Robert Kraft (and some other billionaires) Stand on Business and Suspend Donations to Columbia University over Antisemitism Concerns


Jan 28, 2013
People are bullshytting if they don't think there's actual antisemitism at these protests, I've seen a few videos of people being violent and saying racist shyt.

Unless they’re being actively persecuted :camby:Jews call every criticism antisemitism. They’d never survive a day being black with the amount of hatred we receive.



Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
And you will never be in power, so what are we really discussing here?

There is no one politician who will get into office and be able to in one or two terms, change everything that was put into place over the course of centuries.

Obama tried to tell yall fools that. Yes he promised change and he brought change. It may not have been the revolutionary change that everybody wanted but it was a START. And that's all he could do by himself, especially in a nation where the majority of the people who are screaming for change DON'T UNDERSTAND NOR ARE THEY INTERESTED IN HOW THIS COUNTRY ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS.

Maybe a politician could create change quickly if he actually had a voting populace that was informed and stayed engaged and knew how the laws and government work. Then the politician could try to create change and use the people as a springboard and be able to be strategic in using voters to apply pressure in meaningful ways that would help them to achieve the goals.

But as it stands, most of the people are stupid. Look at you for instance. You're mad at me for what I said but the truth is that you're a dumbass.

Nothing is going to change in this country by threats of violence or force because first of all, you're never going to find enough people willing to sacrifice everything or go far enough to do what needs to be done. Most Americans are comfortable and rightly so. For all the issues we face in this country, the truth is that we have it good. We have running water, a working electric grid, public transportation, vehicles, social security programs for the poor, etc.

There are other nations who have NONE of that. So you're expecting fat, comfortable satisfied Americans to fight some revolution? It will never happen.

The closest we'll get to that in our lifetime is what happened on Jan 6 and even they were either too stupid or lacked the fortitude to go all the way. Once one woman got shot, they backed down. Truth is, if the Capitol police had shot a couple of them before they got to the steps of the capitol, they would have went home and Jan 6 wouldn't have happened.

Even they weren't willing to die for what they believe. You see that with the ones who are being prosecuted. They're in court in literal tears crying talking about "bu bu but..."

So you and all this rah rah you do on doing something violent is stupid, ignorant and you're setting yourself up to take the ultimate L and nobody will remember you. You will be a joke on the coli, maybe a Smiley like they do with Chris Dorner where he's brought up jokingly from time to time but nobody seriously talks about him constantly. And he definitely didn't inspire anybody. People hit the :ehh: and went on with their lives.

Your thinking is so... basic. You don't understand what you think you understand. And you're too foolish to learn.
Ok let's see what could actually work then, strategically.

Do you think something like, forcing Trump on national TV, to sit in front of the world and directly answer questions, with audio, video, documents, ect? Do you think, as an elected president (however you get it done, because of course, you need the people first, so populist policies will catch their ear, and being aggressive about those policies will establish that voter base) you could enforce something like this, so the dude would be questioned about his lies, reviewed about his con man history ect.

Do you think an elected president could at least get some of these political liars in front of TV to be directly challenged?
Apr 3, 2014
Ok let's see what could actually work then, strategically.

Do you think something like, forcing Trump on national TV, to sit in front of the world and directly answer questions, with audio, video, documents, ect? Do you think, as an elected president (however you get it done, because of course, you need the people first, so populist policies will catch their ear, and being aggressive about those policies will establish that voter base) you could enforce something like this, so the dude would be questioned about his lies, reviewed about his con man history ect.

Do you think an elected president could at least get some of these political liars in front of TV to be directly challenged?

Nothing short of the majority of the population being informed will work.

If you put Trump on TV the way you're talking about, guess what? He's just going to lie. And guess what? The majority of people are uninformed and are susceptible to misinformation and they will BELIEVE HIM cause they're not intelligent enough to not be conned.

Nothing short of making sure that people are educated and informed will work. Right now, people are too dumb and apathetic.

They don't follow the news and what's really going on, they don't know how the government is supposed to work and guess what? As it stands right now, they don't care to know. Cause they're too stupid to realize how important all of this is.


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
Nothing short of the majority of the population being informed will work.

If you put Trump on TV the way you're talking about, guess what? He's just going to lie. And guess what? The majority of people are uninformed and are susceptible to misinformation and they will BELIEVE HIM cause they're not intelligent enough to not be conned.

Nothing short of making sure that people are educated and informed will work. Right now, people are too dumb and apathetic.

They don't follow the news and what's really going on, they don't know how the government is supposed to work and guess what? As it stands right now, they don't care to know. Cause they're too stupid to realize how important all of this is.
That's what I'm saying bro. Who cares if he lies, when you can challenge him, in front of the whole world (all networks in the US would have no choice but to cover it) with audio, video, and documented evidence?

The point of sitting him down, is to make him lie then show factual information proving it's a lie. When you talk about making sure everyone is educated, how does this not accomplish that? The only reason they get away with it is because of Fox News pushing the lies, and CNN/MSNBC being too soft to really ask hard questions.

What about when Trump can't just over talk the person asking the questions? When his bravado means absolutely nothing?

What good does lying do when you literally can't run from the truth?

You don't think people would tune in and actually listen? Or you think they are too far gone for something like that to work?

Serious question?


May 28, 2012
We have weirdos on here who support this bs.
Yes it is BS. But students who protest and feel so strongly about the issue shouldn't want to work for companies who are pro-Israel, or do business with pro-Israel entities. That's what they call "standing on business."

I supported Kapernick's protest, but was disappointed when he tried to go back to the NFL wanting a job. You can't declare someone the enemy and still want to work/do business with them

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
That's what I'm saying bro. Who cares if he lies, when you can challenge him, in front of the whole world (all networks in the US would have no choice but to cover it) with audio, video, and documented evidence?
I feel like if this happened, it would further divide and make folk choose sides.

There isn't really a standard for facts/evidence that a majority of people can agree on aside from eyewitness accounts confirmed by several "unbiased" sources.

One side would go "See? We told you he's full of shyt!"

Another side would go "Fake News! AI! Photoshop! They're just conspiring against Trump!"

The world's collective brain is super fried at this point and even direct threats to our existence won't make folks budge (See The Covid Pandemic)

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
Yes it is BS. But students who protest and feel so strongly about the issue shouldn't want to work for companies who are pro-Israel, or do business with pro-Israel entities. That's what they call "standing on business."

I supported Kapernick's protest, but was disappointed when he tried to go back to the NFL wanting a job. You can't declare someone the enemy and still want to work/do business with them

Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We gotta be less harsh and expectant of folks trying to make a change.

No one's perfect and everyone's gotta eat. Everyone doesn't possess Malcolm/Martin/Nelson levels of resolve.


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
I feel like if this happened, it would further divide and make folk choose sides.

There isn't really a standard for facts/evidence that a majority of people can agree on aside from eyewitness accounts comfirmed by several "unbiased" sources.

One side would go "See? We told you he's full of shyt!"

Another side would go "Fake News! AI! Photoshop! They're just conspiring against Trump!"

The world's collective brain is super fried at this point and even direct threats to our existence won't folks budge (See The Covid Pandemic)
With Trump it's a different scenario though, since you have so much actual irrefutable evidence on video and audio, directly from him. You already have him admitting all the evidence is real, so it can't be labeled AI.

He would probably be the easiest case of the inability to run from the truth. I think more people would just let the Trump dedication go, than will continue to fight for a proven lying piece of garbage. But that's just me.


Jun 15, 2012
Yes it is BS. But students who protest and feel so strongly about the issue shouldn't want to work for companies who are pro-Israel, or do business with pro-Israel entities. That's what they call "standing on business."

I supported Kapernick's protest, but was disappointed when he tried to go back to the NFL wanting a job. You can't declare someone the enemy and still want to work/do business with them

The problem is that these are American companies doing business in America.

A foreign power that takes our American tax dollars should work for the American people, not the other way around. And too many American politicians think they are Israeli politicians.

These guys are more compromised than the gop members who are pro-Russia. They should be under the same scrutiny.
Apr 3, 2014
That's what I'm saying bro. Who cares if he lies, when you can challenge him, in front of the whole world (all networks in the US would have no choice but to cover it) with audio, video, and documented evidence?

The point of sitting him down, is to make him lie then show factual information proving it's a lie. When you talk about making sure everyone is educated, how does this not accomplish that? The only reason they get away with it is because of Fox News pushing the lies, and CNN/MSNBC being too soft to really ask hard questions.

What about when Trump can't just over talk the person asking the questions? When his bravado means absolutely nothing?

What good does lying do when you literally can't run from the truth?

You don't think people would tune in and actually listen? Or you think they are too far gone for something like that to work?

Serious question?

What you're describing was the presidential debate 4 years ago.

And 77 million people still came out and voted for him.

Why? Because they are stupid and uninformed in a lot of cases. He still enjoys a lot of support today, including what looks like more support from black people than he got 4 years ago, myself included. It's because people are DUMB and misinformed.

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
He would probably be the easiest case of the inability to run from the truth. I think more people would just let the Trump dedication go, than will continue to fight for a proven lying piece of garbage. But that's just me.
I don't think you've been around cacs enough in real life :skip:

You severly overestimate their ability to reason and have an understanding :francis:


All Star
Apr 14, 2020
Anti semitism is a made up word. So are half the words used in the language today. This is how they mind fukk you and play double meanings like a brave new world.

If you you cant explain what a word is without going to another definition, its a made up word and bullshyt.

People who use these words are lemmings


All Star
Apr 14, 2020
Sound like some mark of the beast shyt

mmmm if the small hats are the bad guys (just looking at their fruits they produce and it ain't good)

the bible might be true

small hats don't get friends organically they have to buy loyalty

even the bible say they like to lie.....:jbhmm:
This is the thing

It isnt all the small hats

One of my best friends is jewish. He says all the same shyt we in here saying. He knows how devious his own people are hes dealt with it dorectly his whole life.

The zionists on top will sacrifice every jew in the world to get what they want. They arent real jews at all. They are the ones who killed jesus.