Rogue One: A Star Wars Story [Official Thread]


All Star
May 9, 2012
South East Houston
By now, it’s no secret that the Ghost is among the ships that take part in the operation over Scarif, or that a certain droid fromRebels makes a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo on Yavin IV. But a certain communications announcement is ambiguous enough to refer to either one of two characters, and that’s been a cause of a bit of debate. Well, now we know which character it is.

Minor spoilers for Rogue One ahead!

The line that’s been a source of confusion amongst fans is an intercom message demanding that the presence of one “General Syndulla” is needed in the briefing room. The line’s been a cause for confusion given that the surname could refer to Rebels lead Hera Syndulla or her father Cham from The Clone Wars. Through an article on Entertainment Weekly, Dave Filoni has explained who it is, compounded with this tweet by Hera’s voice actress, Vanessa Marshall:

Many asked if “General Syndulla” was in fact Hera in#RogueOne: @dave_filoni confirms! Thank you @mattwood! via @ew

— Vanessa Marshall (@vanmarshall) December 20, 2016

The article itself is pretty illuminating and I would recommend that big fans of Rebels and/or Rogue One check it out. The most important parts of the article are included below:

The Ghost is also visible in the upper left corner of this shot [see the image at the top of this article], on a landing pad at the temple base on Yavin 4. Filoni says fans of the show may someday see Rogue One’s action retold from his characters’ perspective on a future season of Rebels. “I already have some theories about the story behind it,” Filoni says. “I can imagine doing that entire [Scarif] battle from their point of view, whoever is on the Ghost at that point.”

Hera Syndulla is the green-skinned alien Twi’lek who pilots the Ghost starship, and although she doesn’t appear on screen in Rogue One, a “General Syndulla” is summoned to the briefing room over the intercom at the Yavin 4 base. Filoni credits sound designer Matt Wood, who also voices the character General Grievous, for that reference. We don’t see Hera, but we know she’s there. Although some fans are debating about that. We have the answer…

The “General Syndulla” reference has created debate among Rebels fans, since Hera’s father, Cham Syndulla, is already a resistance general on the show – and she’s not. It turns out, this a tease of things to come on Rebels. “I can clarify that’s absolutely Hera being paged, not her dad,” Filoni says. “The movie gives that away, but I would rather have all the [references] be right. Hera will eventually become a general in the Rebel Alliance.” But how? That storyline will remain a mystery for now.

So there you have it. Hera survives the events of Rebels and is presumably the one piloting the Ghost over Scarif. (Granted, that’s presuming that Rebels wraps up at 0 BBY – which, given the current pace of every season to cover about the greater part of a year, might not be the case.) The biggest hint that it was her and not her father on Yavin IV – aside from her ship being present – was that you could see and hear Chopper rolling about just before Mon Mothma is told about the unauthorized operation by the Rogue One team. But context-wise, it wouldn’t make very much sense for Cham to be there, considering his primary goal is to liberate Ryloth from the Empire – conversely, his daughter is much more concerned about the greater Rebel Alliance as a whole. In any case, it’s great to see that the link is even there and that Lucasfilm is taking every bit of canon seriously.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Niccaz copping pleas for TFA, Star Wars is probably the ONE movie from that era that you don't need to "rehash" for anyone anywhere.

Everybody gets the basics of that shyt fans or not.

JJ and Disney just banked on nostalgia and it worked, member berries like a muthafukka. Rogue One makes TFA looks even worse.

The Death Star having a flaw is now :mjcry::ehh::ohhh:

Starkiller Base :scust:

"Perhaps if we blew up.....THE OSCILLATOR :ohhh:"

Sep 12, 2013
I actually agree.

But Rogue One is somehow way more creative than TFA.

Before I even saw Rogue One I knew exactly what it was as a commercial product, which was a way to finally give us an OT-era movie with all the things we love and remember but bigger and better and with modern day effects. Death Stars, X-Wings, Tie Fighters, Star Destroyers, Vader, Imperial Walkers... the whole gamut. And in this regard the movie delivered and was everything it needed to be. This was the easily some the craziest, most BADASS Star Wars visual spectacle ever put to screen and an absolute A1 nostalgia rush... reminding us all why we love this shyt in the first place.

Rogue One was supposed to do those things. It's Episode 7 where they dropped the ball. It's the main episodic movies which should be taking us to new places and introducing new things. Now I know they wanted to play it super safe for the first go around... but holy shyt an exact replica of the original film???

If Ep 7 had followed the Star Wars mold and been an inventive, awe inspiring movie... more people would be apt to welcome the nostalgic love letter fan service that was Rogue One.


Nov 19, 2016
Really enjoyed it. I've seen complaints about the lead having a weak performance but I really believe that the director used that to accentuate everything else in the film. Especially considering she isn't coming back in another one. Classic misdirection but for actual direction, if that makes sense.

That Vader fight scene :birdmagneto:


Grand Conde

Feb 11, 2013
Acting is trash - the big debate scene in the second act was the epitome of over acting. Watching this in comparison to some shyt like Westworld, GOT or even Civil War was fukking embarrassing. Can't get away with corny acting in these sci-fi/superhero/fantasy genres - the bar has been raised to high.

Yeah you have no idea what dafuq you are talking about breh. You are literally the only person to complain about the acting.