Hopefully nowhere near as long.On that we agree. It's really the only reason I can't wait for all the reports and all the investigations to end. Though it'll probably be another 20 years before the movie is out.
Hopefully nowhere near as long.On that we agree. It's really the only reason I can't wait for all the reports and all the investigations to end. Though it'll probably be another 20 years before the movie is out.
0 Dark 30 only took 11 years. So there's hope.Hopefully nowhere near as long.
Trumps behavior and actions made this shyt hot. I dont blame the media completely for this one.
He brought Mueller on himself.
waiting to fire comey instead of doing it right away, tellin comey to lay off of Flynn, bishin about no collusion and witch hunt everyday, that nbc interview saying he fired comey because of that russian thing, had those russians in the oval office laughing at firing comey, that joint press conference fiasco in Helsinki, people involved with his campaign indicted for lying, close door meetings with Putin ... I can go on and on.
The piece isn't about the laundry bag of evidence regarding actual crimes, it's about how the press allowed itself to be taken and whored out by the active and retired IC when it came to the Collusion narrative.
at least 100,000 people died because of the wmd lie....It's every bit as bad and likely worse. You're probably not aware of the abuse of power, false testimony, and collusion between various agencies and countries that went into the collusion narrative. You're about to see the greatest espionage movie of all time.I'm kind of jealous.
why did Roger Stone lie?Shoutout to the liberals who decided overnight after the '16 election that we should honor our war criminals, the FBI/CIA are the good guys, that David Frum, Rick Wilson and all the other ghouls should have platforms because they were Anti-Trump
Shoutout to all the Mueller stans on television for hijacking actual Trump resistance and turning into it a spectacle that got you millions of dollars of ad revenue and other ways to monetize
Shoutout to the IC bootlickers that used this hysteria to punch the left by calling racial justice and environmental activists Russian shills and insinuating that anyone actually on the left is compromised while at the same time worshipping the FBI
And all these people will get to shyt on the left in the 2020 election because of the notoriety they gained by harping on Russia for 2 years. I will be looking forward to seeing posters paste their tweets here in the future
You’re about 80% off. Some reports it as 500,000 dead and 1.2 million refugees.at least 100,000 people died because of the wmd lie....
The only stupidity is from people like you and the MSNBC crowd for ever thinking that the U.S. government and a REPUBLICAN FBI DIRECTOR were ever going to bring down a member of the wealthy classYall can't even find the fortitude to say Trump got away with it, not that there wasn't a conspiracy.
Straight up stupidity from the wacky Intercept crowd and the far right idiots.