Rogue One: A Star Wars Story [Official Thread]


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Okay, so some more thoughts:

Like I said above I'm not all positive about the movie and found a lot of the early goings of the movie to be severely lacking. The character introductions aren't memorable and it's really hard to care about what's going on because no character has done or does anything to capture your interest. Far-too-honest droid K2 and Donnie Yen's Chirrut do connect right of the bat, even then their roles aren't significant enough to make you care. Meanwhile the movie strolls through moments that are supposed to be emotional but have little to no impact. I think by the end of the first hour and a half they've already tried to make you care about three deaths, yet none of them feel even the slightest bit earned.

There's some problems with the characters/cast too. Diego Luna's Cassian feels like the writers were such fans of the "Han shot first" concept that they went full retard in trying to make him an edgy cold blooded anti-hero, the result being that he's completely unlikeable for a good two thirds of the goddamn movie. Meanwhile on the other hand Felicity Jones, whose performance in The Theory Of Everything was absolutely incredible, seems to be completely drowned by the bombast of all the blockbuster fare around here. Where Rey in TFA at least felt like a realistic fish out of the water for the most part, Jyn Erso appears far too frail for the supposed seriousness and intensity of her character, mostly due to Jones simply not having the presence and gravitas required for the role. As much as I like here, she failed to deliver on a lot of big moments.

I also have to point something truly irksome. They brought back the same actress from Revenge Of The Sith for Mon Mothma, but decided to use CGI for Governor Tarkin, except it is so painfully clear that his face was CGI animated that it constantly distracted. How they let that shyt pass post-production is a mystery to me but every time he appears it's like looking at a random Final Fantasy cutscene character pasted right into the frame and it was fukking disgusting to look at. I have no idea how they managed to make that look so absolutely fukking awful yet...

... delivered a fairly convincing young Leia at the end.

Anyway, so I didn't care much for most of the setup and the characters initially, but once the movie gets to the actual plot of "a group of rebels attempt to steal the Death Star plans", it becomes the single greatest piece of Star Wars action ever put on screen. Out of nowhere the movie becomes thrilling, the stakes feel real and leave you in constant suspense, the action is engaging and it feels like a genuine star war is being fought. Every turn feels like it matters, every AT-AT that gets taken down feels like it pushes them closer to victory, every character that dies feels like the momentum shifts back to the Empire, it's an absolutely amazing battle that plays out on so many levels (above the planet, in the air, on the ground). As little as two minutes into the battle I sat there in awe wondering how the hell this so far average ass movie somehow turned into a fukking masterpiece of blockbuster entertainment within the blink of an eye. Remember that moment in Mad Max: Fury Road right after the car Max is on crashes in the storm and for the first time in a long time you get a breather, and the entire audience who had been completely silent in awe for its entire duration collectively took that massive breathe in exhilaration? The same thing happened here after this movie hits its abrupt on-the-nose ending right after two back-to-back scenes of pure fan service, confidently smash cutting into the credits like an arrogant exclamation point to the most thrilling Star Wars action sequence ever made. And they fukking earned that right tenfold!



Jun 16, 2014
The Bay Area
Okay, so some more thoughts:

Like I said above I'm not all positive about the movie and found a lot of the early goings of the movie to be severely lacking. The character introductions aren't memorable and it's really hard to care about what's going on because no character has done or does anything to capture your interest. Far-too-honest droid K2 and Donnie Yen's Chirrut do connect right of the bat, even then their roles aren't significant enough to make you care. Meanwhile the movie strolls through moments that are supposed to be emotional but have little to no impact. I think by the end of the first hour and a half they've already tried to make you care about three deaths, yet none of them feel even the slightest bit earned.

There's some problems with the characters/cast too. Diego Luna's Cassian feels like the writers were such fans of the "Han shot first" concept that they went full retard in trying to make him an edgy cold blooded anti-hero, the result being that he's completely unlikeable for a good two thirds of the goddamn movie. Meanwhile on the other hand Felicity Jones, whose performance in The Theory Of Everything was absolutely incredible, seems to be completely drowned by the bombast of all the blockbuster fare around here. Where Rey in TFA at least felt like a realistic fish out of the water for the most part, Jyn Erso appears far too frail for the supposed seriousness and intensity of her character, mostly due to Jones simply not having the presence and gravitas required for the role. As much as I like here, she failed to deliver on a lot of big moments.

I also have to point something truly irksome. They brought back the same actress from Revenge Of The Sith for Mon Mothma, but decided to use CGI for Governor Tarkin, except it is so painfully clear that his face was CGI animated that it constantly distracted. How they let that shyt pass post-production is a mystery to me but every time he appears it's like looking at a random Final Fantasy cutscene character pasted right into the frame and it was fukking disgusting to look at. I have no idea how they managed to make that look so absolutely fukking awful yet...

... delivered a fairly convincing young Leia at the end.

Anyway, so I didn't care much for most of the setup and the characters initially, but once the movie gets to the actual plot of "a group of rebels attempt to steal the Death Star plans", it becomes the single greatest piece of Star Wars action ever put on screen. Out of nowhere the movie becomes thrilling, the stakes feel real and leave you in constant suspense, the action is engaging and it feels like a genuine star war is being fought. Every turn feels like it matters, every AT-AT that gets taken down feels like it pushes them closer to victory, every character that dies feels like the momentum shifts back to the Empire, it's an absolutely amazing battle that plays out on so many levels (above the planet, in the air, on the ground). As little as two minutes into the battle I sat there in awe wondering how the hell this so far average ass movie somehow turned into a fukking masterpiece of blockbuster entertainment within the blink of an eye. Remember that moment in Mad Max: Fury Road right after the car Max is on crashes in the storm and for the first time in a long time you get a breather, and the entire audience who had been completely silent in awe for its entire duration collectively took that massive breathe in exhilaration? The same thing happened here after this movie hits its abrupt on-the-nose ending right after two back-to-back scenes of pure fan service, confidently smash cutting into the credits like an arrogant exclamation point to the most thrilling Star Wars action sequence ever made. And they fukking earned that right tenfold!

The Yoda smileys :deadmanny: