Roland Martin Afraid Black Women May Join "Bothsides"

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Name the states where the Black vote is larger than the anti-Black white vote. :mjlol:

Republicans explicitly chased the anti-Black white vote because in every Southern state, there are far MORE racists than there are Black people. That's what the whole "Southern Strategy" is, the Republicans openly said they're looking for "negrophobes". Why would they risk their racist vote in order to get a smaller Black vote, when they already control nearly all of those states anyway?

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.

- Nixon political strategist Kevin Phillips, speaking to the New York Times in 1970

The Republican goal isn't to win the Black vote. The Republican goal is just to siphon off 10-20% of the Black vote while building their base on racist whites.

It’s 2024. Most of the people who voted in 1970 are dead.

You’re basically playing by their rules. Confined in a neat little bubble.

All I’m saying is why can’t the black vote and constituency be just as savage. We created an entire genre of music and culture that is now global. But we don’t know how to be organized enough to affect the very government and system we bytch and complain about.

In 2024, nikkas still talking about civil rights. Black people in this country have created a permanent excuse for shyt.

It’s not about what party black people vote for, it’s about which party we can finesses. It damn sure ain’t the Democratic Party. They been finessing black people every election cycle for decades.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Make Dems bend the knee? :laff: That's sounds dumber than I what I thought you'd say. What do you think happens while Republicans are in power as you wait for Dems to bend the knee? They consolidate power, gerrymander the shyt out of states to stay in power, pass more law AGAINST tangibles for black people, put more judges in power to agree with those laws, put more money into private schooling and withdraw funding from public schools (thus harming black students), pass more laws restricting your ability to protest against laws you feel are unjust, further militarize and "take the lease off" police in black communities, etc. I can keep going. In the meantime, black people just suffer these things while waiting for the next few election cycles and Dems promise to cater to you and you only.

Now when you finally get those special Dems who promise to cater to your every "tangible" desire, how the hell do you get him elected on a strictly pro-black agenda if no other racial group votes for him? If you haven't noticed, black people only make up 14% of the population.

You sound like one of those fools who believes the "Stop Asian Hate" bill was a tangible for Asian people.

At least have a plan that makes sense.

we didnt make this situation biden and the dems did...:manny: :ld: if you give black folks nothing to vote for.... then you get no votes. its logic...I dont know why you mad at me...:mjlol:

Who's man's is this?!?:mjlol:
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Jul 25, 2018
I know you will scream to the top of your lungs "fukk both parties." But ultimately, the result of the #Bothsider plan is to concede power to Republicans, blacks become more marginalized and demonized, and we just accept it.

@ORDER_66 is your garden variety lieing pro-Trump c00n scumbag. He and all his ilk are completely aware of this when they are running interference against any criticism of Republicans.


May 28, 2012
16-18% of Black men are creating all of those single mothers. Yet here you are trying to add in the other 82% into the Blame. Also, if the church stopped being a parasitic organization that takes and never gives, then perhaps more men would return to the church.
Fixed that for you
You won't explain the next step because there is no next step. You have no damn solution because you're full of shyt. Black people just stop voting and that's it. Everything will be 100% ok after that according to #bothsiders. Withdraw from the political process. It's fuk politics and your constitutional rights, black people should just worry about their favorite NFL team, the Drake and Kendrick battle, passport bros, is Diddy gay, and all the other bullshyt in popular culture. :mjpls:

That's what #bothside gang wants? It's damn sure not "tangibles," because you're not even thinking about step 2. Meanwhile ignore what bigots are doing push back the progress black people have made, thus further marginalizing us. But hey, at least you will still have the democrats to blame. c00nish behavior :pacspit:
If you know so much, answer The Question ™️

How do Black people win voting blind Democrat, when the Democrats are PUBLICALLY telling us they won't do anything for us, median Black wealth is trending toward $0 in the next 15 to 30 years, we continue to get killed almost legally, and are a continuous underclass, WITHOUT USING ANY VARIATION OF:

  • but Republicans or but Trump, etc.
  • lesser of the evils
  • our ancestors fought for the right, so we just have to because
  • what does not voting (or voting R, which we don't) accomplish
  • "hold them accountable", because it's impossible to hold them accountable if you won't not vote for them
  • "start a PAC" or "buy politicians" - Racism and Blacks being poor and unable to outbid cac owned corporations makes this impossible
I need a clear, logical, practical, TANGIBLE plan. As always, if you can answer this in a way I can't defeat, I will on video, apologize, register and vote for whatever Democrat POTUS candidate is there, and never question you again.

Detroit Wave

Feb 9, 2014
The D
Yes we have the most bloated military budget on the planet and our government is indeed much quicker in funding military and national security than civil rights causes.

Did you just start following politics two years ago? Yall really think this simple minded barbershop babble makes sense.
bytch ass nikka i was in the military i know that we wasted hella cheese every single FY on dumb shyt. Copped fly ass oak desks and office furniture every FY just because our unit budget gets decreased by whatever we dont use every FY. Ordering a bunch of pointless shyt out a ULine catalog just to not be broke next FY.:scust:

Ex. We get $10M for a FY and if we only spend $8M then all we get allotted is $8M for the next FY.

Now imagine all that waste going towards useful shyt for actual citizens :stopitslime:


Jul 25, 2018
Let’s start by saying voting Republican is not the answer

However, I’ve been saying Dems have a huge problem they’ve refused to address. The game plan of waiting until election season to get us on there side is played out

Tryna push each election as the most important ever. Fear voting is played out. We have a couple generations who’ve seen the play & are no longer falling for it. Add in all these foreigners coming over (whether it’s true or not) getting benefits we have to fight for is the nail in the coffin. Perception matters

Now unfortunately because these idiots didn’t do what they needed Trump has a chance to be back in office. That fool political career should have been got packed.

Lmao at "Democrats fear mongering" when everything Hillary Clinton anticipated came true.

The exact OPPOSITE of what you spitting is whats taking place right now. There's a reason Republicans have lost every election since 2018 and will be losing again with their criminal bigot candidate in November. The irnoy of you schooling people on political parties "fear mongering" while pushing the same old GOP bullshyt about zomg immigrants after this Supreme court has literally changed laws on abortion and affirmative action, and ain't nowhere near done yet.

Its all the endless Republican "fear mongering" over "invading immigrants" while at the same time rejecting bipartisan border control legislation that people are getting sick of and ignoring. Seems like it's only overcompensating coli nikkas trying to impress cacs that ain't checking elections and seeing that voters are 100 times more concerned about peserving their own rights than taking their cues from Fox News and protesting immigrants. White women and everyone has seen and experienced their rights being taken away overnight by Republicans and they see the threat that they truly are to our quality of lives and our freedoms. To say that Republicans taking your rights away is all pre-election Democrat hyperbole is freaking clueless barbershop babble at this point, unless you dont follow or care about politics, and just wanna shill for Trump. Again, theyve already done everything Hillary Clinton warned of when she claimed 2016 was an important election. Stop downplaying this shyt with these white nationalist Republicans. Yall niccas look like such cowards. We already had a damn attempted coup to reverse an election. These right wingers have made it very clear they want a fascist take over our government and existing laws with Trump, Project 2025, and the Supreme Court. I hope folks ignore people like you "fear mongering" over damn sci-fi movie leven "immigrant invasions" but acting like Republicans stripping our rights away is no big deal.


Jul 25, 2018
Was Slavery race based legislation? Was Redlining race based? You can prove that the war on Drugs is at the very least race based. Numerous laws on a federal level were race based and thus race based reparations can be for demanded in payment for damages. If reparations were just about slavery you might have a point but race-based antagonist laws against Blacks exist into present day. Think of all the living Black homeowners who were directly affected by redlining alone?

Again another example of Dems don't have the power, but fear the power of Republicans. Why vote for powerless do-nothings?

Your point about the War on Drugs, redlining etc is exactly the point some of us who are actually serious about accomplishing things under our our system of government and not role-playing as damn smart-dumb militants try to get yall to understand.

These policies were not "specific" to anyone. It would be literally unconstitutional to enact a crime bill that is specifically and explicitly targeted towards black people. But it was obvious what it was all about. But if Democrats pass laws that don't reach this unconstitutional golden standard of "specifically for black American ADOS" but is largely beneficial to us, yall say it don't count.

You CANNOT write laws the way yall think you can force and "demand" Democrats to do. Even if they did it would just fail and be an embarrassment. Not even the damn Civil Rights Act is "specific" to any particular race despite its background. If black folks settled for nothing less than "tangible pay checks" and something "specific to us and only us" it wouldn't have passesld. When Democrats tried to do something "specifically" for Pell grants recipients in Bidens student loan relief bill it was taken to court and struck down by conservative activists under the argument of being "discriminating towards whites" because they knew Pell Grant recipients are largely black. But yall think reparations is just a matter "Democrats" with no consideration whatsoever for public and legal opposition. Opposition that Trump has solidified into our courts and into our public discourse in less than 4 years.


Mar 24, 2014
If biden did even a fraction of what be talked about in his state of the union he'd have my vote. The problem is he hasn't and had no intention to fulfill any of those promises.

It's time we blame the people responsible

The Democrats arent going to do anything for Blacks anytime soon because they know theres a natural and common sense distrust and dislike for Republicans..they dont have to campaign to you because they know you cant run into the supremacist arms of the Republicans..


Oct 10, 2017
The Democrats arent going to do anything for Blacks anytime soon because they know theres a natural and common sense distrust and dislike for Republicans..they dont have to campaign to you because they know you cant run into the supremacist arms of the Republicans..
Absolutely but that's what infuriates me about the #bothsides label. As soon as you talk about holding them responsible some smart azz hits you with that hashtag


Mar 24, 2014
Absolutely but that's what infuriates me about the #bothsides label. As soon as you talk about holding them responsible some smart azz hits you with that hashtag

It's meant to keep Blacks distracted so youre a non factor whilst they know what's up and amass and pilfer all they can for their generations..


Sep 15, 2014
It’s 2024. Most of the people who voted in 1970 are dead.

You’re basically playing by their rules. Confined in a neat little bubble.

All I’m saying is why can’t the black vote and constituency be just as savage. We created an entire genre of music and culture that is now global. But we don’t know how to be organized enough to affect the very government and system we bytch and complain about.

In 2024, nikkas still talking about civil rights. Black people in this country have created a permanent excuse for shyt.

It’s not about what party black people vote for, it’s about which party we can finesses. It damn sure ain’t the Democratic Party. They been finessing black people every election cycle for decades.

You got outted saying some hyper retarded shyt. Why even post in this thread anymore