Roland Martin Afraid Black Women May Join "Bothsides"


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Professional political analyst that worked with the party in question :hula: random Coli breh?
It really is laughable.

We have not been voting in unison for the same purpose. We have been voting our interest. Again, not ALL black people have the same interest. The black college student who's looking to get student loans forgiven is not voting for the same reason the old black man want's to make sure his social security cut off. In both instances, both voted their interest, just happened to be for the same person. Black people are not a monolith.

When I bring up promoting black candidates with racial integrity ( I.E. not selling out as soon as a lobby group comes with a bag a cash), and putting blacks in strategic positions of power, you starting start talking about that secret cabal bullshyt. That tells me you are not genuine in getting tangibles. It shows me you're just a c00n agent who is running interference for Republicans.

As it has been stated in this thread by others, you want to punish the old, mail-it-in centrist do-nothing Democrats, primary their ass with more progressive candidates that know how to read a room. Not saying the quiet part out loud, which Republicans have mastered. They know how to talk about wanting equality for everybody, but in realty just want to stop white people from losing power; thus the attack on affirmative action, DEI, and all race based benefits for blacks.

Just conceding power to Republicans so they can immediately change laws to make it harder for blacks to get back in the game is cutting off your nose to spite your face. You know this but you just want to play dumb and pretend that you don't know what the outcome will be. Project 2025. When people tell you what they're going to do, listen and prepare. Don't start with that "boogeyman" bullshyt either.

Let me address this.

1. You contradict yourself in the first paragraph. We have, in fact, been voting the same, and for the same reason.
2. This is idealistic and unrealistic. We either have the bag or we don't (we don't, and AIPAC money long).
3. Republicans say with they mean with they fukking chest. Idk what you talking about.
4. People have lost faith in the Democrats due to overall ineffectiveness (affirmative action, Roe v Wade, etc). Do better, get better.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
We have not been voting in unison for the same purpose. We have been voting our interest. Again, not ALL black people have the same interest. The black college student who's looking to get student loans forgiven is not voting for the same reason the old black man want's to make sure his social security cut off. In both instances, both voted their interest, just happened to be for the same person. Black people are not a monolith.

When I bring up promoting black candidates with racial integrity ( I.E. not selling out as soon as a lobby group comes with a bag a cash), and putting blacks in strategic positions of power, you starting start talking about that secret cabal bullshyt. That tells me you are not genuine in getting tangibles. It shows me you're just a c00n agent who is running interference for Republicans.

As it has been stated in this thread by others, you want to punish the old, mail-it-in centrist do-nothing Democrats, primary their ass with more progressive candidates that know how to read a room. Not saying the quiet part out loud, which Republicans have mastered. They know how to talk about wanting equality for everybody, but in realty just want to stop white people from losing power; thus the attack on affirmative action, DEI, and all race based benefits for blacks.

Just conceding power to Republicans so they can immediately change laws to make it harder for blacks to get back in the game is cutting off your nose to spite your face. You know this but you just want to play dumb and pretend that you don't know what the outcome will be. Project 2025. When people tell you what they're going to do, listen and prepare. Don't start with that "boogeyman" bullshyt either.

You failed to respond to what was really said in that damning video. He literally said he didnt need to listen to the LEFT,becsuse they had nowhere else to go. So if that was his view and strategy with the white left,who actually can lean into their racism and white supremacist views and go Republican for a season. What do you think their strategy is with black people who truly have no where to go:comeon:

And your saying we arent voting in unison because we are voting for different reasons. As long as Ive been alive,the main reason black people have voted for Democrats is because Republicans are viewed as racist and for the rich in black households. You pretending weve had the luxury to purely vote for our "interest" is a fallacy . Even now your saying we dont have that luxury while at the same time saying we arent a monolith:mjlol:

No,we have been forced to vote as a monolith because one party openly parades themselves as thinly veiled racist.(at best)

What needs to happen is there needs to be a law created where you cant peddle racism to get votes. For all the D.E.I and racial theory talk,this should be the first thing done away with. If catering to certain races is considered illegal. Forcing only ONE race of of people in this country to have to vote for one party is a violation of our voting rights I would think. How do we have freedom to vote when one party tells us in so many ways they dont like black people. Then the other party tells us that party definitely doesnt like us:mjlol:

This has been ongoing for decades,as long as ive been alive. Stop falling for the political theatre,they are clearly in cahoots.:respect:


May 28, 2012
It really is laughable.

Let me address this.

1. You contradict yourself in the first paragraph. We have, in fact, been voting the same, and for the same reason.
2. This is idealistic and unrealistic. We either have the bag or we don't (we don't, and AIPAC money long).
3. Republicans say with they mean with they fukking chest. Idk what you talking about.
4. People have lost faith in the Democrats due to overall ineffectiveness (affirmative action, Roe v Wade, etc). Do better, get better.
Let me address what you said.

1. No, people have been voting for what it's in their best interests, it just happens to be for the same person or party. If voting for the less racist person is your reason, and a million other people vote that way, that is not you being a holistic virtuous person sacrificing for the greater good; that's you voting because you don't want those racist SOBs making life even harder for YOU and YOURS.

2. Of course we don't have the bag. I agree with that. But we won't ever have the bag as long as people like you are are selfish and not looking at the big picture. I'm for increased attendance at HBCUs (and 5 start athletes going to them instead of PWI). I'm for keeping black money in the black community, supporting black business. But when this comes up, you people we accuse us of "pocket watching," "it's their money, they can do what they want with it." "Let them PAWG in Peace" We can continue to go that way, but nothing will change.

Money should be going to young black progressive candidates. All these socially active black students protesting for Palestine and BLM, they can and need to be groomed on how to operate in the political field. They got the fire and their heart is in the right direction, but how you come off in the public matters. It's the different between getting elected and not standing a chance.

3. No, they don't say it with their chest, they say it subtly with dog whistles. Not outright saying "when we get back in office, we are going to put or foot on the n-words neck, and take everything they got." That's saying it with your chest fool. The example I will give you is Beto O'Rouke, who challenged Ted Cruz in Texas, saying "hell yes, we're going to take your AR1-15s, your AK-47" when asked about gun control, and kept doubling down on it. That's stupid for a politician to say that in Texas of all places. That's not reading the room.

4. Who in the hell is taking away the benefits? Democrats chose to take away the right Roe. v. Wade gave, Affirmative Action? Re-do your Googles. That's a result of Republican action. In 2016, Black voter turnout decreased for the 1st time in 20 years, after having a record high turnout in 2012. So in 2016, you got your #bothsides black people stay home. How did that work out? Did we get the big tangible, aka reparations? No, we got a record number of MAGA conservative judges who took away Affirmative Action, Roe v. Wade; we got embolden cops who celebrated Trump "taking the cuffs off police," which resulted in George Floyd. I wonder what "tangible" we will get once Trump is back in office....


May 28, 2012
You failed to respond to what was really said in that damning video. He literally said he didnt need to listen to the LEFT,becsuse they had nowhere else to go. So if that was his view and strategy with the white left,who actually can lean into their racism and white supremacist views and go Republican for a season. What do you think their strategy is with black people who truly have no where to go:comeon:

And your saying we arent voting in unison because we are voting for different reasons. As long as Ive been alive,the main reason black people have voted for Democrats is because Republicans are viewed as racist and for the rich in black households. You pretending weve had the luxury to purely vote for our "interest" is a fallacy . Even now your saying we dont have that luxury while at the same time saying we arent a monolith:mjlol:

No,we have been forced to vote as a monolith because one party openly parades themselves as thinly veiled racist.(at best)

What needs to happen is there needs to be a law created where you cant peddle racism to get votes. For all the D.E.I and racial theory talk,this should be the first thing done away with. If catering to certain races is considered illegal. Forcing only ONE race of of people in this country to have to vote for one party is a violation of our voting rights I would think. How do we have freedom to vote when one party tells us in so many ways they dont like black people. Then the other party tells us that party definitely doesnt like us:mjlol:

This has been ongoing for decades,as long as ive been alive. Stop falling for the political theatre,they are clearly in cahoots.:respect:

Boy why are you still in America? Haven't you been leaving for last 7 years? Leave already, and your problems will be solved. Don't worry about what's going on for the rest of black America who will be staying. Worry about the government in whatever foreign country you will be moving.
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Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Imagine being Black American slave descendant and thinking either political party doing anything for you. Neither party even doing shyt for the average citizen regardless of race.

But yo Black ass out here being a cheerleader for a political party! :scust:

Dusty c00n pieces of shyt.

You clown are idiots.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
It really is laughable.

Let me address this.

1. You contradict yourself in the first paragraph. We have, in fact, been voting the same, and for the same reason.
2. This is idealistic and unrealistic. We either have the bag or we don't (we don't, and AIPAC money long).
3. Republicans say with they mean with they fukking chest. Idk what you talking about.
4. People have lost faith in the Democrats due to overall ineffectiveness (affirmative action, Roe v Wade, etc). Do better, get better.

How in the fukk will allowing Trump to put more racist conservative judges on the bench bring us closer to reparation or ADOS uplift.

Demanding more from Democrats does not mean letting Republicans win.

You are sounding like an agent.


May 28, 2012
How in the fukk will allowing Trump to put more racist conservative judges on the bench bring us closer to reparation or ADOS uplift.

Demanding more from Democrats does not mean letting Republicans win.

You are sounding like an agent.
How do you hold the Democrats accountable when you refuse to not vote for them? I'm gonna keep asking until one of you makes it make sense.


May 28, 2012
Don't vote in the primary to send a message. This means ZERO if you vote for whoever they put up anyway. Especially since they're rigging primaries now.

Increase our lobbying to influence votes. With what money? Corporations and entities like AIPAC have it sewn up. Some of those racists probably wouldn't take our money out of principle.

This is how you vote for 60 years and get poorer and lose:francis:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Boy why are you still in America? Haven't you been leaving for last 7 years? Leave already, and your problems will be solved. Don't worry about what's going on for the rest of black America who will be staying. Worry about the government in whatever foreign country you will be moving.

Preperation,ive been consistent with the timeline#BlackFreeAgency2028. Now how long have you been voting for the Democrats again:mjlol:?

But you wanna rush me though?

Hopefully you can keep this same sense of urgency with them:respect:


May 28, 2012
Preperation,ive been consistent with the timeline#BlackFreeAgency2028. Now how long have you been voting for the Democrats again:mjlol:?

But you wanna rush me though?

Hopefully you can keep this same sense of urgency with them:respect:

I see that timeline seems to get pushed back every year, emoji queen. Next year it will be 2032. I think you're just scared to leave.

Been "voting my interest," which most often aligns with the Democrat party since 2004. I did vote for a high school friend back in 2008, who ran for town treasurer back in my hometown, who happened to be Republican, but I felt he was "one of the good ones" who had integrity.


Oct 10, 2017
It's meant to keep Blacks distracted so youre a non factor whilst they know what's up and amass and pilfer all they can for their generations..
That's what's going on in chicago with this migrant situation. The city is budgeting 250 million dollars to care for them while the black community is completely ignored.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I see that timeline seems to get pushed back every year, emoji queen. Next year it will be 2032. I think you're just scared to leave.

Been "voting my interest," which most often aligns with the Democrat party since 2004. I did vote for a high school friend back in 2008, who ran for town treasurer back in my hometown, who happened to be Republican, but I felt he was "one of the good ones" who had integrity.

Timeline hasnt changed,you probably have it confused with the Democrats changing which year is the next "election of our lifetime":mjlol:

Sounds like your ready to vote with your feelings once again like you did in 2008. Rather than take a logical stance and leverage your vote. #BothSides isnt even anti voting which makes yall even more pathetic. The argument is only to leverage our votes to get something in return.

The funny part is yall lack faith in the Democrats so much,that youve already come to the conclusiom they wont be giving you shyt,or even promising black people anything. So youve created the foregone conclusion in your mind we wont be voting:respect: