notice you didn't address anything Roland said. you didn't address whether he was wrong, or where he was wrong.
you instead attempted to disparage his image instead of actually addressing whether or not he was right. that's manipulative. and will work on other stupid people.
that's not what a good person would do. Your INSTINCT was to disparage his image in order to deflate his points. that's some vindictive evil shyt.
I have a theory you have to think this way in order to support someone like that, and you are proving my point.
Roland is usually right factually. Smart guy who should probably be in the white house in Bidens ear instead of caping for the Dems on tiktok or wherever he broadcast from.
He always has facts about some large ammount of money Dems threw at some black people somewhere. Money they invested to help black businesses. Money theyve thrown into black communities and schools in democratic cities.
Now look around,what do you see but failure after failure from teachers/schools. Failure to close the wealth gap in this country. Do black communities seem like they are thriving under Democratic leadership?
The other mans argument from the jump is nonsense for saying Trump is better for blacks. I only understand why black people,or any poor person could think things were better under Trump. But i would never argue its because Trump wants to help black people,and should be voted back in by us