Man, I didn't realize Sony stans was THIS UPSET
What 1st party Xbox games lol! Delusional like a motherfukker
Halo infinite
Forza Horizon 5
The Gunk
Fight simulator 2021
Fable reboot
Killer instinct 2
Perfect Dark
Gears 6
Outer worlds 2
Elder scrolls 6
Kojima Xbox exclusive
hellblade 2
Forza Motorsport 2022
State of decay 3
Crossfire X (Remedy making the campaign)
Warhammer 40k
Stalker 2
unforgiven 3
Would you like be to keep going? Every game I just named releases by 2023 except elder scrolls 6. Actually, gears 6 won't be out yet either because the coalition has another game that will release in 2023 but I can't name that for NDA reasons....
There you go. Been saying this throughout the thread.
Xbots can now calm down. Your precious gamepass is safe
Gamepass was never in danger
Plenty of NES games still play well.
Super Mario Bros plays better than any PS1 game...100% fact. ftw. Now it emulates flawlessly. I was playing smb2 this morning...
So according to Jason’s article….
Sony doesn’t lag behind Microsoft in any capacity. PlayStation Plus has more subscribers than gamepass and actually makes more money than the entire Xbox gaming division. Sony doesn’t need a gamepass because their games sell extremely well. And lastly gamepass is in no way lucrative for Microsoft. It’s a huge money pit so bad they didn’t even announce the subscriber numbers nor have they ever announced how much money it makes because it doesn’t make any.
Bruh, I'm loving how you're in denial keep that same energy coming because it exposes you in a way that will be hilarious next year...
Super Mario bros on the SNES and naw, it doesn't.
smb 1,2,3 are nes, smb world was SNES
Which part is fan fiction? ps plus has almost as many subscribers as there are xbox one owners.
We know gamepass subs are at 20m, considering gamepass is available to not only xbox owners which between these two generations sit at close to 60 mil, and pc owners (over 150m) not even a fraction of its available audience is interested in the service.
Yall say sony gamers don’t care about exclusives because god of war only sells 20m well, the xbox and pc owners aren’t interested in gamepass by that same logic
What's 33% of 18 Gizmo
Now after getting corrected on your incorrect math, the fact that you till this day continue to tell lies like it's MAN-DA-TORY.
Bruh, it was 25+mil when that report came out before Forza Horizon 5, before Halo.
Now business is BOOMING and you know it and you're still reporting 20 mil? So it only gained 2 million huh?
I understand nobody gives a fukkin shyt about returnal (you included) but don't downplay games that are moving the industry forward