Robert Mugabe outchea.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Land reform started in the late 90s, Zimbabweans started invading farms. Mugabe was able to hold that off until the early 2000s. .

" In the late 1990s, Prime Minister Tony Blair terminated this arrangement when funds available from Margaret Thatcher's administration were exhausted, repudiating all commitments to land reform. Zimbabwe responded by embarking on a "fast track" redistribution campaign, forcibly confiscating white farms without compensation.[4]"

You're arguing semantics. Mugabe enacted land reforms right after the British reneged on their contract to do land reform themselves, which was in the early 2000s, exactly as I said.

Then he helped it to go threw when the white farmers were going to replace himThen he helped it to go threw when the white farmers were going to replace him. Replace his party/him with MDC/Tsvangirai. He didn't do it because he wanted to, but to save his own ass.

Do you have any real proof of these assertions? Furthermore, even if Mugabe did get rid of the whites to protect his own seat, he still ended colonialism and white control of Zimbabwe. So he's good done either way.

Dude killed thousands of blacks in the gukurahundi and constantly takes money out of the country. So nah man, he isn't pro-black.

What happened in Gukurahundi was a civil war of sorts between two rival parties wherein both sides lost people. Zanu-PF lost men and the ZAPU, which recruited from the Ndebele-speaking region, lost men. Mugabe was on the ZANU-PF side and ZAPU lost more men when Mugabe's faction won out. Through his "terrorism", Mandela killed fellow blacks too. These incidents do not mitigate what Mugabe also did, which was defeat Ian Smith's forces, captur Ian Smith and forcibly end apartheid in his country. Cacs like you love to point to "black-on-black violence" as an excuse for colonialism. fukk off with that.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
You have to be an idiot to think Mugabe hates White people.

We also don't take kindly to genocide, political subversion or theft over here.

Argue facts, fool, not your stupid opinions. Post your EVIDENCE and ARGUE your position.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Land reform started in the late 90s, Zimbabweans started invading farms. Mugabe was able to hold that off until the early 2000s. Then he helped it to go threw when the white farmers were going to replace him. Replace his party/him with MDC/Tsvangirai. He didn't do it because he wanted to, but to save his own ass.

Dude killed thousands of blacks in the gukurahundi and constantly takes money out of the country. So nah man, he isn't pro-black.
Nkomo was killing other blacks too, it was a civil war for fukks sake. its like saying Lincoln wasnt a patriot and was a c00n because he killed whites to free blacks, thats fukking stupid.

shyt had to be done and because of the war on Nkomo he actually unified the tribes and stopped the civil war. yes people died, but it also united zimbabwe.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Mugabe sold his soul to the devil for that presidency. The people wanted Joshua nkomo, but his policies were about getting cacs to share the new zimbabwe which obviously wasn't what the cacs wanted. It was wasn't about land grabbing like what happened under Mugabe but it was..I will say this again..everyone in Zimbabwe to have equal opportunities.
Mugabe agreed with what cacs wanted, and remember he wasn't even the one who was gon be in power..There was two another nikkas above him but as someone clever he managed to get one of the nikkas murked like he always does to any threat for him to be second in line. Top guy was just a prime minister (canaan banana) whose rep was later destroyed by this black leader. Since his soul already belonged to the devil, he had to do right by them and let them flourish with no problems for the next 20+ years.
see the devil is clever, as long as he is getting his..There are no problems. The devil knew what was coming and started slowly to migrate to other countries ie Zambia, Mozambique, South Africa and overseas.
when the people of zimbabwe started whispering, this man got a re - writing of the constitution where he would have power and incase he was dethroned would not be put on trial for corruption. ....but then it was too late, the people had woken and seen enough, workers unions helped ignite that fire in zimbabweans and so people voted against the new constitution.
After losing this vote, confidence was low, across the country people started shouting, they weren't whispering anymore..They started reminding him of the genocide and crimes he committed against his own people (and the ndebele who were always pro - Joshua nkomo). In football stadiums people started singing liberation songs (same songs sung against cac rule before independence) and yes the general election was about a year away..opposition parties gained momentum (ZUM and MDC)...The man was gon lose his power, he was gon lose his wealth and was facing a possible trial for corruption and murder etc..His masters were losing faith in him and the country once dubbed "the bread busket of africa" was in debt, and his own people had turned against him..workers were going on strike and people losing their jobs. What else could he do with an election a few months away?

Yep he manipulated his own people into believing he was trying to do good buy giving all war veterans 50 000 dollars each with some getting more depending on their rank in the army, this was a lot of money back then..I think zim dollar against the British sterling was 1 pound sterling: 8 zim dollars so that was a lot of money for a country going downhill.not that paying these people was wrong, they fought for the peoples freedom but the timing wasn't right..could have been done withing 10 years of getting the country back. So after all these payments to gain an extra vote war veterans and dumb youths were given a go ahead to violently take land without being given deeds for said land or without and support of how to handle this land etc so a further fortune was lost in export etc...I'm tired now..elections came and he won. People still have to land and are worse than before, agriculture is dead. There is a reason cacs love zimbabwe, it's a rich country in the wrong of corrupt people drunk with power.



"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Nkomo was killing other blacks too, it was a civil war for fukks sake. its like saying Lincoln wasnt a patriot and was a c00n because he killed whites to free blacks, thats fukking stupid.

Exactly. If Mugabe is horrible for winning his civil war on account of black casualties, then so is Lincoln on account of white casualties. The absurdity of it boggles the mind.

shyt had to be done and because of the war on Nkomo he actually unified the tribes and stopped the civil war. yes people died, but it also united zimbabwe.

So Mugabe is thrice a hero: apartheid war liberator (independence war), white colonialist crusher (land reform) and Zimbabwe unifier (civil war). He's also a multiple degree holder and was called a "genius" by American diplomats in the Wikileaks records.

:umad: @Poitier @Northern Son @Din0can

Recently nominated as head of the African Union by Black Africa. You probably think he rigged that election too. :umad:


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
It must suck to be a dumb, dense, detached from reality, tranny lover who thinks he can change someone's opinion over the Internet :umad:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
It must suck to be a dumb, dense, detached from reality, tranny lover who thinks he can change someone's opinion over the Internet :umad:

Typical you resort to name-calling when you have no evidence to support your ill-formed opinions. Kill yourself, mixed breed cac00n. :umad:

Mugabe the Undefeated :umad:

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
@Roddy Right

You stupid c*nt, Zanu-PF tanked Zimbabwe's economy in the late 90's when they involved troops in the second Congo War and started taking exorbitant amounts of government money ("bonuses") and giving it to government ministers and war vets. You're exposing yourself as a lazy, heuristic thinking simple minded idiot by resorting to the tired act of calling anyone who disagrees with you a c00n, much less a Zimbabwean who actually cares about his people :what:.

He completely and utterly fukked up the land reform. There's no way to really argue that. Millions of black farm workers were laid off and ministers with no farm experience were the largest beneficiaries and they had next to no farming skill. They fast tracked the land reforms when they had nearly 20 years to transition ownership in a non-violent practical way. A fukking 1/3 of the amount of tobacco produced in the early 2000's era was being produced by the mid 2000's.

Since inflation and the failure of the economy he hasn't exactly made any attempts to do better. He completely shyt the bed as far as the mineral wealth (Marange diamond fields), this dude is a senile old fukk:, Ali Babas reaping us off Mugabe/news.aspx

@Roddy Right, you have never, and will never set foot in Zimbabwe. You know nothing, and would never have the guts to spew that sub-cellular fake internet militant rhetoric to Zimbabwean citizens to their faces. Go fukk yourself.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Zimbabwe didn't get hit with sanctions until the early 2000s. Mugabe had 20years to prepare, get his people educated, train his people as farmers, etc.. Without a doubt, it would have not been easy. But Zimbabwe would have been in a better position, when they started reclaiming land.

But dude wasn't/isn't some pro-black leader, so he wouldn't have given a shyt about what his people wanted/were going to do.

Thank you!

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Mugabe sold his soul to the devil for that presidency. The people wanted Joshua nkomo, but his policies were about getting cacs to share the new zimbabwe which obviously wasn't what the cacs wanted. It was wasn't about land grabbing like what happened under Mugabe but it was..I will say this again..everyone in Zimbabwe to have equal opportunities.
Mugabe agreed with what cacs wanted, and remember he wasn't even the one who was gon be in power..There was two another nikkas above him but as someone clever he managed to get one of the nikkas murked like he always does to any threat for him to be second in line. Top guy was just a prime minister (canaan banana) whose rep was later destroyed by this black leader. Since his soul already belonged to the devil, he had to do right by them and let them flourish with no problems for the next 20+ years.
see the devil is clever, as long as he is getting his..There are no problems. The devil knew what was coming and started slowly to migrate to other countries ie Zambia, Mozambique, South Africa and overseas.
when the people of zimbabwe started whispering, this man got a re - writing of the constitution where he would have power and incase he was dethroned would not be put on trial for corruption. ....but then it was too late, the people had woken and seen enough, workers unions helped ignite that fire in zimbabweans and so people voted against the new constitution.
After losing this vote, confidence was low, across the country people started shouting, they weren't whispering anymore..They started reminding him of the genocide and crimes he committed against his own people (and the ndebele who were always pro - Joshua nkomo). In football stadiums people started singing liberation songs (same songs sung against cac rule before independence) and yes the general election was about a year away..opposition parties gained momentum (ZUM and MDC)...The man was gon lose his power, he was gon lose his wealth and was facing a possible trial for corruption and murder etc..His masters were losing faith in him and the country once dubbed "the bread busket of africa" was in debt, and his own people had turned against him..workers were going on strike and people losing their jobs. What else could he do with an election a few months away?

Yep he manipulated his own people into believing he was trying to do good buy giving all war veterans 50 000 dollars each with some getting more depending on their rank in the army, this was a lot of money back then..I think zim dollar against the British sterling was 1 pound sterling: 8 zim dollars so that was a lot of money for a country going downhill.not that paying these people was wrong, they fought for the peoples freedom but the timing wasn't right..could have been done withing 10 years of getting the country back. So after all these payments to gain an extra vote war veterans and dumb youths were given a go ahead to violently take land without being given deeds for said land or without and support of how to handle this land etc so a further fortune was lost in export etc...I'm tired now..elections came and he won. People still have to land and are worse than before, agriculture is dead. There is a reason cacs love zimbabwe, it's a rich country in the wrong of corrupt people drunk with power.

Thank you well said!!

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
@Roddy Right

You stupid c*nt, Zanu-PF tanked Zimbabwe's economy in the late 90's when they involved troops in the second Congo War and started giving exorbitant amounts of money to government ministers and war vets. You're exposing yourself as a lazy, heuristic thinking simple minded idiot by resorting to the tired act of calling anyone who disagrees with you a c00n, much less a Zimbabwean who actually cares about his people :what:.

He completely and utterly fukked up the land reform. There's no way to really argue that. Millions of black farm workers were laid off and ministers with no farm experience were the largest beneficiaries and they had next to no farming skill. They fast tracked the land reforms when they had nearly 20 years to transition ownership in a non-violent practical way. A fukking 1/3 of the amount of tobacco produced in the early 2000's era was being produced by the mid 2000's.

Since inflation and the failure of the economy he hasn't exactly made any attempts to do better. He completely shyt the bed as far as the mineral wealth (Marange diamond fields), this dude is a senile old fukk:, Ali Babas reaping us off Mugabe/news.aspx

@Roddy Right, you have never, and will never set foot in Zimbabwe. You know nothing, and would never have the guts to spew that sub-cellular fake internet militant rhetoric to Zimbabwean citizens to their faces. Go fukk yourself.

@Roddy Right are you also Zimbabwean? Or did you grow up in Africa?:lupe:
Or did you grow up in the U.S.?:lupe:
Is a U.S. breh trying to school a Zimbabwean about Zimbabwe?:lupe:



African original
Jul 12, 2014
One Africa
" In the late 1990s, Prime Minister Tony Blair terminated this arrangement when funds available from Margaret Thatcher's administration were exhausted, repudiating all commitments to land reform. Zimbabwe responded by embarking on a "fast track" redistribution campaign, forcibly confiscating white farms without compensation.[4]"

You're arguing semantics. Mugabe enacted land reforms right after the British reneged on their contract to do land reform themselves, which was in the early 2000s, exactly as I said.

Do you have any real proof of these assertions? Furthermore, even if Mugabe did get rid of the whites to protect his own seat, he still ended colonialism and white control of Zimbabwe. So he's good done either way.

What happened in Gukurahundi was a civil war of sorts between two rival parties wherein both sides lost people. Zanu-PF lost men and the ZAPU, which recruited from the Ndebele-speaking region, lost men. Mugabe was on the ZANU-PF side and ZAPU lost more men when Mugabe's faction won out. Through his "terrorism", Mandela killed fellow blacks too. These incidents do not mitigate what Mugabe also did, which was defeat Ian Smith's forces, captur Ian Smith and forcibly end apartheid in his country. Cacs like you love to point to "black-on-black violence" as an excuse for colonialism. fukk off with that.
some good points but most are blinkered. .and being pro black isn't about that..but what u have to understand is there is two types of history...One that is cacwritten and one that is not. There was nno civil war, the so called "civil war" happened after the country was in black power and mugabe knowing he didn't have a vote in southern zimbabwe he had to attack using the national army. A lot of people lost family and friends, imagine how we feel everyday when police kill unarmed people everyday right now in the US of A..This is what was happening..people getting murkedby the army because of the colour of their tongue..all mugabe was doing was silencing the opposition and he did. Joshua nkomo had to form a coalition gvt with him to save some families grief..people wanted to fight on but like someone once said on one of the threads here "you don't bring a knife to an SUV fight"..Mugabe learned good from cacs that supported wateva coz black lives don't matter as long as u in power.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
skokiaan and northern son basically said all that needed to really be said.

white colonialist crusher lol The whites are still there man. Hell some of the high level non-farming ones help to bankroll his ass.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
@Roddy Right

You stupid c*nt, Zanu-PF tanked Zimbabwe's economy in the late 90's when they involved troops in the second Congo War and started giving exorbitant amounts of money to government ministers and war vets. You're exposing yourself as a lazy, heuristic thinking simple minded idiot by resorting to the tired act of calling anyone who disagrees with you a c00n, much less a Zimbabwean who actually cares about his people :what:.

Proof for your Congo War and money lending assertions?

You said said you're only half Zimbabwean and you were raised in the West., You don't know shyt about what happens there regardless. If what you say is right, your evidence will support it so rest of that instead of on claims which don't prove your point and which none may verify anyway.

He completely and utterly fukked up the land reform. There's no way to really argue that. Millions of black farm workers were laid off and ministers with no farm experience were the largest beneficiaries and they had next to no farming skill.

When cacs employers lose their businesses--their farms--their black employess will be laid off. That's par for course and there's nothing wrong with it from a moral point of view, since well, those cacs should have never been there in the first place. When slavery ended, cacs lost their slave businesses. People were laid off. That's par for the course, yada yada, you get my point. It was still right to end slavery just like it was still right to do land reform. As far as who has benefitted from land reform, these are the established facts:

"‘In the biggest land reform in Africa, 6,000 white farmers have been replaced by 245,000 Zimbabwean farmers. Zimbabwe’s land reform has not been neat, and huge problems remain. But 245,000 new farmers have received land, and most of them are farming it. They have raised their own standard of living; have already reached production levels of the former white farmers; and with a bit of support, are ready to substantially increase that production.’"


I suppose there are 245, 000 ministers in Zimbabwe who received land, as you say, oh Zimbabwean knowledge holder. No, idiot, there are 245,000 black Zimbabweans--most of them common people--who received land, are farming it and have already reached levels of former production by whites. This fact is how I know you don't know shyt. Land reform is a growing success! :

"The media story about efficient white commercial farms is a half truth at best: at independence in 1980, 700,000 black farmers were squeezed onto 53% of the farmland, while 6,000 white farmers had 46% (and often the best land at that). Yet when Zimbabwe achieved majority rule, one third of white farmers were insolvent and a third were just about breaking even. Only 5% (300 people!) could be described as ‘very profitable’.

It often takes a generation for a land reform to produce results – the larger of Zimbabwe’s two post apartheid land reforms is only a decade old, but new farmers have already caught up with the previous white-dominated system in production (although of course, there are always better and worse farmers in any category). That is initially being achieved by bringing some of the idle land into production, but yields are also rising."

They fast tracked the land reforms when they had nearly 20 years to transition ownership in a non-violent practical way. A fukking 1/3 of the amount of tobacco produced in the early 2000's era was being produced by the mid 2000's.

They fast-tracked the reforms after cacs reneged on the reforms in the first place. The cacs DID NOT WANT to transition ownership in ANY WAY before then. That is a FALSE ASSERTION and the fact the cacs did not want to relinquish their ill-gotten gains--as they never do whereever the fukk they are--is why Mugabe had to take the land.

But according to you, Mugabe had a "non-violent choice". No fukk that. Lincoln had a "non-violent" choice to. He could have just allowed the white American South to continue enslaving people and sought a more "peaceful" way. Clearly you are an absurdist fukking c00n.

Since inflation and the failure of the economy he hasn't exactly made any attempts to do better. He completely shyt the bed as far as the mineral wealth (Marange diamond fields), this dude is a senile old fukk:, Ali Babas reaping us off Mugabe/news.aspx

@Roddy Right, you have never, and will never set foot in Zimbabwe. You know nothing, and would never have the guts to spew that sub-cellular fake militant rhetoric to Zimbabwean citizens to their face. Go fukk yourself.

And who knows if you have, dumbass? And if you have, what does that prove? It proves that you think 200k+ farmers are all "ministers" from ZANU-PF. Are you an academic who can study the things you talk about? No. You're just an idiot. Just provide your proof and let them speak for you.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
@Roddy Right are you also Zimbabwean? Or did you grow up in Africa?:lupe:
Or did you grow up in the U.S.?:lupe:
Is a U.S. breh trying to school a Zimbabwean about Zimbabwe?:lupe:


@Northern Son is at BEST half Zimbabwean, and we're not even sure he is Zimbabwean at all. We don't know if he ever grew up in Zimbabwe either. Most probably he didn't given the way he types. And, even if he is what he says he is, that does not mean he knows what he's talking about. I have met foreigners who know more about American politics than Americans I know. It's called research and knowledge. According to established academic research, the following people have benefited from Mugabe's land reforms:

"‘In the biggest land reform in Africa, 6,000 white farmers have been replaced by 245,000 Zimbabwean farmers. Zimbabwe’s land reform has not been neat, and huge problems remain. But 245,000 new farmers have received land, and most of them are farming it. They have raised their own standard of living; have already reached production levels of the former white farmers; and with a bit of support, are ready to substantially increase that production.’"

According to Northern Son, either these farmers don't exist or they are all ministers. The article was published in a noted academic journal and has never been retracted. I guess all the African Union leaders believe Mugabe is so bad, that's why he won the Presidency. Are you really taking the ideas of a random Coli poster--who provides no evidence--at heart b/c he says he is half Zimbabwean (or American in terms of American politics)?

You know there are people who spout so-called truths about American politics but actually are misinformed. Before you judge me as wrong, think about the wealth of NON-EVIDENCE @Northern Son has provided for his assertions. If what he says is so obvious and true, why can't he provide even the smallest evidence of it? :heh:
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