I would ignore the Coppola 90s Dracula all together.Sohh i decided to Start watching the original nosferatu.
After once again.
That got damn murdoch fsmily. Has enticed me to flirt with the dark side and reload tubi on my tv.
Sohh in this flirtation. To again delve back into.
the misappropriation heavy handed based world of the murdoch's, formerly of fox.
Where once again they will monetize and misappropriate the black community in a cop and blow fashion. Evdient by all the public access straight to bootleg style hood movies.
they service as an outlet.
I started searching the site. For the older Dracula. Or nineties Keanu socalled trash version. That i believe I have on vhs possibly. If I remember right. I just never watched it. Since people always said it was huff. Plus I never saw the original. To have a point of reference. So once I saw nosferatu, the original was on tubi.
I said...let's go back.
all the way back. Way back. Back into time...
To give me a leg up. So I could understand. Just what the fukk was going on in this vampire movie. Especially this new nosferatu movie. As one,... I never saw the Keanu flop versions from the nineties. Or any other remake version made after the original. As this new version lacks such clarity.
Where the new version gets lost in Eggers night time slash meets misty scenes. When his other movies brilliantly navigated, what could have been a lack of clarity. When those films had a thin small line. between being clear. To just a severe lack of clarity.
Where i have to say. It was getting too late. Before i turned it off. So that spooky shyt not running while i was sleep.
All I have to say. Is that the little I started with. Is vastly superior to what i could gather from this new Eggers version. The older version everything is superior. Especially given how old the material is. The score is top tier all time great. That was the first thing. That caught me as having this wow factor. The next thing that caught me about the older version. Is it maybe a silent movie. Yet, in that...the og sets up with superiority.
a story. The other film with new technology.
just can not seem to match. As well as the simplicity of story. As well as illustrating incredible clarity.
in a silent movie.
From what I have seen. If I was a Hollywood exec. I would never have green lit this remake. As it is obvious. It is kinda. A Pipe dream to think you could remake this film.
From what I saw. They need to make a new vampire.
As I do not believe. From what I saw. That Hollywood is capable of remaking this at all.
Like I only made it to the point. Where they establish just what happens to kick this off. Yet in that. The older version establishes everything the new one lacks clarity in getting across on film. With hordes of tech. Incomparison to a movie.
from before the slaves were free I believe. Hollywood needs to just leave this film alone.
As this new version is like some young kid went in the attic. Then found their older relatives heman and gi Joe. Then tries to act like. they know wtf .
those older attic based toys are.
Hollywood needs to leave this alone. From what I saw of the original. I doubt Hollywood could recreate this film. That is how good I found the og to be. For the short time I watched it last night before bed.
Art Barr
Oh and the score to the original.
Is cold as hell.
Like overly dope.
Highly recommended.
I may have to own.
some copy of this score on vinyl just because.
As the score is that dope.
You have now seen Nosferatu the origianl. I would suggest watching Bella Lugosi's Dracula and the Christopher Lee Hammer Films Dracula from 58