Trumps behavior and actions made this shyt hot. I dont blame the media completely for this one.
He brought Mueller on himself.
waiting to fire comey instead of doing it right away, tellin comey to lay off of Flynn, bishin about no collusion and witch hunt everyday, that nbc interview saying he fired comey because of that russian thing, had those russians in the oval office laughing at firing comey, that joint press conference fiasco in Helsinki, people involved with his campaign indicted for lying, close door meetings with Putin ... I can go on and on.
This shyt does nor exonerate him, he is more likely than not dirty. He will be indicted for something if he doesnt win in 2020. New York State and the southern district of new york are still gonna get him for something.
But im glad this Mueller shyt is over, focus back to trouncing this clown in 2020 when everyone is aware of wat is going on.