Does anyone else find it funny how @
GreatestLaker is twisting himself into a pretzel to convince himself that our concept of race is biologically real rather than a social construct?
I give him an clear cut example of a people who would be considered UNEQUIVOCALLY black in almost any country where the concept of race exists and he comes in here claiming they ain't black but Asian because it contradicts his RACIST belief that the concept of race which was created by racist white Europeans in the 1500s can be scientifically determined using DNA.
No buddy. DNA only tells us how we are related to one another. And if it tells us anything about race, it tells us that our concept of race is imaginary and doesn't exist. You are trying to superimpose your a priori preconceptions onto science and then when I give you evidence of when the science disagrees with you a priori preconceptions you say stupid shyt like the Jarawa (who just might be the blackest people on earth) ain't black.
This is what science/DNA tells us. We are all the same. The concept of race that people with black phenotypes are fundamentally different from people with white phenotypes is false. We all descended from the same common ancestors who lived in Africa 150,000 years ago. The fact we look different is the result of adaptation to different environments, random mutation, and sexual selection. We don't look different because one is better or smarter than the other. The reason the Jarawa look black is not because they are fundamentally different than their Asian cousins. Its because they had no need to change their African phenotype while the other mainland humans had their phenotype change.
The reason our concept of race is bullshyt and nothing more than a social construct is because it believes that difference in outside appearance means fundamental difference. That because the Jarawa look black that they are fundamentally different than mainland Asians. But science tells us that it isn't the case. That regardless of outside appearance, people with black skin and nappy hair are more similar to yellow skin chinky eye Asians than they are to black skin nappy hair Africans. If you still can't see how this science totally disproves the concept of race we have all been raised with then you are either a moron or you don't want to face the truth.
I'm done.