This service is not going to be sonys bread and butter, selling games and hardware still is
Then that's a mistake. Don't be like Kodak and let the industry leave you in the dust.
This service is not going to be sonys bread and butter, selling games and hardware still is
Then that's a mistake. Don't be like Kodak and let the industry leave you in the dust.
Sony is 27 years in the game and still leading in sales, I’m sure they will be fine
Yeah in the old standard. We all know the name sells but we aren in a new Era in technology and video games. Mobile play anywhere multiple outlets PC finish game on a console or mobile device.
Sony is behind bro.
Yall said that when xbox live first came out also
No, we're laughing because Sony chose not to give you backwards compatibility so they can charge you a monthly fee to play the old games you already purchased.The funniest part is all the gamepass addicts swarming talking about, “no day 1 first party lol’ like you know deep down their lives would be over if sony actually did that. They probably had a heart attack thinking about not being able to scream gamepass anymore![]()
BruhAlso, playstation has had trouble marketing ps now even though its been a really good service. Them folding it into plus and making it one neat little package makes it a lot easier for them. The content on Now is already really good, like i said, they got a bunch of ps3 classics on it like Tokyo Jungle, MGS4, a lot of ratchet and Clank games people ask for, etc. they just don’t do a good job of marketing it.
As far as PS4 games they’ve been pretty much the gold standard
Games like Horizon, GoW, Detroit and a bunch of other are standard on there. If they over ps2,ps1, ps4, and select ps5 games its a wrap.
No, we're laughing because Sony chose not to give you backwards compatibility so they can charge you a monthly fee to play the old games you already purchased.![]()
Back during the early 360 era I was like you, and I only looked for information that supported my console of choice, I WAS LOCKED IN!!!!
You fail to see how silly your arguments are and if you could just slow down I'll show you. Maybe you can teach Sony and then you both can cut this clown shyt. Those charts you put up is empty stats. You got a bunch of filler in that list of games for Sony and it's embarrassing that you thought that would be enough to beat gamepass.
ONLY A PERSON WHO DOESN'T HAVE IT CAN THINK IT'S COMPARABLE even tho everyone in the entire industry says otherwise.
So WTF are you even doing with this post, you're implying that PSnow is better than gamepass... but it's not. Hades, Psychonauts 2, Deathloop Halo Forza and starfield all say hi Gizmo. I can quote you moving all those games, games you'd play today, all in gamepass. And you thought pointing to PS1/2/psp titles would make it even? Come on bruh, we coming out with 7 first party exclusives a year moving forward. You are not in a favorable position, not long term. Halo will reach 100+ million people like PUBG/Fortnite.
Side note, Minecraft sold more on PS4 than Spider-Man![]()
Ya.People really wanna play musty ass PS1 and PS2 games?![]()
Sheesh why you doing this @PS5
I dont know why these dudes don't realized that Sony gamers don't play their exclusives. I know over 20 nikkas who own a PS that never played Horizon or Last of Us. People could care less about that. Sony know this shyt
So if sony owners don’t care about exclusives them not dropping day 1 on this service is even better for people.
It’s funny how this is the distinction you xbox stans use yet xbox dropped like 2 actual new first party games on the service since launch. Yet yall were raving about gamepass this entire past year, so which is it?
Sony can easily throw indies and 3rd party releases on this service also just like microsofts been doing
So I guess it’s sustainable now
Sony don't have the bag to throw exclusive timed on a service such as PSnow. They need all the money they can get from sales. They were a generation from bankrupt. Microsoft got the bag and have a history of a successful subscription service with less years in service compared to Sony.
Microsoft already locking up titles for next year.