The JT/Pharrell & JT/Timberland formula worked. Why did the label get away from that formula?
Pharrell and Timbo are like bacon to white people. They put bacon on everything. Pizza, doughnuts, wrap steak in bacon, Mac and cheese, Ice cream. To them bacon makes anything better, I always say "You could wrap a dried dog turd in bacon and they'd be like

Failing with a Tim/Pharrell collab is dependent on what you pay. You can get the bullshyt let's say $30,000 beat produced by them which will sound like everything else out there but have their name on it or you can get that $300,000 or million dollar production and cats is sayin " Yoooooo did you hear that new Pharrell track!?!!!?!!!" You gotta pay a lil extra to get their adlibs, or a hook, a bridge. That's a cannot fail formula.