Thank you for the education.I knew about the port access but not the grain\mineral.The thing is if Russia can get Ukraine back into the fold, whether by annexation or puppet government, theyre back in the superpower race. It's literally like America without California for them right now, they're tryna reunite the band. Ukraine has 44 million people, many of them highly trained and educated plus access to a warm water port, with advanced industry and the ability to produce enough grain to sell to other countries, a whole lot of minerals and ores... They would solve their stagnating population problem without having to bring in Central Asian and East Asian immigrants which the Russians are notoriouslyabout... It's a hail Mary but if it lands
Hard to be a landlocked superpower.
That’s why the Russia in Mexico or South America is a strawman analogy. America isn’t going to stop economic ties between those two areas( we might punish them with tariffs or get closer with their neighbors). Putting certain weapons in the Western Hemisphere is a totally separate issue since Russia has no direct military border with those countries. It’s just meant to attack the US.
Russia sells guns, planes, and missiles all over the world though. Including South American countries like Venezuela.
Ukraine wants political reform and accountability. Russia ain’t about it and ain’t interested in trying to change to get them back.