 years to build his country and change it for the better.
Putin has done nothing of such and I can't name one policy or trade agreement to spark the country growth. In the meantime, China has surpassed Russia and even Botswana shown more than Russia.
His partnership with China is lopsided because they have more to gain than his country. The interconnected pipeline between Russia and China, China build it. He will go down as a terrible dictator and leader
He extended a hand and asked for respect as soon as he got in office
The West scoffed and now they back literal nazis who want to put nukes
on it's borders pointed at Russia....
Are you forgetting the shock therapy disaster that had russians diving in dumpsters for food before Putin ?
The steady growth from
2000-2014 before the sanctions hit ?
Why are you bringing up China ? A country with massive
FDI and little to no sanctions
He's outsmarted the last 4 US leaders across multiple continents. that's how he'll go down