Seeing someone else play Han is going to be basura. They should CGI Harrison Ford young face onto an actor to do this.
Would be dope if Bane is in the Boba movie. I want to know what happened to all the other top bounty hunters the were around when Boba was growing up.
Worked pretty well for Fast 7I'm sure an entire movie of that wouldn't look weird at all![]()
We have it on good authority that the Darth Vader costume as seen in Star Wars: A New Hope has been meticulously recreated to match A New Hope perfectly. By all accounts the costume is so close to the original everyone is very happy and very impressed with the work done by Brian Muir and his team.
The coolest part is we've learned that James Earl Jones, the voice, the heart and soul of Darth Vader will return to speak Darth Vader's lines in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The Darth Vader we all know from the original Star Wars film is effectively back in look, voice, and spirit. There is still no word on if he has already recorded his lines or will in the post-production phase.
At this time we believe Darth Vader is being played by a new person that has never played him before (more on that in the future). We still don't know the precise parameters of the role Darth Vader will play in Rogue One. Most of the rumors have him as a prominent player in a few scenes and something to fear for the heroes.
Impressive, most impressive
Donnie Yen on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: “the Force is with me.”
By Jason Ward (editor-in-chief)
Star Wars Post found an interesting quote from Donnie Yen, who did a Reddit AMA today:
I think it’s really flattering to be the first Chinese actor in the Star Wars universe and I have full confidence Rogue One will do extremely well, because the force is with me.
At Star Wars Celebration, Gareth Edwards (Rouge One: A Star Wars Story‘s director) made it pretty clear there are no Jedi in this film and it is about normal people needing to rise to the challenge and deal with the Death Star problem as soldiers. God is not going to save you, you have to save yourself is the idea. For this reason, I doubt Yen teasing he’s a Jedi in the next Star Wars film.
While there is always the crazy chance he’s an ex-Jedi turned bounty hunter rebel, I’m just going to say “no” to the idea until there’s actual evidence beyond cute slogan use to evade saying anything that violates an NDA. Yeah, the Maz type of character is possible though.
Donnie Yen should be proud to be the first Chinese actor in a starring role in Star Wars. That’s pretty cool.
A classic villain will have some action in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!
A classic villain will have some action in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!By Amanda Ward (administrator)
The article below on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story may contain spoilers from the upcoming film–read on at your own risk. Please do not openly discuss these rumors on social media as to not spoil the movie for anyone that wants to remain spoiler-free.
Darth Vader will have action sequences in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. We have been told that Darth Vader has had several suits of armor built for the film. There is a hero suit which is a direct copy of the suit we have seen in Star Wars: A New Hope (see Darth Vader Dream Team Assembled?), down to the lenses in the eyes. The most interesting part is that stunt suits have been built, which indicates Darth Vader will in fact see action.
The action sequences filmed are unknown, but there was work pitching the different ways Darth Vader could kill rebels on a battlefield with the Force and his lightsaber. The storyboard “pitches” showed decapitated rebels, people being dismembered by Vader throwing his sword, levitating bodies to make human shields, and so on. The art was more violent than what we’ve seen Darth Vader do on screen before.
I wish there were more details on the setting of the ground battle but the most we could get was that it was a smoky battlefield.
More on Darth Vader in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will follow in the coming days.
Boba Fett fukking sucks. Why even make a movie about that buster
I never got his appeal either.![]()
That would be dopeI know the majority of SW dont care but i want a movie with Mace Windi
The real nikka that stopped the Emperor